Presidents of the United States of America
Past and Present
The White House

Executive Office of the President--send email to the President or Vice-President

The Museum of American Presidents

The American Experience:  The Presidents

From the White House:  Presidents of the United States

United States Presidents Trivia

Vice-Presidents Trivia Page

Presidents of the U.S.A. Page

Inaugural Addresses of the United States Presidents--From George Washington to George Bush

United States Presidents:  Cool Information and Neat Questions

United States History Web Page

Presidents of the United States and Presidential Elections--A table including # of electoral votes, years in office, age when took office, state originally from, etc.

The Building of a Nation

The Great Presidential Outline Archive

The Internet Public Library's Presidents of the United States  (POTUS)

History Buff's Presidential Library--Includes inaugural addresses and articles about presidents

The Dan Quayle Center and Museum--America's only Vice-Presidential museum

Presidential Libraries--IDEA Network

Portraits of the Presidents and First Ladies--from the Library of Congress

The American Presidents Home Page

United States Presidents

The National Portrait Gallery:  Hall of Presidents

Presidents Who Have Served in the U.S. Navy

Presidents and First Ladies

Presidents of the United States with Mayflower Ancestry

Genealogy of the U. S. Presidents

The American Experience:  The Presidents

American Presidents Biographies

U. S. Presidents Handwriting Samples: Signatures