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She wanted to become empress of the world... Ptomely XII Auletes died in 51 BC leaving the power in the hands of his two oldest children: Cleopatra VII (18 years old) and Ptolemy XIII (10 years old). Egypt had lost the grip with its glorious past. Pharaohs passed, time passed and Egypt's power was slowly fading away. Alexandria, capital of Egypt was one of the most important city in the world but how long will it remain like this ? The importance of Rome was growing. Egypt seemed to come to an end until... Cleopatra gave a last blast of hope to her country. |
Following the Egyptian tradition, Cleopatra got married with her own brother. At the age of 18, she became ruler of Upper and Lower Egypt. A very heavy destiny for this promising young queen. Descendant of the Greek culture, she inherited the Greek knowledge and the ancient Egyptian culture. She had knowledge in literature, mathematics, astronomy, medicine,... She could even ride a horse. All that knowledge wouldn't have been useful if she wasn't talented for languages. She could speak several languages and didn't need any translators. She was also the first Ptolemy to speak the Egyptian language. And above these talents, she had a great sense of humour. The ideal woman, isn't she ? Lots of stories were written about Cleopatra's beauty and charisma, she was a kind of sorceress who could easily have won your heart. Pascal said:"if Cleopatra's nose had been shorter, it would have change the face of the world". It doesn't only mean that she had legendary big nose, she was also very ambitious. Politically, she ruled with the help of her Prime Minister (Dioiketes) and she kept an eye on Greek governors who were in control of other parts of the country. She had to cope with a delicate situation because Egypt had become a bureaucratic land shaken with riots (50 BC) and the Egyptian money was suffering from severe devaluation. She had to face the jealousy of her sister Arsinoë who also wanted to rule. Her three councillors (Photinos, Achillas, Theodotus) also wanted to take the power, they tried to influence Cleopatra's young brother Ptolemy XIII who also had the right to rule. Cleopatra showed directly she was talented, she installed new laws, she devaluated the money by one third for the exportations. She installed new religious laws in favour of her folk. She was also busy trying to solve the international conflicts, mainly with Rome... |
The story of her life and a new birth for Egypt Cleopatra becomes Queen of Egypt at the age of 18 (51 BC) She rapidly tries to solve the existing conflict with the Roman Empire. Two sons of the Roman consul had been murdered in Alexandria one year ago. To show her goodwill, Cleopatra hands over the presumed murderers to Pompejus, one of the two powerful Roman leader who is trying to get to power of the Roman Empire. His opponent is Julius Caesar. The rumours says that Cleopatra has a relation with Pompejus' youngest son, Gnaeius. Cleopatra also offers Egyptian soldiers to Pompejus. All the sympathy that Cleopatra had showed so far for the Roman Empire became the subject of discussions in Alexandria. This support to the Romans wasn't really appreciated, Cleopatra's enemies are plotting and manage to thrown her away from the throne. She has to leave the town. Her brother takes the power with the help of his Councillors who helped him to plot against Cleopatra.. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Cleopatra wasn't the kind of Queen to let such an offence unpunished. She decides to gather some troops (mercenaries) to reconquer her own country. She is about to fight with her brother's army when something unexpected happens. Pompejus looses a battle in Greece and seeks refuge in Egypt. The councillors of the pharaoh decide to kill Pompejus and to offer his head to Caesar himself (who would become consul of Rome if Pompejus dies). They think they can get Caesar's goodwill like this Caesar becomes consul of Rome Caesar is now consul of Rome thanks to the help of the Egyptians. He decides to come in Alexandria with his troops (4000 men). The Roman presence in Alexandria causes some problems, the population are angry and begin to revolt. To calm them down, Caesar promises to solve the problem between Cleopatra and her brother and he invites Cleopatra to come back. That's a good solution for Cleopatra but she refuses to enter the city because her brother's spies would kill her. So she decides to enter the city hidden in a carpet. She is brought to Caesar that way. Caesar is immediately charmed. Ptolemy XIII soon realises what's going on between Caesar and Cleopatra, he becomes furious and decides to go away. Cleopatra is again proclaimed Queen of Egypt by Caesar but he knew that Cleopatra's brother would try to organise a revolt so in order to calm Cleopatra's brother, Caesar gives him the island of Crete. Alexandria had also bewitched the Roman leader who decides to stay there to learn philosophy and sciences... Another good reason to stay is Cleopatra, Caesar is now her protector. Ptolemy XIII still lives in Alexandria but still