From the
many places I've visited on the Web and from a number of books
I've read, I have come across many rituals which I find pleasing
to me. I would like to share some of them with you.
A few I've revised to suit me and you may do this also. This is the unique thing about being eclectic, the option of doing what is just right for you.
Many of the rituals are as they were when I read them. I found that they were unique in the wording and the manner in which they were written. I could not have done justice to them by changing them.
Thanks be to the Goddess for guiding me to their source. May you find comfort in the written words and may they help to guide you in your Wiccan journey.
There will be no music on the Ritual pages in order that you may concentrate on what you read.
Blessed Be....from henceforth....SilverMoonStar
The Athame graphic on this page is from a print by Robin Wood (© Robin Wood; Used with Permission). Please do not copy it or use it without her permission. If you like it, please visit her site. She does such wonderful work and you may purchase this and other artwork from her.
Please note that once you are on the Ritual pages, they only link back to here. More rituals will be added as time allows. SMS
[Altar Devotion]
[As A Solitary Witch]
[Banishing Ritual]
[Cakes and Ale]
[Casting a Circle]
[Call the Quarters]
[Casting a Circle-General]
[Closing a Circle]
[Charging a Room]
[Cleansing Ritual]
[Cleanse a Room]
[Erecting a Temple]
[Herbal Protection Sachet]
[New Moon]
[Preparing Salted Water]
[Oil Recipes]
[Rid Negative Forms]
[Salt Water Purification]
[Self-Dedication Rite]
[Tool Consecration]
[Wiccan Rede]
The music on this page is a song by Enya entitled, "Evening Falls."
© 1998