This site is dedicated to Ancient
Egypt. After a long period of inactivy, the Egyptian Dre@m is back with new
subjects, a new navigation system and much more...
Any ideas of improvement are welcome
as it is the only way for me to adapt texts, graphics and subjects to my visitors'
wishes. I know that there are sites containing much more information than
this site but I try to keep the amount of subjects limited and the choice
of those subjects is based on the general "atmosphere" of this site.
Pyramids: more
than 80 pyramids have been discovered so far. What were those huge buildings
made for ? How were they built ?
Pharos: the mythical lighthouse of Alexandria
collapsed during the 14th century after several earthquakes.
the Greek necropolis met the modern Alexandria
in 98 after 18 centuries of disappearance.
the Egyptians had built huge fortresses that
were much bigger than the European fortresses from the Middle-Ages.
VII: she wanted to become empress of
the world and she almost achieved it. She was the last pharaoh.
Napoleon: the
ambitious French emperor led a disastrous military campaign in Egypt but gave
a new birth to egyptology.
III: after Hatshepsut's peaceful reign,
Thutmose incredibly extended Egypt's borders and became the greatest Egyptian
conqueror ever.
he discovered the meaning of the Egyptian hieroglyphs.
After his discovery, Egypt became an open book for archaeologists.
the ancient Egyptians had an elaborated religious
system which influenced each aspects of their everyday life.
Egyptians weren't obsessed by death, they were
obsessed by life. Death was an open door to a new life.
Women had a very important position in the Egyptian
society: role, family, sex, politics and religion.
a new generation of archaeologists say that
Egyptians have inherited some knowledge from a vanished civilization.
Oasis: a forgotten place in the desert that
used to be one of the two oracles of the ancient world.
gallery: more than 80 high-quality pictures
(page not ready)
a list of books about Egypt at very low prices
a list of classified links, you can add your
link for free. (page not ready)
Guest book:
give me your impressions
mail me at egyptian_dream@softhome.net