Welcome to Pasadena, Maryland

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Dale Jarrett has a new look and a new sponsor. Click on the picture to find out what's up with DJ.

This is the NEW Baltimore Ravens Web Site. Check it out.

Check this out! Here I am.
This picture was taken on the Appalachian Trail. Jeremys Run to be exact. And the picture below is the crew that went on the weekend hike. This is the end of the trail. Believe me, we look better than we feel. LOL
To see more pictures of our excursion click on the link below.
Jeremys Run

I have posted several picture pages. They are eating up free space but who cares. If you would like to see them just click the links below and go.
October Fest 2001
Pyles trip W.V.

This was me on Thanksgiving Day 1998!
But I'm not dead yet!
Thanks to the Wizard for this graphic. Please visit his WebSite.
Just click on my GraveSite!

Stop by often and check it out to see what is new here in Pasadena, Maryland. Not sure if the frog is endangered but I thought he was CUTE!

If you have any questions or requests please feel free to drop me an e-mail. If you need to know where something is, directions, or if you just want to shoot the �o! Just drop me a line.

I am a member of AFSCME "American Federation of State County and Municipal Employees" Local 582. Yes I work for the local Government! AFSCME Council 67 has a link of the WWW. Click below to meet some of the people that I come into contact with. There is a wealth of information on these sites for working people. Not only Unionized but the working men and women of this country and beyond.

UNION NET is the Unionized Internet Service Provider dedicated to the needs of union members and their families. They have designed a system to provide members with affordable payroll deducted computer sales, services, and access to Internet. UNION NET will be working with union leaders to provide current online information about legislative activity, grievance hearings, online newsletters, activity schedules, union benefits and more. Union Net's Web Design and Web Hosting is specifically designed for union organizations.

If you are interested in local or National issues that affect working class people, not only unionized but anyone that works for a living. This is an interesting site. You can visit this site by clicking the UNION NET link below.
Here is some information that I picked up. Let me know if you have a problem reading it and I will try to fix it. Just click the link below.
"10" Myths About Social Security

I'm available online through "AIM" and "ICQ" or by e-mail at the bottom of this page.

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I'm available for information on HotSpots or where to go for a good inexpensive dinner or general information for Anne Arundel County and surrounding areas. Including just about anything in this good state of Maryland.

This is what my daughter says I look like when I yell. LOL

I'm a Wastewater Operator for Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works. I've been employed there for 21 years. I don't like Mondays and the day before or after a holiday.

Tweety is for my wife and daughters. They are BIG Tweety fans!

Ravens 2007 Season

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