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The Shores Of Heaven
Painted By: Robert Kevin Meyers
****God Can****
When you feel unlovable, unworthy and unclean,
When you think that no one can heal you,
Remember Friend,
God Can.
When you think that you are unforgivable.
for your guilt and your shame.
Remember, Friend,
God Can.
When you think that all is hidden
and no one can see within
Remember, Friend,
God Can.
And when you have reached the bottom
And you think that no one can hear
Remember my dear Friend
God Can.
And when you think that no one can love
the real person deep inside of you
Remember my dear Friend,
God Does.
~~~Author Unknown~~~

****Not Alone****
You are not alone
... for I am with YOU !
You are in my thoughts, in my heart,
Pull your strength from with in,
For there, you will find me,
Lending you a hand in these bad times.