Forum Three: FIND
Castration by Paul Olliver


Happens everyday to a black man in this nation



Is the result; turn to drugs, to medication



A thing of the past, then other major complications



Said it happens everyday to a black man in this nation


History speaking; that’s been the plan

To destroy a people; destroy the man

Rob him of his pride and his self-esteem

Rob him of his hope and there’s no room to dream

Attack dignity and give him despair

Destroy his culture without a care

Destroy his family and the ones he love

And give him phony vision of the God above



Happens every day to a black man in this nation


Not just physically, but emotionally too

You struggle to survive; just to be you

You feel worthless so you drop out of school

Then you turn to crime as a survival tool

Snatched by five-o and put in jail

With bond so high you that you can’t make the bail

For the next few years you sit and rot

With nothing but time and more crimes to plot



Happens every day to a black man in this nation


To the woman, keep this in mind

Don’t beat down your man; you’ll lose his desire

Encourage him; don’t emasculate

Love him; don’t castrate

How many wars? Did we die in vain?

Didn’t we prove we love this land?

How many killings have there been

Of my brothers because of their skin?

So stand up for justice, but be prepared

To watch your scalp or you’ll lose your hair

I’m so fed up with this mess

It’s like pay-back time and I can’t stand the stress



Happens every day to a black man in this nation


Brother Aaron, they can’t suppress

They chopped ‘em off, pure wickedness!

I’ve got family, eye-witness

He went to court and passed the test

Tears me apart, pain in my heart

Things better change, get back to the start

I’m so fed up with this mess

It’s like pay-back time ‘cause I can’t stand the stress



Happens’ every day to a black man in this nation



Is the result; turn to drugs, to medication



A thing of the past, then other major complications



Said it happens every day to a black man in this nation


Courtesy to Kaaria Yero Mucherera at New Life of New York City, Inc.
© 1998 by Kaaria Yero Mucherera. All rights reserved.

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