Welcome to Sandie's World

This page was last updated on October 7, 2001.


Welcome fellow Netsurfer,

Thank you for stoping by my corner of the world wide web. This site is where I collect information about things that are important to me and where I can express myself creatively. Hopefully, there is something here that will interest you, make you laugh or make you think. So step inside my world and take a look around. As someone once said--"Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home"!

my signature (really)


New In My World

September 11 Tribute

Essay: Never Wake a Sleeping Giant

Featured Holiday Pages Claire's Christmas Page

Sandie's R.M.S. Titanic Page

What About?

The Purple Meanies

Claire's Corner

Holiday Pages

My Official Excuses Page

Sandie's Helpful Hints

Phenomenal Women

My Oklahoma Page


Awards and Nice Things

While you're here, please sign my guestbook.

Free GuestBooks by Phaistos Networks!

Read My Guestbook! | Sign My Guestbook!

This is what I would look like if I were a bird masquerading as a librarian
Gayla's Garden

There will be more coming as I decide what's going on here--check back often!


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I believe that the World Wide Web is for the distribution of information. If you wish use anything from this website, you are more than welcome to it. However, please respect any copyright postings from anyone linked to this page. Much work has gone into these sites and the creativity, skill and dedication should be respected and acknowledged.

Psychology 1113 Fall Semester
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