wants the power. In October 48, with the help of foreign troops (20 000 men !), Ptolemy XIII and his councillors try to conquer Alexandria. They try to take the haven, the Egyptian ships first. To block their attack, Caesar decides to burn the ships but unfortunately also a part of the city begins to burn... The legendary Great Library of Alexandria also burns during the battle, that's a great loss for humanity, even Caesar is ashamed of it. After a perilous battle, Caesar becomes master of Egypt. Ptomely XIII wasn't a good leader at all, he died during a battle. Caesar lets three Roman legions in Alexandria to protect Cleopatra. Then the Egyptian Queen and the Roman consul decide to go for a cruise on the Nile river, is it for political reasons or is it a romantic cruise ? The answer becomes evident in the beginning of 47BC, Cleopatra is pregnant. June, 23rd 47 BC, Cleopatra has a baby; Caesarion. Caesar had already an adopted child, Octavianus. the Egyptians rapidly accepted Caesarion as Amon-Re's child. Cleopatra is now the one and only ruler of Egypt and she's also protected by the powerful Roman Empire. She thinks her country is now safe and secured and she decides to go to Rome with Caesar. The Romans are a bit anxious about that, they think Caesar is now Cleopatra's slave. They don't like the eastern way of life, especially the aristocracy. Anyway, Caesar is now very popular, he has incredibly extended the Roman empire. Between 46 and 44, Caesar's influence keeps growing. In February 44, he proclaims himself 'eternal dictator'. The rumours are now running around, Caesar wants to become king of the Roman Empire with Cleopatra as a Queen. The aristocracy doesn't want a king at the head of the Roman empire, they plan to murder Caesar. If Caesar dies, Caesarion would become the ruler of the Roman Empire AND the Egyptian kingdom but this will only be possible if the Roman senate accepts Caesar's testament. During a reunion at the senate, Caesar is killed. Rome enters in a crisis period, Octavianus and Antony are the logic successors of Caesar because Caesar got murdered before he managed to impose Caesarion as his legitimate son. A new battle for Rome rages The murder The Roman aristocracy couldn't bear anymore Caesar's way of life, they couldn't bear this Eastern luxury, they couldn't bear the presence of the beautiful and influent Cleopatra. March, 15th 44bc; Caesar is murdered in the Senate. Caesar had always been in favour of the lower class people, he had built arenas and other place of entertainment for Roman citizens. His murder brings the whole country in uproar. Octavianus, his adopted child, is now in state to rule because the senate reject Caesarion (3 years old) as Caesar's successor. The battle for the control of Rome begins between Antony, supporter of Caesar, and Octavianus, adopted child of Caesar. Cleopatra has now lost her protector, she fears for her life and decides to return to Egypt. Before leaving, she meets Antony who promises her to protect her. Antony had already met Cleopatra before and was fallen in love with her. He also promised her to make Caesar's testament legal in order to bequeath the Roman Empire to Caesarion and Cleopatra. Antony wants Cleopatra to stay but she refuses. In Egypt, the absence of the queen had caused a lot of harm. The Roman Empire is now broken in two parts, the old-partisans of Caesar and the republicans (those who ordered Caesar's death). The republicans are nearing Egypt, they are pursued by Caesar's partisans. Cleopatra doesn't want to give her help to anyone of the struggling armies. There are still Roman troops in Alexandria, those who were supposed to protect Cleopatra, so she doesn't want to have some troubles with them if she chooses to help the republicans or Caesar's partisans. |
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The Agreement Octavianus, Antony and Lepidus come to an agreement which divides the Roman Empire in 3 parts. It's the second time such an agreement takes place in the Roman Empire. Antony is now the master of the Eastern part of the Empire, he rapidly defeats the republicans opposed to Cleopatra. In order to strengthen his power in the East, Antony travels from one province to another and restore the peace that was broken by republicans. Antony is slowly nearing Egypt. He wants to meet Cleopatra. He would like to be her ally because Egypt is still a powerful and rich nation. Cleopatra doesn't trust him, she refuses to meet him outside Egypt but she realises that Antony is getting more and more power in the East. She has to find a solution. She finally accepts to meet Antony outside Egypt but the meeting will take place on her Egyptian ship, which is considered to be a part of the Egyptian territory. This way, the meeting will take place on Egyptian grounds. |
