TERVETULOA and WELCOME to our 29th Summer Camp!  Our summer get-away is the year’s highlight for so many, this enriching experience reminds us about God’s love and blessing for each and every one of us.  This year’s theme is a Rainforest Adventure, and we celebrate God’s creation through games, songs, and crafts, with an emphasis on stewardship for what God has so generously provided.  We learn to be caretakers through sharing, giving, growing, loving, and praising.


Our Children's Camp, held from August 6th – August 11th, is geared to children up to 14 years of age, but all “young at heart” people are most welcome to attend.  Please note, a parent or guardian must accompany children under seven years of age.  Please remember that while we love all of God’s creatures this children’s camp is unable to accommodate pets.  And no “early bird” arrivals for this year’s camp, please, to allow camp setup to proceed smoothly.  Your camp committee says “Kiitos!”


We are once again thankful to Unda and Matti Seppänen for offering their summer property on the shores of Gates Lake, between the town of Pemberton and Anderson Lake (30 km north of Pemberton).  Driving time is about three hours (enclosed map has directions).


Camp attendees must arrange their own transportation.  Parents dropping off older children must confirm their pick-up time with staff prior to camp.


One of the pleasures of camp: tenting amongst the trees.  Campers should bring their own tents, sleeping bags, etc.  Emmaus can supply some tents only.  A limited number of wooden platforms for tents are still available.  As always, recreation vehicles are also welcome (sorry, no hook-ups).


Everyone's favourites await: sauna, swimming, games, and children's bible study and arts and craft sessions in that spooky old "boogey building" (children are grouped according to age for classes).  Slide shows, skits, and other activities liven up the evening campfires.  The Candy Kiosk will again offer each child one treat per day.  If you do not wish your child to take part in the Candy Kiosk, please note this on the registration form.


Fees include all meals and snacks as well as supplies for the Bible study and arts and craft sessions.  This year’s camp once again has no fee increases, ensuring more fun for all.  Thanks to the continued kindness of our hosts, those who donate food, and an army of volunteers, we are able to keep costs much lower than comparable church camps.

Children's Camp (6 days, August 6 – August 11)  For each family in attendance, the first child will be charged $120, the second $85, the third $75, and the fourth child onwards may attend for free.  Children two and under attend for free, as they generally do not take part in the Bible study or arts and crafts sessions.

  Adults are charged $30 per day for the children's camp (note this also applies to “Weekenders,” children or adults, staying only Saturday and Sunday).

  Volunteers  Both camps are made possible by the help of volunteers, we welcome your help again this year.  All volunteers (young and old) will be charged the reduced rate of $70 for the full camp, those taking on the much appreciated chore of daily kitchen detail will continue to attend for free.  Kiitos!

  Confirmed youth are encouraged to volunteer for Children's Camp tending campfires, being team leaders, running the arts and crafts sessions, etc.  Adults are needed for lifeguarding, sauna detail, and so on.  This year a limited number of volunteers will be accepted on a first come, first served basis.  Call Emmaus to reserve your spot.


Mail in, drop off, or fax your completed registration form and cheque by July 18th, if at all possible (telephone/fax number 604-521-7927).  Alternatively, let the church office know how many are coming (this helps finalize arrangements for food and other supplies), and bring your completed form and fee to Emmaus prior to the start of camp.  Cheques must be made out to

Emmaus Lutheran Church; post-dated cheques for the camp start date are accepted.


If you need more info, or would like to volunteer or donate food and other supplies, please contact us by e-mail at, or by telephone, we'd be love to hear from you!

Jorma Kujala 604-873-4859

Marja-Liisa Lyth 604-521-7927

Please pray on behalf of these camps and all participants!  Thank You!




Camp Guidelines
Here are the guidelines we hope will make our camp enjoyable  everyone.

I will:

*1. Come smiling and in good spirits. *2. Be a friend to everyone. *3. Participate. *4. Be helpful to my fellow campers. *5. Look after my duties because  everyone has privileges and responsibilities at the camp. *6. I can always ask for help. *7. Keep the campsite clean. *8. Stay within the camp area because I am not covered by insurance outside of camp boundaries*9. Make sure that I am not tired in   the morning. *10. Swim only at the designated    area and at the designated times. *11.  Enjoy this non-smoking camp. *12.  Enjoy myself !

