Fearing the battle was over
and I'd already lost the war,
I was tired of trying and failing.
I just couldn't fight anymore.
So, dragging my battle-scarred body,
I crawled to the foot of the cross.
And I sobbed. "Oh please, Father forgive me.
But I tried...I tried . . . and still lost."
Then the air grew silent around me.
I heard his voice just as clear as the dawn:
"Oh, My child, though you are tired and weary,
you can't stop, you have to go on."
At the foot of the Cross, where I met Him,
At the foot of the Cross, where He died,
I felt love, as I knelt in His presence.
I felt hope, as I looked in His eyes.
Then He gathered me lovingly to Him,
as around us God's light clearly shone.
And together we walked though my lifetime
to heal every wound I had known.
I found bits of my dreams, long forgotten,
and pieces of my life on the floor.
But I watched as He tenderly blessed them,
and my life was worth living once more.
I knew then why I had been losing.
I knew why I had not grown.
At the foot of the Cross came the answer:
I'd been fighting the battle alone.
At the foot of the Cross, where I met Him,
At the foot of the Cross, where He died,
Then I knew I could face any challenge
together--just my Lord and I.
Everyone has a cross to bear,
But God why has Thou forsaken me?
I am begging that You send no more,
Please remove this cross I am asking Thee.
I see another cross faces me,
Every time I turn around.
I always bounce back and keep the faith,
When will my peace be finally found.
We must keep our faith in God,
Crosses we bear can change our lives.
He expects us to stay close to Him,
He will test our faith all the time.
He sends little problems to those who
are weak.
He sends big problems to those who are
He is making sure that we don’t break
Never say He has done you wrong.
When He was carrying His crucifix
When climbing the hills at Calvary,
He fell three times and died for us,
In reality God has never forsaken me.