Hi! Thanks for signing my guestbook. I hope you liked my site. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me at leaburnside@sprintmail.com

Howard L. Bannister - 01/03/00 04:46:32
My Email:Bannister10@aol.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: yes
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: 803-407-8486
Occupation: Iron Worker
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: self

I am an adult with ADD. I am interested in starting or joining a support group in Columbia, South Carolina. If there is anyone interested, please contact me at Bannister10@aol.com. I am also a member of CHADD. Would be interested in hearing and talking with other CHADD members. Thank you.

michelle deon - 12/23/99 20:58:16
My Email:shell76548@aol.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Occupation: Domestic enginer
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: i have A.D.D.


My URL:http://blackquest.com/link.htm
My Email:arthur@blackquest.com
Phone Number: 301-731-0114
Occupation: Mental Health Administration/African American Studies
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: No

Very informative Site.

peggy - 11/11/99 22:29:48
My Email:arteberry@excite.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: 918-465-0388
Occupation: office admin.
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: my 8 yr-old son

I would LOVE to hear from anyone that is having ADHD related problems with their children at school. My son is very smart. He has a horrible time trying to apply himself. We started out on Adderall, went to Welburtin (which did NOTHING), and then went o Ritalin and back to Adderall. I'm beginning he also had ODD. He is a very sweet loving child but does not pay any attention in school, and doesn't seem to have very many friends. Please feel free to e-mail me at my address if you have any comments! HANKS! :-)

susan brossman - 11/10/99 05:12:58
My Email:gbrossman@cs.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: not yet
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: 717-274-1620
Occupation: nurse
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: my son


Ashlee Huckabay - 10/20/99 07:02:56
My Email:Ash14bug.collegeclub.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: no
Phone Number: 512-209-9631
Occupation: counselor for kids
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: no


melanie fay - 10/12/99 01:38:23
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: 3082335327
Occupation: student
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: no,a cousin


Melanie Hatch - 08/26/99 01:49:12
My Email:Hatch7@wport.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: yes
Phone Number: 253-8500878
Occupation: Homemaker
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: both

You have done a wonderful job with your website. It is interesting, informative and very eye catching. I am impressed!! Keep up the good work.

Kimmy Smith - 07/28/99 02:49:22
My URL:http://www.kimmysmith.com/
My Email:kimmysmith@kimmysmith.com
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Occupation: teacher, parent of two ADHD children
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes, I do and both of my children

Great site. I stayed too long.

sharon - 07/25/99 12:59:02
My Email:sharon@adhd-oldham.freeserve.co.uk
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: 0161/652/7422
Occupation: parent
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes

great page. please keep me up to date with any new info Thanx Sharon

Tara - 07/24/99 15:25:46
My URL:/~tarae74/
CH.A.D.D. Member??: No
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: No
Occupation: Insturctional asssitant(tutor)
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: No...I do

Great site...keep up the great work...

Alicia - 07/09/99 02:59:52
My Email:d-a.valdes@worldnet.att.net
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: my son

You have a wonderful and informative web site. Thank you!

Nick - 06/09/99 17:32:01
My Email:surfing_45@hotmail.com
Occupation: school
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes


Kimmy Smith - 06/07/99 16:54:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kimmy322
My Email:kimmy322@yahoo.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: 318-622-3610
Occupation: teacher/
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes, I do and my children

Great Page. I wish that you would come and visit me. Thanks for sharing your page; I enjoyed my visit.

