The Quiz

Haribol, welcome to the Sri Yudhisthira section of Sri Jatayu's website. The King of the Pandavas, Sri Yudhisthira, is also the son of Dharma. the TRUE, the just, the knower of all that needs to be known to attain perfection. Not only is Sri Yudhisthira the dear friend of Sri Krsna, he is also the loving husband of Srimati Draupadi and beloved son of Queen Kuntidevi. His qualifications to teach Bhakti Yoga are as unlimited as his service to these unalloyed servants of the Supreme Lord.

During the unjust, thirteen year long exile from the Kaurava Kingdom, one day, the Pandava Brothers were tired and resting after foraging the forest for sustainance. Feeling thirst, the younger brother, Sri Nakula, climbed a tree to see where water may be located in the distance. Noticing the call of the water birds, he was sent by Sri Yudhisthira with an empty quiver to retrieve water from the obvious lake.

Sri Nakula did not return, though, so Sri Sahadeva, his twin, was sent to find him. He, too, failed to return, though armed with bow and arrows. Sri Arjuna, who cannot ever taste defeat, also was sent, only to fail to return. Then, Sri Bhimasena, armed with invincable mace, was sent, and he, too, did not return. Sri Yudhisthira finally followed the same path of his glorious brothers, only to be shocked at the sight of them lying lifeless on the shore of a mountain lake, uninjured, yet dead to the world. In anguish, he cried out, "Arjuna. how are you dead, Gandiva by your side and arrows strewn about? Bhimasena, I cannot live without your counsel and association, how can you be dead when I see only your footprints in the sand? Who did this? You are as powerful as the gods themselves. I must avenge this horrible genocide, but first, I must have water."

"Do not!"

Sri Yudhisthira looked around, but saw no one. "Who forbids me?"

"This is my lake. I am an old crane, living on tiny fish. I killed your brothers, for they could not solve my quiz. First came Nakula with an empty quiver and I told him to answer first, then take as much water as needed. But he drank anyway, and died. Then came Sahadeva, and it was the same, his hastiness cost him his life. Arjuna challenged me, and I told him battle was unnecessary, just answer the quiz. He scorned me, thinking me powerless, and he drank, and died. Bhima came, too, and not even looking up, he tried to quench his thirst, thinking a great battle was about to take place. His mace was not even raised. Now I ask you, answer the quiz, then drink as much as you will."

Sri Yudhisthira, with more intelligence that all the gods combined, said to the still invisible crane, "Ask!"

The voice asked, "Please, dear sir, explain that which is true?"

Sri Yudhisthira, without hesitation, spoke the following precepts:

"The wife is the safe refuge, the friend given by the gods.

The Mother is heavier than the Earth.

The Father is higher than heaven.

The mind is swifter than the wind.

Our thoughts are more numerous than the blades of grass.

A stone is that which is heartless.

The clouds are the support of mankind.

The physician is the friend of the sick.

One who gives in charity is the friend of the dying.

Fire is the guest of all the living.

The universe is only thin air and empty space.

The Sun always travels alone.

The Moon is reborn after birth.

Acknowledgement of one's skill is the best praise.

Knowledge is the most valuable possession.

Health is not considered until it departs.

Contentment is the best happiness.

Greed is that which makes one wealthy when it is thrown away.

Greed is the deadliest of poisons.

Darkness covers the world.

Darkness also prevents one from knowing the self.

Anger is an invincible enemy.

Honesty is seeing every living entity as one's self, desiring to live and fearful of death.

Peace is false under tyranny.

A false friend is an incurable disease.

For envy, friends are forsaken.

Envy is the grief of the heart.

Ignorance causes both grief and envy.

The possessions themselves cause desire for them.

The miser who cannot enjoy or give in charity is in hell, though he be alive on Earth.

Results of work performed in service to Sri Narayana are what is known as good fortune.

The unmerciful are dishonest.

Setting up religious principles for others to follow is known as hypocracy.

Though kindness, profit, and desire are incompatible, when the wife is kind, all three are tamed.

True happiness is freedom from the birth / death cycle.

The fact that every day, Death stalks, and everyone thinks He is coming for someone else, this is truely wonderful.

The fact that every day, Death stalks, and everyone thinks He is coming for someone else, this is truely wonderful.

To know when to stop is the rarest of things.

Love and kindness are more valuable than everything gold, honor is worth more than all the gems, to know one is a servant of Lord Narayana is everything.

What do you think of all this?"

Lord Yamaraja, the personality of Dharma, then appeared to his son, saying, "You have solved the quiz and have answered well. Your brothers are returned to you. I came to test your merit, and I see no fault in you. Teach your brothers well, for the final year of your exile begins at midnight tomorrow."

Sri Yudhisthira, after properly worshipping the mahajana Lord Yama, instructed his brothers on the Supreme Dharma (sanatana-dharma), the constitutional position of rendering loving service to the Supreme Lord Narayana. The next day, with Srimati Draupadi, the Pandavas entered the Kingdom of Virata, incognito, in accordance with the exile agreement.

The Quiz given by Lord Yamaraja, answered by his son Sri Yudhisthira. is of practical importance to us all, each item can be greatly elaborated upon, and the example Sri Yudhisthira sets, facing certain death, mourning all he loves, yet answering profoundly and properly with unflinching faith can be greatly appreciated. Without understanding the Supreme Dharma, only lifelessness is available.

Please return to this site occasionally, and notice if any of these short statements by Sri Yudhisthira are highlighted, indicating a hot key to further elaboration of the lesson. I invite readers to pick a subject from these items, write a nice article in their own words, and send to me for posting as an addition to Sri Yudhisthira's section of The Vulture King's website. If you would like to elaborate on any item already elaborated upon by a guest contributor, please don't let that get in your way, for your commentary is important to this project. Hare Krsna, and thank you very much for browsing here. All glories to Srimad Mahabharata, the author Srila Vyasadeva, the Bhagavad Gita, the glorious activities of the devotees of Lord Sri Krsna, and to all those who care to hear the worthwhile Krsna Katha.

11-02-98 c.mahaksadasa


Reader Contributions

Death Stalks....
by Visoka dasa

Snakes and Crows.
by Visoka dasa

A stone is that which is heartless.
by Vaisnava dasa

from GIFT by Visoka dasa

Darkness covers the world.
by Vaisnava dasa

Honesty is clear vision.
by Vaisnava dasa

The unmerciful are dishonest.
from GIFT by Visoka dasa

Special thanks to Visoka dasa and Vaisnava dasa for their kind contributions to this project, this website is successful only by the mercy of the readers who care to hear and sing the glories of the Supreme Lord, Hare Krsna, your grateful servant, mahaksadasa

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