The ship is wonderful, richly decorated. It perfectly reflects Cleopatra's luxurious way of life. The meeting lasts four entires days. In 41, Antony comes to Egypt. He rapidly gets used to Egyptian customs: partying, eating, drinking, ... He is always with Cleopatra, they are inseparable. Cleopatra enjoys Antony's presence but she doesn't forget that she has to keep an eye on the kingdoms that surround Egypt. In 40, Antony is obliged to leave Egypt because a part of his territory had been conquered by Parthes. 6 months later, Cleopatra gives birth to twins: Cleopatra Selene (= moon) and Alexander Helios (son). A forced deal Antony was already married before going to Egypt. His wife had called him back. Antony was in a difficult situation, he had to be careful for Octavianus and Lepidus and he wanted to remain Cleopatra's ally. In order to strengthen officially his power, he has to make an agreement with Octavianus and Lepidus. but ... he's also oblige to marry Octavianus' sister. The struggle for the Roman Empire is now over, Antony gets the East, Octavianus gets the West and Lepidus gets Africa. Antony and Octavia (Octavianus' sister) get married and have a child together. Cleopatra is very angry and not only because of Antony's marriage. Her nearest enemies are now Roman allies so he has got very good reason to feel insecure. Antony wins two battles in the East but struggles again with Octavianus. An new agreement between Octavianus, Antony and Lepidus is made in 37 to avoid a new war between Roman leaders. Everything seems to be all right now except that Antony's heart is still beating for Cleopatra. Antony leaves his wife (who had three kids) to go to Antioch. He wants to meet Cleopatra again. Cleopatra is still angry, she wants more territory for what Antony has done to her. Antony accepts to give her some territory, less than expected. Cleopatra is victorious, she has again proven she was an influential queen. She also seems to be again in love with Antony because she gives birth to a boy: Ptolemaeus Filadelfos. Cleopatra seems to be happy though Antony is loosing some important battles. Cleopatra uses her diplomatic talents to make agreements with neighbouring powers, she wants to keep the peace in Egypt. Egypt's power at its peak Octavianus is still very ambitious, he has taken Lepidus' territory: Africa. He is now a direct threat for Egypt. Cleopatra is worried about that and cries, she tries to persuade Antony to stay in Egypt to protect her. She uses all what she has to convince Antony to stay in Egypt and ... she succeeds. Antony's decision to stay in Egypt has an important consequence, he refuses to meet his wife Octavia and this causes a break between them. Caesarion is now 13 years old, Cleopatra Selene and Alexander Helios are 7 while Ptolemaeus is 2. Cleopatra wants to secure her children's future. She wants some more territory which would be given to her children later on. Antony is ready to give what she wants, as her children are too young to rule, she takes the whole gifts for herself. It's a turning back to the Great Egypt of the early Ptolemy times. Octavianus can't bear such a power extent of Cleopatra and begins a propaganda war against her in Rome. There are rumours in Rome, Antony wouldn't be anymore a Roman. He is now considered as under Cleopatra's influence. Antony wants to avoid a global conflict but he fears for his life while he's in Rome, so he decides to leave permanently Rome. Cleopatra's army becomes bigger and bigger. Some of Antony's old friends don't like this extension of Cleopatra's power. They decide to go back to Rome, they know what's in Antony's testament: he wants to be buried in Alexandria, not in Rome. That little detail is an enough to declare war to Antony and Cleopatra. For the Romans, it means that Antony is not any longer a Roman. Antony is officially dismissed, the war is declared. Octavianus begins to gather all his forces: 70000 men and 12000 riders. Cleopatra has got a bigger army with Antony at its head: 100000 men and 12000 riders, 500 warships. The battle is about to take place in Actium (Greece)... Actium Octavianus and Antony (accompanied by Cleopatra) are heading for Actium. This battle is the decisive battle as all troops from each belligerents are involved. The Egyptian superiority was very obvious but they had some difficulties to supply food to all this men because Roman troops encircled Antony's ships. Supply ships were also too slow and had to be burned to go faster. A second problems occurs, Dellius (one of Antony's friends) runs away with the battle plans. Antony selects his best ships and decides to attack with a less ships. He stills have 240 ships, Octavianus has 400 ships. After four days of storm, the final battle takes place in Actium. The result is already known, Cleopatra knows it too and sails away. Antony who sees Cleopatra sailing away decides to abandon his army to flee with his lover. This brings disorganisation in the Egyptian army, the Romans have now the victory in their hands. The sea is now covered with destroyed Egyptian ships, dead floating, ... The Romans are victorious. Antony and Cleopatra are back in Egypt. The ground troops had surrendered in Actium, the Egyptian kingdom was weakened. Antony tries to gather some new troops but he doesn't succeed, he still bears the responsibility for the defeat in Actium, he wants to commit suicide. Antony's friends dissuade him from committing suicide. Cleopatra