Visit Kimm

Tim Quast - 05/22/99 16:45:47
My Email:tim@qjc.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: 517-892-2173
Occupation: Accountant
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes

Your site provides information for children which is impossible to get from the public school. Thanks

Shari Phelix - 05/18/99 17:09:07
My Email:shari@aol.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: Yes
Phone Number: 559-438-6051
Occupation: Administration
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: Yes


nicole burnside - 05/10/99 22:08:42
My Email:illusion26@webtv.net

very nice pages alot of hard work but they are very useful!

kathi - 05/06/99 19:27:52
My Email:1463@dragonbbs.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: n-a
Occupation: daycare provider
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes 2 sons

both of my son are a.d.d ,i would appricate any info you may have on the subject.we also raise chickens as a hobby and local fairs.we have mostly old english and samutras.i am thying to find some blue samutra standereds if you know where i can buy some pl ase email me. thanks,kathi

fred nugent - 04/27/99 12:49:35
My Email:www.blue_virus@hotmail.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: no
Phone Number: none
Occupation: none
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: no

i think that add is made up!!!!!!!

Sam Corey - 04/15/99 00:19:13
My Email:mgopentop@aol.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: 704-660-1724
Occupation: Fire Sprinkler Installer
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: Yes

I have son that has add. And a freind of mine son also has a different add than my son. How can the Doc's know exactly know the different. Her son has been given several different meds and things still are hard for him. Iam glad I came across your page. T anks and will pass it on. Sam

Coral - 03/28/99 21:54:08
My URL:http://www.yahoo.ca
My Email:pest@bc.sympatico.ca
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes

Hi my name is Coral,I am 30..and a single mom. I have cerebral palsy,and A.D.D....and my 7 year old son has A.D.H.D.

Vicki Goodwin - 03/21/99 19:14:14
My URL:http://57flames
My Email:57flames
Occupation: housewife
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes

We are grandparents with custody of a gr.daughter who has been tested for this. I have been searching for anything Icould find. I'm glad I found you.

Karen DeLay - 03/21/99 14:33:49
My Email:fklayde
CH.A.D.D. Member??: YOU BET LEA!
Phone Number: (217)498-9073
Occupation: Child Advocate
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: Probably and yes

Lea - wonderful job! I'd love to pick your brain about how you did all of this! Karen Your chaddernet friend

matthew madrid - 03/18/99 02:38:22
My Email:crb@acsol.net
CH.A.D.D. Member??: n/a
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: 970 434 8690
Occupation: asphalt
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: n/a

just wanted to say i like all those people who raise gamecocks.i think that everybody should get into chicken cause its very neat ,how they live fight train eat crow etc.also wanted to know the price on your chickens.thank alot and much much mahalo

matthew madrid - 03/18/99 02:35:23
My Email:asc@col.net
CH.A.D.D. Member??: n/a
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: 970 434 8690
Occupation: asphalt
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: n/a

just wanted to say i like all those people who raise gamecocks.i think that everybody should get into chicken cause its very neat ,how they live fight train eat crow etc.also wanted to know the price on your chickens.thank alot and much much mahalo

Belynda Gauthier - 03/17/99 01:41:19
My Email:lacachadd@hotmail.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: Definitely!
Phone Number: 225/275-6013
Occupation: Human Resources
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: Son and husband

Hi Lea, I had never visited your ADD and Social Sciences site before. I've bookmarked it so I can spend a little time here later. Thanks for saving the CHADDerNet info for us. Belynda

Kathy Freeman - 03/16/99 17:44:58
My Email:freemankathryn@hotmail.com/kmfreema@svsu.edu
CH.A.D.D. Member??: NO
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: Yes
Phone Number: (517)790-4424 or 248-625-3205
Occupation: Student at SVSU
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: I have ADD, so does my nephew, my two sisters

You should have more information on adult ADD. If you have information on adult ADD will you please e-mail me some information on it. My mom is looking for information on adult add. If you do have some will you please send it to tefreeman@msn.com or mail it to Barbara Freeman 9881 Clark Rd Davisburg, MI 48350 or you can send it to me at Kathy Freeman Saginaw Valley State University 7400 Bay Road c-5 University Center, MI 48710 Thanks from Kathy Freeman

Mahirami Meléndez Burgos - 03/14/99 01:01:14
My Email:mahiri80@hotmail.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: no
Occupation: student
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: no

Your site is great and help many people.

