~~~She Gave More~~~

She gave more…

In the temple where Jesus was,

A little old woman gave 2 mites,

It was her donation and all that she had.

So the rich people did things for spite.

They just laughed and dropped their coins

From their hands held higher up.

Because the donations were really more,

They made loud noises when they struck.

Since what they gave really was so little,

Jesus told them not to laugh.

And not to spite this poor old woman,

What she gave was twice as much as half…

Based on Matthew 12:42 and 43…..


Everyone Has A Purpose In Life

I think God has put me here for another purpose.

For in my life I try to spread my love and prayers,

I find that inside of me, there's always a surplus.

The love I have, I try to give to others in need.

And when I pray for others I feel closer to God,

It gives me peace; it puts my mind and soul at ease.

I think about my Dad,

to leave behind an impression of him.

I hope my prayers bring peace wherever they land,

These are my deepest thoughts from within.

All rights reserved, (C)1995-2000

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Please Visit My Other Pages

Welcome To Our Home

The Lords Prayer

The Beauty Of The Angels

Angel Love

Look To The Heavens

A Prayer To Remember

Welcome To My World

Foot Steps Of An Angel


Forgive Them...

Angel Wings

The Mysterious Man

The Storm Within

Messengers Of God

Thank You Lord

Wings Of An Angel

Twilight Time

Blue Heaven

If My Heart Had Wings

Earth Angel

You give but little

when you give of your possessions.

It is when you give of yourself

that you truly give"

Kahlil Gibran

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