Chodess at Home

I figured that because I am such an outspoken person at times, that I could do a little shrine for my personal favories. Call it an ego if you like, but this is my way of venting out to all those idiots who would never listen to me or even give me the time of day (mostly because of my appearance) out there. There is so much that every person in the world would love to say yet never really does (can?)...

"The word freedom alone makes me think of the old bumper sticker adage that reads 'No one is free while others are oppressed.' But I've seen that so many times it hardly means anything anymore. What the fuck does that mean? No one is free... while others are oppressed. Oppressed how? Oppressed like when you're living at home and your parents won't let you go out on friday night for some reason... that kind of oppressed? It could seem like it if that person is you, but that's not really it. Oppressed like there isn't enough food to eat 'cos your mom or dad can't make enough at work to bring home groceries. Oppressed like you can't find a job because you look like hell because you don't have a bed or a shower because you can't pay rent because you can't find a job. Oppressed like you can't go to school because some of the other kids carry guns and you're afraid of being shot. Oppressed like your kids are taken away from you because you're in jail because you robbed a 7-11 to feed those kids. Oppressed like you're terrified to go out after night because you happen to be a woman , and you don't have a car and you're scared of being raped. Oppressed because you can't be what you want to be, or love who you want to love, openly, for fear of getting beaten to death. And on and on. No one is free while others are oppressed. The forces or powers that allow any of those things to happen allow all of these things to happen. We live in a fucked up world, in a fucked up country, in a fucked up society, in a fucked up state in a fucked up city. Yesterday we ate, but somebody in our city didn't. Today we got home safely, but somebody in our neighborhood didn't. and the same 'forces' that let this go on use this to their advantage. Those who aren't eating or sleeping or getting home alright are already muzzled, directly pressured by those forces of control. Those who did eat or sleep or get home safely are muzzled as well, but indirectly. We're scared to death that tomorrow that might be us. We're so fucking scared that we buy things we don't need, clothes we don't wear, food we don't wear, food we throw away. We lock our doors, gate up our windows, go straight home after work. We buy guns to protect what we think we have, while scrapping to get more. We think that as long as we try hard and protect our own, we'll be okay, because, after all, this is amerika, and we're free...
Dead Silence

Please come and see me and my friends and my favorites and stuff like that

I love animals, I always have. Just as a side note, I am against animal abuse I feel this does include circuses, animal testing, animal racing, hunting, and so on.

Please view my children here.

I really do have a lot to tell the world. Many personal writings that I call my form of poetry. Many causes I'd love to take action with,...many strong opinions.

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