Mahirami Meléndez Burgos - 03/14/99 01:00:00
My Email:mahiri80@hotmail.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: no
Occupation: student
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: no


Elnette Metcalf - 03/10/99 04:26:24
My Email:chadd982
CH.A.D.D. Member??: Yep, coordinator not for long though!
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: No thanks
Phone Number: (775) 267-0095
Occupation: Special Ed Aide
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: Hubby and son

You have an excellent site Lea! Great resources and tons of information on everything!

tish michel - 03/09/99 20:22:23
My Email:t.michel@juno.com
Phone Number: 410-377-5157
Occupation: cpa

Super site; I'm asking our web expert to look at this! Tish

Terrie Thompson - 03/06/99 01:07:21
My Email:Tmikey1@aol.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: yep
Phone Number: 941-675-6656
Occupation: mommy/chef
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes

great links like the new colors

Karen Dany - 03/05/99 14:20:51
My Email:karendany@pcola.gulf.net
CH.A.D.D. Member??: yes / coordinator
Phone Number: 850 474-9954
Occupation: Health Program Manager
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: child and husband

Good website. I'm afraid I don't have the time, energy, or interest in doing one. My hat is off to you. Karen

Larry Komar - 03/05/99 03:51:47
My Email:lrkomar@earthlink.net
CH.A.D.D. Member??: YES 9 years
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: no
Phone Number: 909-336-3331
Occupation: retired
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes

Great job. Keep up the great work.

PATRICIA WHITTON - 03/02/99 15:49:16
My Email:LEXY1022@AOL.COM
CH.A.D.D. Member??: NO
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: YES
Phone Number: 512-387-7942
Occupation: HOUSEWIFE
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: YES


Pam Glidden - 02/20/99 01:58:09
My Email:pglidden@earthlink.net
CH.A.D.D. Member??: yes Coordinator actually
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: No thanks, already have it!
Phone Number: 253-631-8603
Occupation: Housewife
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: whole darn family does!

Great website Lea! I would never have dreamed that you could improve on the old one, but this is wonderful! I will send people here. Thanks!

Betty Barfield - 02/18/99 18:45:35
My Email:barfieldb@missouri.edu
CH.A.D.D. Member??: yepper noodles

Nice site lea.

Carol Quinlan - 02/18/99 17:19:14
My Email:AMOM Carol@aol.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: Chapter Co-ord
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: oh yes

Lea, Absolutely WONDERFUL resources!!!!!!! Carol Quinlan Fairfield County CHADD CT aka Cathq :-)

Annette Tabor - 02/18/99 10:58:58
My Email:missannette@hotmail.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: yes
Phone Number: 954 755-7895
Occupation: Teacher
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: no, I have AD\Hd

Lea, This is GREAT. It is one of the best if not the best Web Sites I have ever seen!! You should be very proud of this, I have just read some of your articles and I learned a few things... Annette

Laura Arnold - 01/30/99 12:42:17
My URL:http://antty@webtv.com
My Email:antty@webtv.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: (919)580-9154
Occupation: Pre-school teacher
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes


Annette - 01/18/99 00:13:34
My Email:missannette@hotmail.com

Your site is Great, I really like it , Lea!

Lew Mills - 01/04/99 22:05:59
My URL:http://www.millsconsulting.com/CHADD
My Email:LewMills@MillsConsulting.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: Yes, a coordinator
Phone Number: 415-550-7672
Occupation: Consultant
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: Both

Hi, just dropped in to say hello. How is it working having your site up? Do you use it for announcments, etc? Does Phil Bernstein have a link to you from the national page? Drop in at http://www.millsconsulting.com/CHADD to see my early effort! Thanks, Lew

Heather Spaulding - 01/03/99 22:42:38
My Email:heatherfeather98@hotmail.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: nope
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: (570)839-4162
Occupation: student
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: i have ADD

Nothing but Hello!

