BJ Birdy
Appreciation Page

The Former Mascot of Baseball's Toronto Blue Jays

It was way back in 1979 when BJ Birdy made his debut at the Ex. His baseball card says that he was "hatched" on August 31st, 1979. He remained a favourite at games until he was "realeased" by the organiztion in December of 1999.

For twenty years, Kevin Shanahan played the fairest fowl. Shanahan is a costume designer and was responsible for creating BJ. He also created Scully, the Argonaut's mascot who was played by Russ Horner.

Some would say that BJ Birdy looked a bit like his ubiquitous avian kin- the seagulls that forever scavanged the right field bleachers. There are some who would say that BJ Birdy owed a large part of his looks to his more famous predecessor, the San Diego Chicken, [Click here to compare BJ and the Chicken] and there is no denying that all mascots owe a debt to that particular poultry. In truth though, he looked most like his brothers and sisters who ran amuck at Ontario Place in the years preceding BJ's first appearance. There was a beaver, and a moose (I think), maybe a raccoon, and a couple of other animals that were suppose to have a certain Canadian flavour. Their costumes were all done in a similar, stylized manner, and BJ's costume strongly mimicked their recognizable look. However, the Ontario Place crew were done in odd, primary colours. A blue jay could only be blue, naturally, so BJ was always a "blue jay, proper." Those other animals have long since vanished and have been forgotten, but BJ would continue to cheer until practically the turn of the millennium.

BJ's costume went through several refinments. At first he had a mouth the size of H.R. Puffnstuff's, but his beak later became narrower and more bird-like. His sleepy looks became more alert, and to judge by his eyes, one would think that that caffeine levels of his birdseed were slowly increasing over the years.

BJ's 1991 baseball card says that he is 6'8" tall (which would be 2.03 meters) and weighs 200 pounds (about 90 kg). I am ready to believe that he was actualy 6'8" tall in his big, black, bare feet, but I have a feeling that 200 pounds is a bit of an underestimate. Maybe that was the weight of the costume itself. Only Kevin Shanahan knows for sure, but I'll bet he felt every pound of that dark blue material on the hot summer days he had to wear it.

I find it truely sad that the organization cut BJ from the roster without even giving him a chance to say goodbye. According to an article in the Toronto Star, marketing vice-president Terry Zuk simply told Shanahan that BJs services were no longer wanted and that his contract would not be renewed. The news came as a surprise to Shanahan. "It was bye-bye Birdy before the last homestand," he was quoted as saying. "I would have liked to have had a fan appreciation day so I could say goodbye to the fans, but that's the way it goes. It's like throwing out an old pair of socks. Baseball is a cruel sport." Cruel indeed.

The "organization" has done "extensive marketing research" to design his replacements. How cold. The new mascots have been introduced as Ace and Diamond, a boy and a girl. I do not wish the new birds any ill will, but however good they are, BJ will always remain in the hearts of those of us who remember him. (My personal opinion is that one looks like a punk; the other, like a tramp.)

What's next for BJ? I have not heard, but I hope he doesn't migrate away from us, never to be seen again. He probably could retire to the vicinity of Dunedin. I imagine he has friends of both the human and avian types among the snowbirds who have retired there. But if he goes anywhere, I think the best place for him to retire would be in a small town in upstate New York- Cooperstown. There must be a warm spot for him in those hallowed museum halls.

I guess BJ should already feel honoured, in an ironic way. Since he is now an ex-Blue Jay, just think of the greats that he can be counted with. Toronto fans are used to losing their favourite talents. But if the Former-Blue-Jay-All-Star team meets to play, he can ride through the field of dreams on his ATV and pop a few more wheelies for us.


Robbie Owen and the "Rance Mulliniks Fan Club" held a "Diamond and Ace Strike" on August 19 at SkyDome. The above sign reading, "Bring Back BJ Birdie" shows the sentiments of these die-hard fans. The gang showed up complete with their own costumed alternative to the current mascots (not BJ, exactly, but a character with heart). The Jays lost the game to the Texas Rangers, but it appeared that the RMFC was having a good time anyway. Click on the picture above for a bigger view of the scene that day.

Editorial: BJ made it into the official anniversary video clips shown on the JumboTron and at the CNE Fanfest. He deserved that clip. Why not more? On August 19th (the same day that the RMFC was rallying in the 500 section), the Jays organization was quick to point out that Dave Stieb, Kelly Gruber, Jesse Barfield and George Bell were on hand for "Alumni Week" events. Would it have been too much to bring BJ back for the 25th season's festivities?


1. 2. 3. 4.

5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Click on the thumbnails for larger pics.

1. A picture from our family's album. I'm not sure, but that might be my head (or my brother's) in the foreground.
2. A bow from atop the dugout, 1982.
3. "OK (OK) BLUE JAYS (Blue Jays) LETS (Lets) PLAY (Play) BALL!"- 1983.
4. A picture from a baseball card, 1991.
5. Toronto's favourites: BJ with Carlton the Bear (of the Toronto Maple Leafs) and the Raptor (of the Toronto Raptors).
6. A card from Upper Deck's 1993 Mascot Madness series. The picture on the right is a hologram.
7. A cartoon BJ and Domer the Skydome Turtle in an anti-drug message.
8. BJ Birdy merchandise- Stuffed BJ, BJ ball cap, and "I Love Baseball" mug. They're not for sale, so don't ask ;-)
9. BJ and friends.

For pics of other mascots, see the links at The Mascot Spot.

Do you have any memories or pictures of BJ Birdy to share? If so, e-mail them to:

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This page is a fan appreciation page. It is not affiliated with the BJ Birdy, the Toronto Blue Jays, or Major League Baseball. All opinions expressed are my own, and do not necessarily reflect those of any other person or organization. No money is being made from this site.