Sick and Tired
Of  Companies or Organizations that really Deserve the motto..

Now you can Bitch & Warn others about  poor service or rip off practices, Enter your Bitch at the Bottom of this page, and I will Post it to the
"Bitches On File Page"
as soon as possible...(I usually update on weekends)

Eventually, This page will be listed with every major Search Engine, and every time someone searches for the company or object of your complaint, There will be a direct hyperlink to our bitch file page......

Also just to be fair.,
 Always talk to the Company or Organization Representative about your complaint "FIRST."
If things are not adjusted to your satisfaction or your complaint is totally ignored, THEN post your bitch or complaint for the whole world to see.. If YOU or your COMPANY is the target of a bitch or complaint feel free to post a rebuttal (don't forget to identify the original complaint) and I will append it to the original complaint. 

If you leave a serious complaint, but you don't  leave your email address, it's not likely your complaint will ever be taken seriously, and I will  remove it with the first rebuttal.  Also, if  it is verified that your email address is not legit, (You just like to bitch and complain while hiding your identity)
Your complaint will be removed.

~ Unless of course, there is a good logical reason to hide your identity ~

The JUST STUFF Website is acting as a sounding board only.. 
We MAY NOT agree with any complaint we post on this system.. But, we do have the right complain.
Click here to return to The Just Stuff Home Page

Ya... Whats Yer Bitch??

Hi, what's your Name >

E-Mail Address >

Have a look at the Bitches on File First !