check the star ranking of usefullness at each link

1. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations: a good site for factfiles, photos, and documents concerning
the international agreements and conditions in all countries. Also a good source of fishery and aquaculture statistical
data for all the world. Rate

2. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development: a good site for country profiles and documents concerning
the environmental conservation and analysis. Rate:

3. sites concerning documents on irrigation. Rate:

4. site for downloading the EpiMap GIS software (Courtesy of UN). Rate

5. site for downloading the EpiInfo suite software (Courtesy of UN). Rate

6. site for the statistical analysis of diseases and epidemics (Courtesy of UN).  Rate:

7. National Technical University of Athens, Greece: a nice site with mirror of most major software sites. Also weather
    reports of Greece and other interesting technical issues Rate

8. a perfect site for downloading or viewing data on an exhaustive
    list of pesticides. Rate

9. The European Commission Home Page with links to the Directorate General. Very important site for new projects
    and announcements. Especially the Directorate General XIV-Fisheries. Also check the CORDIS Home Page for
    calls and tenders. Rate

10. International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources, Manila, Philippines: a good site for purchasing software on
      population dynamics, fisheries management, aquaculture, business etc. Rate

11. The Aquaculture Health Page: a nice site like ours. Rate

12. the site of the Journal of Fish Biology. Rate

13. the site of Academic Press. Check for abstracts and other free info (if any!). Rate

14. a vast amount of freeware, shareware and demos to download. Some scientific software
      too. Rate

15. a vast amount of freeware, shareware and demos to download. Some scientific software
      too from this Ziff-Davies site. Rate

16. The CIA Factbook 1998: a site for free country reports for everybody that works in international consultancy.

17. National Centre for Marine Research: my own Institute. Check to see us, if you like... Rate

18. POND 4.0 software for pond aquaculture management. Exceptional Rate

19. For GIS and digital terrain modelling, use these data. Exceptional Rate

20. If you like to sneak into books and libraries, is for you. All FAO books (you know the green
      Fishh. Tech. papers and others) that are in electronic format, can be found here. You need a software that can
      reconstruct the website format on your hard drive as Offline Commander or similar. Rate

21. The European Aquaculture Society and the Aquaflow project can be found here. At the address you can
      find information on the service sof the European Aquaculture Society and ythe aquaculturue and research inmdustry while at
      the address you may find information about the Aquaflow network which was funded by the EU as well as
      a database with technical details and leaflets dealing with aquaculture health topics.  Rate
      For more info you may contact: E.A.S., Slijkensesteenweg 4, B-8400 Oostende, Belgium
      Tel. 0032-59-321404; Fax: 003-59-321005

If in any circumstance, you find that any of the above links is not working, please send me
an e-mail here and I will try to find it for you (if it still exists). Thank you for your co-operation.

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by Dr Alexis J. Conides
under the courtesy of GeoCities

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