"Follow the path that is right for you. But know that it will not always be straight and easy. Cherish the twists and turns of your path because that is where true enlightenment is found." -c.c.-
"Going to church every Sunday does not give one the right to act like a total asshole the other six days of the week." -c.c.-
"Going to church once a week will not get you into Heaven. How you live your life everyday will make this world heavenly or a living hell. -c.c.-
"Those who believe in prophecies of inevitable tragedy have no faith in their own humanity." -c.c.-
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged." -Matthew 7:1, Holy Bible, NIV- (I think a lot of so-called Christians forgot about this one.)
"Satan represents kindness to those who deserve it, instead of love wasted on ingrates." -The Satanic Bible-
"Forgiving and forgetting is the path of stupidity. Acknowledge and move on instead. -c.c.-
"No one should be protected from the effects of his own stupidity." -Anton Szandor LaVey-
"I've listened to and spoken with many people who are, by their own volition, going to Heaven...I think I'd rather go somewhere else than be stuck in Heaven with those fucking idiots." -c.c.-
"All stress is self-inflicted. Yet it is often necessary to inflict stress upon ourselves to make others aware of the bullshit that goes on in this world" -c.c.-
"Society has traditionally always tried to find scapegoats for its problems. Well, here I am." -Marilyn Manson-
"I've found beauty in the profane...I've found good in things I once believed to be evil..." -c.c.-
"There is no right or wrong. Life is just a path. Just follow your heart and it will take you where you're supposed to go. There is no such thing as fate, we must all choose our own path. But don't mistake the path with what's really important...which is the people you're going to meet along the way. You don't know how your life is going to change...or how YOU are going to change the lives of others." -"The X Files" (conversation between Scully and her sister)
"I'm an old man who has known a great many problems, most of which never happened." -Mark Twain-
"Satan has been the best friend the church has ever had, as he has kept in business all these years." -The Satanic Bible-
Truly enlightened people are usually those who are wrongfully labeled as being evil BY IGNORANT PEOPLE who believe THEMSELVES to be enlightened -c.c.-
"There are as many paths as there are souls." -F.L.-
"Perfection is something always worth striving for, but best if never attained." -c.c.-
"Satan represents man as just another animal--sometimes better, more often worse than those that walk on all fours--who, because of his "divine spiritual and intellectual development," has become the most vicious animal of all." -The Satanic Bible-
"God doesn't move us by telling us the facts. He moves us by
pains and contradictions. He gives us a lack of understanding...not answers, but questions...an invitation to marvel." -"Millenium"-
"A mountain view shows the landscape ahead, but not the path we'll take through it. That's up to us." -Gary Lachman-
"To truly be a nice person, one must often resort to being an asshole." -c.c.-
*disclaimer: I do not live devotedly by these words. For me to say I do would be hypocrisy. I do my best, but like any other human being, I stumble & fall along the way. -c.c.-