Diane McGowen - 11/05/98 01:51:58
My URL:http://www.brightok.net/~dmcgowen
My Email:dmcgowen@brightok.net
CH.A.D.D. Member??: No
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: Yes
Phone Number: 580-226-0781
Occupation: Educator
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: No


Stewart Yates - 10/29/98 09:59:58
My Email:newcomputer@bigpond.com.au
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Occupation: credit manager
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: no

I run the Australian Klinefelters Syndrome Support group and only wish we could get the funds to set up a home page. We would appreicate any information that you have about your group Regards, Stewart Yates

Bonny J. Adams - 10/21/98 17:42:27
My Email:badams@gfc.state.ga.us
CH.A.D.D. Member??: Yes
Phone Number: 912-743-7364
Occupation: Purchasing Agent
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: Child

This is a great site. Sounds like your group is very active. I am working to get the CHADD chapter here in Macon started up again. Any information you can provide will be greatly apppreciated. My address is: 3209 Matheson Drive, Macon, Ga. 31204 Thanks...

Educational Software Cooperative - 09/04/98 04:19:46
My URL:http://www.edu-soft.org

I found your site by following the web rings. There are so many interesting things! I hope you'll visit ESC's site, too!

Jackie Rider - 08/12/98 16:57:10
My Email:aajr@catmus.cat.cc.md.us
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: no
Occupation: programmer
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: no, possibly ODD or Conduct Disorder


Diane Kay Kunkkle - 08/09/98 06:03:43
My Email:chaddw213@aol.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: yes Mam
Occupation: Retired
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: 16 yr old son


Evelyn Green - 08/06/98 02:58:03
My URL:http://chadd.org/chadd947.htm
My Email:egreen@kiwi.dep.anl.gov
CH.A.D.D. Member??: yes - coordinator
Phone Number: 773-779-5009
Occupation: teacher
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes - two kids AND me!

Great site Lea! Don't be suprised when I ask you present "creating your own CHADD website" at next years' conference!!!

Evelyn Green - 08/06/98 02:49:45
My Email:egreen@kiwi.dep.anl.gov
CH.A.D.D. Member??: yes
Phone Number: 773-779-5009
Occupation: teacher
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes - two kids AND me!

Great site Lea! Don't be suprised when I ask you presnet "creating your own CHADD website" at next years' conference!!!

Dina Robertson - 08/01/98 18:26:35
My Email:sddrobt@aol.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: Yes-coordinator
Phone Number: 603-436-3469
Occupation: medical records
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: Yes


Chelle - 07/26/98 22:54:36
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Cove/1477
My Email:rcgem@mailexcite.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Occupation: Sped. Educ. Teacher
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: no

Thanks for stopping by and for signing my guestbook. You have a lot of helpful links.

Lorinda - 07/23/98 14:36:36
My Email:Lorilu725@aol.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: Coordinator from Connecticut
Occupation: Career Firefighter
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: Both

Loved this site. I put it in my favorite places...hope to correspond with you soon. Good Luck with your chapter!!!

Roxanne Nickerson - 07/21/98 17:43:01
My Email:briantn@gte.net
CH.A.D.D. Member??: yes
Phone Number: 360-653-6198
Occupation: Daycare Owner/School Dist. Educational Assistant
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes

Your sight is GREAT! It makes me want to create a Home Page for our Chapter (Stillaguamish Valley) in Washington State, except that we are SO short of help, and as you know there is SOOO much work to be done. Keep up the GREAT work! ROxanne Co-Coordinator Chadd of Stillaguamish Valley Arlington Washington

Kay Murray - 07/18/98 03:51:02
My Email:KEMurray@aol.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: yes, coordinator of chadd of federal way, WA
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: one husband, two kids

This is great, I especially enjoyed the music!

Teresa L. Brundage - 07/18/98 02:27:18
My Email:vktj92a@prodigy.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: yes - coordinator #636
Phone Number: (816) 889-2855
Occupation: Secretary
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: child - 16 years old


Pam Glidden - 07/17/98 22:58:51
My Email:pglidden@gte.net
CH.A.D.D. Member??: You bet!
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: nope
Phone Number: 253-631-8603
Occupation: Housewife
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: Yes, husband too.

