“Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators is a classified list of sites on the Internet found to be useful for enhancing curriculum and teacher professional growth. It is updated daily to keep up with the tremendous number of new World Wide Web sites.” Classroom Connect--The premier Web site for K-12 teachers and students...At this site, you will find: The Classroom Web-thousands of schools online, G.R.A.D.E.S.-links to several K-12 internet sites, the Resource Station-online materials for educators, and more. The Discovery Channel is a resource. This is their school page. There is an index of lesson plans, a resource finder, and more. Also see their main page at http://www.discovery.com Connections+ consists of Internet resources--lesson plans, activities, curriculum resources--linked with corresponding subject-area content standards (From Content Knowledge: A Compendium of Standards and Benchmarks for K-12 Education). Also included in these resource packages are other links to assist teachers. Educational Resources from StFXU—Here, you will find links to subject area listings of more links, as well as lists of links in categories like Lesson Plans, Education Sites, Resources, Special Education, Search Engines, Listservs, etc. I Love Teaching.Com—“Welcome: I'm glad that you stopped by. This site is dedicated to encouraging teachers. Because I am new to the profession (going on 3 years now) I am particularly interested in helping those studying to be teachers and those who are just starting their first few years of teaching.” Some things include on this page are: Internet in the Classroom, Great Links, Discipline, etc. At the bottom of the page is a connection to a Teaching Resource Ring. This is a link to more sites like this one. Teachers Helping Teachers—Educational Links, Chat Lines, Lesson Plans, etc. Welcome to TeacherLINK, the online teacher resource center provided as a service to public education. Here you'll find links to wonderful educational resources, lesson plans and classroom activities, NASA educational materials, and much more. Lesson Plans and Resources for Social Studies Teachers. Lesson Plans, teaching strategies, resources, online activities, etc. ED-scape Teacher—Instructional Resources and Lesson Plans, Basics for Teachers, Teaching with the Web, etc. Apple Education—yes, the computer company. They have a searchable site. Yes, there are lesson plans—most subjects and grade levels. Education World—Where Educators Go to Learn. Includes a searchable database of 56,000 web sites. Teachers’ Resources, Lesson Plans, General Resources, etc. There are a lot of social studies lesson plans here. Professor Pat Greene’s Site at FGCU, which contains links to hundreds of lesson plans by subject area—all indexed according to the Florida Sunshine State Standards. ForeFront Curriculum—Links to many sites with lesson plans. Also, web sites listed and divided by curricular areas. The social studies listing http://www.4forefront.com/sstrain.html begins by listing the six levels of internet use in the classroom—navigation, research, net-based lessons, electronic mail, collaborative projects, and building web sites. This is a neat site! This is the social studies page of a list of lesson plan links at Internet Connection. There are also links to many other subject areas. K-12 Education—Starting Points. This is another lauching pad for other links. Lessons on the Web. Sites with hundreds of lesson plans, listed by curricular area. This is an ERIC site—The Clearinghouse on Teaching and Teacher Education: Lesson Plans. This site offers links to other sites with lesson plan listings. This site is simply titled-“Lesson Plans,” and that is exactly what you’ll find there. There are separate listings for different curricular areas. This is another launching pad for lesson plan sites. This is an individual’s AOL site. He has links to different curricular areas, each with lesson plans. The social studies lesson plans are divided into the following categories: ancient history, eastern hemisphere and world geography, US History, World History, holiday lessons, etc. There are also links to other pages. This is an elementary teacher’s web site. He has links to lots of educational resources and lesson plan pages. This site is a must for current events. “Welcome to the Newsweek Education Program Web Site! A site designed to help teachers build bridges to real-world issues.” There are lessons to use with actual articles from Newsweek magazine. Just click on a magazine date, and PRESTO!! Lesson ideas! Quick Lessons and Miscellaneous Resources. Go here to search for geography lesson plans and resources. The National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS). Journals and other publications, internet resources-like lesson plans from Social Education, etc. Social Studies Lesson Plans. You can also scroll to lesson plans for other subjects. Teachers.Net—a searchable database of lessons in all areas. This is a searchable lesson plan database built by USF. Technology ‘Nformation for Teachers—T’NT. Search by level, by subject, or by keyword. This is another page of links to lesson plans—Lesson Plans and Experiments. Beat the Clock—Lessons in Time Management for Middle School Students Lesson Ideas listed by subject. Listings in Social Studies include geography, history, personal growth, and society. There is a section for internet lesson ideas and also a section of miscellaneous. CyberGuides: Teacher Guides and Student Activities. CyberGuides are supplementary, web-based units of instruction centered on core works of literature. They are designed for the classroom with one online computer. Each CyberGuide contains a student and teacher edition, objectives,a task and a process by which it may be completed, teach-selected web sites and a rubric.
These pages created and maintained by Lea