IMPORTANT NOTICE! This is the old site of FECPP which will not be updated after 31 August 1999. To see the new site, please click the ladies below. Remember to update your bookmarks!
Polygamy, more correctly called polygyny, patriarchal or plural marriage (in which two or more women are married to one man) was, together with monogamy, a normal practice in the European Christian Church until 600 A.D. when the Catholic Emperor, Justinian, outlawed, suppressed and persecuted it. Not until the late 20th century did patriarchal Christians begin to come out of hiding and once more begin living this time-honoured and biblical marriage estate.
This is the first practical Christian polygamy website in Europe. Others are to be found in north America, Asia and Australia, though there is a purely doctrinal site to be found in Great Britain.
The continental European authors of this site have been living this principle now for over ten years and feel strongly moved by the Spirit to make this principle more widely known as we enter the end of the pre-millennial Church Age and await the full establishment of the millennial theocracy that will accompany the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ -- a theocracy where, according to the Bible, polygamy will feature strongly amongst all the survivors of the end-time holocaust called the Tribulation (Isaiah 4:1).
The purpose of this page is to sensitise men and women within the Body of Christ who feel strongly called to live and exemplify this principle according to the rules laid down by God in the Bible to gather for its practical implementation.
The first stable Christian polygamous community was established in Europe in 1991, which to our knowledge is older than any of the others extant in the West, and therefore has considerable experience. We wish to share that experience on this page.
The authors of these pages all belong to a Christian Community called the Chavurah Bekorot which translated from the Hebrew means, Assembly of the Firsborn, the "firstborn" being one of the names of the Lord Jesus Christ (Hebrews 12:23).
The Chavurah Bekorot is evangelical Christian, meaning that it accepts and implements the Bible in its totality. It is also a contemporary prophetic community. Its members are polygamous, monogamous and single.
Questions about Christian Patriarchal Marriage (CPM) and this site are welcome and we will do our best to answer them as fully as possible. There are only two constraints that we shall require of our enquirers:
That proper decorum and good manners be observed. We reserve the right to ignore mud-slingers, those who come with railing accusation or in a spirit of bitterness, malice, or simply out of salacious curiosity; and
We reserve the right to preserve the anonymity of friends and acquaintances who practice this principle for the sake of the peace of their family life. Unless they have specifically requested otherwise, we will maintain the confidentiality of both those practicing PCM and any enquirers. Most names and places appearing on this page will therefore be pseudonyms. This is particularly important for those in western countries where the living of PCM is unfortunately still technically a criminal offense. We make no apology for this policy and will ignore demands made by members of the public to admit or deny that anyone writing for this page is involved with the practice of CPM on the grounds of privacy and personal safety. We furthermore reserve the right to publish the names and e-mail addresses of malicious parties with samples of their diatribe who, because they are unable to refute the clear biblical teaching on CPM, resort instead to invective and hysterical threats of apocalyptic destruction to its practicioners and promoters. We shall, furthermore, expect to exercise the right to ask the motives of those making enquiry at this site before responding to questions. Those who wish their requests to be treated in confidentiality will have those requests honoured.
The Patriarchal Christianity Page is a service maintained by the Chavurah Bekorot, an evangelical Christian patriarchal community dedicated to the pursuit of holiness, and to prepare for the anarchistic times ahead and the Millennial Theocracy that will follow them.
Stanislaw Królewiec
Lublin, Poland
Webmaster, First European Christian Polygamy Page
You are visitor number since 3 November 1998
First created on 21 March 1998 Last updated on 11 May 1999
Copyright ©1998, 1999 Chavurah Bekorot, Sofia, Bulgaria