My Mom
Margie Bimler Hudson

1920 -1997


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I use to hear my mom strum her banjo and sing this song. Down in the Valley. She would on occasion talk about strumming and playing for her younger brother Jimmie the song Strawberry Roan and how he would rear up his make believe woodin horse when she would get to the part about the horse I don't quit remember the song only how her eyes would light up when she would tell the story.
She taught herself how to cord different instruments and the piano, but never felt she was good enough to really play for others much. She was also a self taught Artist and won some prizes on some of her earlier art work. It is my hope at sometime to include some of her art work. During WWll she worked in the shipyards. Later she worked with her Dad in the upholstering business, she later on started her own business.

My Mom had a very rough life and found it hard to release old hurts and pain from her past and to enjoy much of her life. It was not until she was in her 60's when she could actually say to her childern I love you and not feel odd. She had a very gruf quality about her, but you knew what she was thinking and where you stood. She was at times to out spoken with her opions and found it hard to see how she had hurt your feelings when she felt what she said was the truth.