Homeschooling Links

Hoagies' Gifted Education Page Carolyn K. has one of the best gifted websites full of insight and humor.  Her e-mail address
Gifted Definitions GT World is an on-line support community for parents of gifted and talented children.
TAGFAM For families of the talented and gifted, good information and link pages.  There are five e-mail list.
Valorie J. King at 
Gifted, LD, and Homeschool Resources Diane Scanlon, who is homeschooling a gifted child, has an interesting page with her personal view points and some good links.  There is also an interesting article on testing gifted children, by Dr. Linda Silverman and Kathi Kearney.

Texas Homeschooling in General
Texas Homeschool laws Homeschools in Texas are recognized as legitimate private schools in Texas.  There are no teacher certifications required and no standardized testing required.

Homeschooling Pages
Jon's Homeschool Resource Page A page with Frequently asked questions, links to US Homeschooling support groups by region, and more.  Use the Table of Contents for easy navigation.
Kaleidscapes For Kids and Home Education Enthusiasts!
(Especially eclectic and self-directed learning advocates)  Discussion Boards and More! 

Homeschooling Link Pages
A to Z Home's Cool Good links here, including Texas homeschooling links.  It has enough to keep one surfing for long time. Used to be The Mining Company

Homeschooling e-mail lists
Austin Area Homeschoolers An inclusive group of homeschoolers in the Austin, Texas area.
Taffie TAFFIE (Texas Advocates for Freedom in
The TAFFIE mailing list is for anyone interested in topics related to home schooling in Texas.

Educational Link Pages

     One way to control the costs of homeschooling is by using the Internet.  With a little looking, children and parents can have access to some of the most up to date information from some of the best experts in their field.  How many textbooks can deliver that?  By using the Internet and the public library one can save money on curriculum that then can be spent on field trips.
A few places to start.
IBM's K-12 A very well organized and easy to navigate site with links to some pretty interesting sites in many categories.  A good place to start.
Kids Web The Digital Library which contains information targeted at the K-12 level, including the art, sciences, social studies and miscellaneous.

Smithsonian On-line Magazine For a fun day of Internet surfing.  Try doing a web search on the word Smithsonian, visit the different museums, have a ball.

I hate broken links!  Please contact me if any of these links don't work.
