The Iroquois made their clothes from deerskin. The main clothing for men were leggings, which were seamed up the front. Fancy stitches, like embroidery, were on the seams of the leggings. In cold weather the men wore fringe edged tunics as shirts. When the weather was warm they, usually, wore just leggings and an article called a “breechclout”. Breechclout was a piece of fabric that passed between the legs. Sometimes the men wore a cap with one or two feathers standing straight up. The women wore deerskin skirts and leggings. Their skirts fell below their knees. When the weather was cold they would add a loose cape-like blouse with deep fringes along the edges.
On special occasions, both, men and women wore bracelets and necklaces made from tiny beads. Beads were also used to make earrings. Animal teeth were hung as pendants on thongs, and segments of bones were strung into necklaces.
The women wore their hair long, while the Iroquois men, especially the warriors, shaved their hair leaving a strip down the middle from the forehead to the scalp.
The Iroquois were impressed by the European traders’ outfits. They soon abandoned their animal hides for woolen clothes.
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