If I was Blessed with the vision of knowing what the Goddess Diana would look like, I would hope it would be like this. My mind's eye brings her to my heart as a strong woman in a vision of loveliness, one who is at peace with herself and the Earth around her. May the Goddess Diana watch over me and guide me. Keep me strong of heart, mind, and body.

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The artwork on this page is from a painting entitled, "Cascade" by Jonathan Earl Bowser. His Goddess Artwork can be seen by clicking on the image to the right.

The music is the theme from "Braveheart" entitled, "A Gift of Thistle"

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The Brightest of Blessings to all who have taken the time to visit my pages.

[Renaissance Faire] [My Thoughts on Wicca] [What I Think A Witch Is] [Starting Out]

[My Self-Dedication Ritual] [Various Rituals (My BOS via Computer]