What to bring

These you need

* Bible or New Testament, * Sleeping bag,  * Pillow,  * Blanket  * Toothbrush, tooth paste, soap etc. * 2 Bath towels  *Hand towel * Rain gear * Boots * Insect lotion * Sweater * Jacket * Socks * Bathing suit * Hat * Sun lotion SPF 15 or higher * Sunglasses * Underwear * T-shirts * Shirt  * Runners * Flashlight and extra set of batteries * Tent (if you have one) * Plate, cup, bowl, mug (We have spoons, forks and knives for everyone)

You may bring these if you wish

* Camera * Small pack * Musical instruments * Fishing equipment   * Air mattress * Foam pad * Star chart

Do not bring these: * Comic books * Playing cards * Radios * Cassette, CD-players, MP3’s * Food, candy. snacks.

Tervetuloa Emmauksen kesäleirille, joka on koko kesän kohokohta niin monelle lapselle ja aikuiselle!.  Tämä on jo 29. leirimme.  Wow!!

Lastenleiri alkaa keskiviikkona 6.8. ja päättyy maanantaina 11.8.  Lastenleirille voi tulla keskiviikkona mihin aikaan tahansa.  Voit tulla koko ajaksi, arkipäiviksi tai vain viikonlopuksi.  Leirikomitean toivomus on että leiriläiset saapuvat lastenleirille leirin alkamispäivänä, eikä aikaisemmin.  Kiitos!

Päiväohjelmaan kuuluu aamuherätys, aamuhartaus, aamuvoimistelu, aamiainen, muutama oppitunti, leikkejä, pelejä, sauna ja uintia monta kertaa päivässä, lounas, välipala, illallinen, iltapala, iltanuotio jne.


Lasten leiri, koko ajaksi (ke – ma)  Ensimmäisestä lapsesta perheestä, leirimaksu on $120.  Toisesta lapsesta samasta perheestä $85 ja kolmannesta lapsesta $75.  Neljäs lapsi samasta perheestä on ilmainen.

Aikuisilta ja vierailijoilta (arkipäivänä tai viikonloppuna) pyydämme lahjoitusta leirikassaan $30 päivää kohden. Siihen maksuun sisältyy aamiainen, lounas, päivällinen ja kaikki välipalat sekä sauna, uinti ja hyvä seura.

Nuorille tai aikuisille, jotka ovat leirillä töissä silloin tällöin leirimaksu on $70.  Ne, jotka työskentelevät koko leirin ajan keittiössä, ovat ruokapalkalla.

Leirimaksuihin sisältyy kaikki: ruokailut, opetus, oppikirjat, leiriohjelma jne.  Tämä on mahdollista vain sen tähden, että monet lahjoittavat ruokaa leirille, kaikki tekevät vapaaehtoista työtä, ja Unda ja Matti Seppänen antavat ihanan järvenrantapaikkansa meidän käyttöömme.  Kiitos teille kaikille!

Toivomme, että kukaan ei tuo omia eväitään leirille vaan me kaikki ruokailemme yhdessä.  Yhteinen leiriruokailu on hieno tapahtuma.

Kaikki leipomiset ja ruoat ovat tervetullutta apua leirikeittiöön.  Mieluiten otamme ne vastaan jo ennen leirin alkua.  Ne voi tuoda kirkolle.  Kiitos!  Marja-Liisa Lyth ja Pat Hulme vastaa keittiöpuolesta.


Ilmoittaudu leirille mahdollisimman pian, mieluummin 18.7. mennessä.  Silloin tiedämme, kuinka moni on tulossa ja osaamme tilata tarpeeksi oppikirjoja ja varata ruokaa riittävästi.  Haluamme myös tietää jo etukäteen ketä aikuisia tulee leirille.  Se helpottaa leirin suunnittelua.

Ilmoittaumiskaavakkeet voi tuoda tai postittaa Emmaukselle tai faxata kirkolle @ 604-521-7927.  Maksun voi laittaa siihen mukaan ja päivätä shekin leirin alkamispäivälle (postdated).  Shekit tulee kirjoittaa nimellä Emmaus Lutheran Church.

P.S. Rukoile tämän leirimme ja kaikkien leiriläisten puolesta.  Kiitos!




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