Lea, I have no idea what my URL is, if I have one. I'm a chapter coordinator in Washington. You have a wonderful site! I'm very impressed. The music is a nice touch and I especially liked the little figures. Lots of good information too. Thanks for sharing and caring! Pam

Peggy Shearer - 07/17/98 18:40:10
My Email:pegshear@ptd.net
CH.A.D.D. Member??: yes
Phone Number: 717-966-0177
Occupation: Secretary
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: child

Hi Lea, Your web site is cool. We really enjoyed the link to the ADDer's Dictionary and some of the other humorous items. Keep up the good work! Peggy

Betty Barfield - 07/17/98 17:59:40
My Email:betty@ece.missouri.edu
CH.A.D.D. Member??: Yup
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: Nope
Phone Number: 573-874-5067
Occupation: accountant
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yup

Great site Lea. I really liked Sally and Unna. thanks for the laugh betty barfield mid missouri chadd

Belynda Gauthier - 07/14/98 00:54:02
My URL:http://www.chadd.org/chadd652.htm
My Email:lacachadd@hotmail.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: Yes
Phone Number: 504/261-0613 (Chapter InfoLine)
Occupation: Human Resource Director (and CHADD Coordinator)
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: My 13-year-old son, Jesse

Hi Lea! I just followed your links to check out your Chapter Home Page. I really need to do something like this. In addition to the page we have at the CHADD site, we have a free homepage at http://members.tripod.com/~lacachadd/index.html but I don't know enough about html to make it any fancier. Check it out if you get the chance. Belynda P.S. -- Nobody EVER signs my guestbook. (Hint! Hint!)

Chuck Ryder - 07/04/98 20:12:45
My URL:http://chuckspage.index.html
My Email:chuckryder@usa.net
CH.A.D.D. Member??: not yet
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: 717-288-6979
Occupation: disable.
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes,bothme & my three kids

I think participating in CHADDmight be a big help to me in understanding myself & my kids & maybe I can have better relationships as a result.

Kimmy Smith - 06/25/98 13:29:20
My URL:http://www.communique.net/~wksmith/index.html
My Email:wksmith@cmq.net
CH.A.D.D. Member??: no
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: 318-622-3610
Occupation: teacher
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: I have it; both my sons have it

I am so glad that more people are putting up resources on add. Please visit my site, and if you don't mind could I link your site to mine?

Balance Check - 06/20/98 15:32:44
My URL:http://members.aol.com/balanceck/
My Email:Balance_Check@bigfoot.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: yes
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: no
Occupation: attorney - public defender
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: yes

Found out about your site on the ADD newsgroup. Very well done. I will be adding a link here in the near future. Suggestions for other sites to link to (besides mine): ADD Books http://user.cybrzn.com/~kenyonck/add/books Mining Comany - professionally maintained website http://add.miningco.com Brandi Valentine's site http://www.ns.net/users/BrandiV/index.html

Glen Ketteringham - 06/15/98 22:09:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Strand/1124
My Email:glenk@idirect.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: nope
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: yes
Phone Number: n/a
Occupation: Website Designer
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: no

Nice site!You might also want to take a peek at Ability Online. http://www.ablelink.org Keep up the GREAT work

Claudia - 06/04/98 17:03:03
My URL:http://http://www.vvm.com/~fantasia
My Email:fantasia@vvm.com
CH.A.D.D. Member??: NO
Interested in more information on CH.A.D.D.??: Not about medication - only about alternative treatments
Do you or your child have A.D.D.??: Child

Your site is informative, but it seems to try to sell a product. Which if that is your intent it is well done. I am looking for alternative treatments. My son is ADD and I will not put him on any mind altering drugs. Meditaion seems to work well.

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