He came to us in a manger
and was born a Jew.
He was challenged by many,
and believed by few.
His earthly father a carpenter,
and His mother a Saint.
His life touched all of us,
always praise Him with no restraint.
He taught His elders,
at the young age of twelve.
They were stunned by His knowledge,
and their interest He held.
He chased merchants from the temple,
and threw over their wares.
He was angry and He told them,
they should not be there.
His people betrayed Him,
at the age of thirty-three.
They nailed Him to a cross
made from a dogwood tree.
Do you know Who I'm speaking of?
He came from the heavens above.
He came to save us,
and give us unconditional love.
Lord Jesus,
in the hush of this moment
we pray that
Thy tender Spirit
may steal our hearts
and reveal to us
how near and dear
Thou art.
There are times when,
Thou are not near to us,
and we know not why.
It is not because
Thou hast withdrawn from us,
but because we
have wandered away
from you; not because
Thou art not speaking,
but because we
are not listening;
not because Thy love
for us has cooled,
but because we have
fallen in love with things
instead of persons.
O Lord, melt the coldness
of our hearts that
we may again fall in love
with You who loves us.