tries to make Antony happy again with big parties. She knows that the Roman troops will soon be in Alexandria, she doesn't want to be Octavianus' slave. She wants to hide her treasures far from the Mediterranean Sea but her ships are intercepted by Arabian ships (under the Octavianus' influence). Now, Cleopatra has no other solution than waiting for Octavianus. Octavianus gets closer and closer, Egypt is nearly encircled. Cleopatra wants to find an pacific agreement, Antony would accept to become an citizen of Egypt or Greece without any important function. Antony is ready to give his life to save Cleopatra. Octavianus is not very interested, he wants Cleopatra to be his 'slave'. He wants her to give her sceptre in sign of submission. Cleopatra doesn't want to be Octavianus' slave though she knows that there is no other solution to stay alive. Apparently, she prefers to die instead of being dishonoured. She orders the building of her mausoleum, a big squared tower with two windows. She'll puts all her treasures in it and makes it burn in case the Romans want to steal her treasures. Summer 30 BC, a first confrontation between Antony and Octavianus takes place, Antony wants a man-to-man fight but Octavianus refuses. A great part of Antony's troops is also surrendering, the rumours say that Antony who was compared to Dyonisos has lost his protector God. |
Antony's generals tells him that Cleopatra has died in her mausoleum. Antony's last hopes are now gone, he draws his sword and commits suicide. Antony is dying, he's bleeding when Cleopatra's secretary arrives. She is in her mausoleum and is still alive! Antony, nearly dead, wants to see her a last time and with help he manages to reach Cleopatra's mausoleum. Cleopatra puts him directly on a bed, tears her clothes to cover him. Cleopatra hits her breast with a knife, a sign of respect ? Antony just wanted to see his love before dying ... | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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The end of a dream Octavianus is now in Alexandria, he still wants to capture Cleopatra alive. He also fears that she would let her mausoleum burn into flames to avoid her treasury to be stolen. He wants her alive to take her to Rome, to show his superiority and his victory. Cleopatra stays in her mausoleum, Octavianus sends a man who manages to enter the mausoleum and capture Cleopatra. The mausoleum is now Cleopatra's prison, it's a safe place to hold her captive until the long way back to Rome begins. Cleopatra's children are also captured except Caesarion who fled to the south. She really wants to die but she has no weapon to kill herself. She begins a hunger strike, she rapidly weakens but Octavianus threatens her: if she dies, her children will be killed. She accepts to eat again but she's still weak. She shows repentance, she offers jewels to Octavianus and she even tries to seduce him. Octavianus is now persuaded that she wants to stay alive. The departure for Rome is in three days, just enough for Cleopatra to prepare her suicide. She asks her servants Iras and Charmion to bring her a snake in a fruit basket. Meanwhile she writes a letter to Octavianus asking him to be put next to Antony after her death. When Antony receives the letter, it's too late, Cleopatra is found dead with her two servants. She has made it, the 39 years old glorious queen had once again won ... It seems that nothing could stop her, not even death. After Cleopatra's death Octavianus becomes master of Egypt, his private garden. Cleopatra couldn't seduce him but Egypt did it. Cleopatra's children were sent to Rome except Caesarion who was killed on his way back to Egypt. Cleopatra Selene married King Juba II and her brothers Alexander and Ptolemaeus disappeared in strange circumstances. Octavianus plundered Cleopatra's possessions and Egypt's treasuries. My hypothese How would the world look like if Antony had won in Actium ? What would have happened if Caesar hadn't been killed ? As our society is mainly based on Roman standards, it would certainly have been completely different if the Egyptian kingdom ruled. There are thousands of questions about the clash between those two power which will remained unanswered. As the time goes by, the stone witnesses of that glorious past are still standing to show us who we were ... and who we could have been... |
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Several stories were written about Cleopatra and her way of life, movies were also made about her. Cleopatra by J.L. Mankiewiczs (1963) is one of the best movies ever made about Cleopatra's life. The mythic couple Cleopatra-Antony is played by Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton who also were a mythic couple in real life. Elizabeth Taylor is really a beautiful and convincing Cleopatra, she made me want to go to Egypt and write these pages ... You can buy this film on-line, click here for more info |
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Title: Cleopatra Click here for more information about price and delivery |
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