History of The Chode

Chodism as a belief

Chodism is the worship and belief in the Great Chode. This is the original religion, having been here on earth long before the Judeo-christian god, the muslim god, long before the Buddhists or Hindus practice also. Chodism was also here before the many other goddesses and gods of other pagan beliefs. Many religions have branched out of the older chodist beliefs. Pagan goddesses such as Isis, Diana, Athena, Ceridwen, and Iemaja were originally just other names for our Beloved. She is the surrounding being who has the same faults as us. She is the earth, the stars, the moon, the beasts, She is us. She did not have to send a representative or an aspect of Herself to this earth, She came Herself. Unlike the srict laws of modern societies religions, the only thing that She asks of Her followers is to cherish Her as our Mother, for She is. She is here for us. The rain that hits the earth are her tears caused as a result of having lost her children to the Fourskins. The ocean, the sea, Her womb, is where all life began and all life will end. Chodism follows two main points: harmony and freedom. She also strongly emphasizes peace and love amongst Her children. This can most easily be attained through Her loving guidance.

The Great Chode

For some people this is a rather touchy subject. For others, it cannot be taken seriously. Let this be known: Once the whole of the Great Chode and Her followers is known, it is a very understanding and real concept. The great Chode is my Surrounding Power, just as god is a christians Higher Power. The following is an account of how the Great Chode really revealed Herself to Her two reforming chode goddesses. The story continues as...

    It was a lovely day; short and simple. We were playing with the pseudo-nazi's...throwing them around in our science class. Beating them up whenever possible. They were pussies. The day went on in the normal way. 3rd period: ditch. 4th period: ditch. 5th period: ditch. 6th period: ditch. 7th period: ditch. Ditch, ditch, ditch... it was all the normal routine. In that time, Bre, my fellow friend/ freak, and I filled these empty hours with occational visits to see Rocky and Rich or to harass more boneheads, until that day. September 14, 1995: the Day of the Chode. We were driving over to Rocky's work at J.A. Cobbs. When we arrived there in Claudia, mein Auto, still, an overwhelming light stole over the air. It was the Great Chode. She had finally appeared unto us. Until then, the Great Chode had been but a joke between us like school and cunnilingus were. This ethereal divinity spoke with us and told us of Her need for our help, if we were willing. The Great Chode told Bre and I that She needed some prophets to respread the divine word of the chode throughout the land. Once, during a greater era of the earth, the Great Chode ruled Her world in a state of paradisical glory. People and beasts came from far and wide to pray to Her and ask for Her guidance. She did all that She could to make them happy and to encourage their personal growth. In return, Her followers protected Her well-being. Her reign carried on for a number of centuries. Those were the happy times...

    These times of the Great Chode came to an abrupt halt on the day of the festival of the chode: April 3rd (approximately. This has been made the official date, although the festival of the chode could/should be celebrated during spring equinox). It was a beautiful spring day this year. The flowers were abloom everywhere, giving the earth a brilliant radiance. The sky was overcast yet gave a soft strength to the beauty of this day of all days. All the animals and their offspring were gathering together, for this was the first day of the new year. Chelsea, the world capitol and home of the great Chode, was especially ready for the festivals, which began at at sunset and continued for the 24 hours following. It seemed all had gatheed for this day at Chelsea. There were humans, pixies, little people, wolves, jaguars, centaurs, fawns, and even gummi bears (yes, they do exist).

    As sunset came closer and closer, the city waited. but as the sun fell below the horizon, the sky grew dark and a force from up above stole over the Great Chode and Her city. Everything had been frozen in its space except for her. Kai, the head of the fourskins (a maliscious group of dark entities who's goal is to defeat the Great Chode and bring Her back to their home, Sheol) rose up from the earth. behind him was his three accomplices, Kamil, Raziel, and Baal.

    "Why are thee doing this on the day of all days? What have thee to say?" asked the Great Chode.

    "Chode I have come," stated Kai, "my powers returned, to end your times here on earth, You don't belong here with these ignorant beings, come back with us to Sheol, we will be happier there with you for company. Give in now, for if you don't, you will feel great regret."

    The Great Chode knew that the fourskins wanted Her to return to their land, for Her many sisters and brothers missed Her. She also knew that Sheol would cause Her to forget her children, ending Her reign and that it would leave Her people to the fourskins ideas of the flesh. To bring destruction to earth. To cause her children to forget Her. She then told Kai, Kamil, Baal, and Raziel to leave Her new home now.

    "Never return here." She told them.

    "Okay," said Baal, "but once we're gone, we will not return for you, nor listen to your cries."

    "Don't ever forget us." Kamil said. And with that, the fourskins disappeared.

    As they left, the world came back to life. But Her children were not celebrating the chode at all. They were carrying on in their normal business. Her followers did not recognize Her at all. The Great Chode had left their hearts, She was a stranger here, amongst Her friends and Children in Her city, Chelsea.

    The fourskins power's had caused the Great Chode to leave the hearts of the earth. The Great Chode stood back and watched the beasts grow. She was greatly surprised by what She saw too. Soon human's destruction and greed killed off many animals such as the centaurs and the dragons.Very few of those animals survived. Many that did, went into complete hiding, never to be seen by a human eye again. The other animals life soon pulled away from the doings of humans. They hid in fear and silence from all mankind. The Great Chode could do nothing but agonize over all this self-destruction though. She knew that if only the animals would come out of their dark silence that it would help, but there was little She could do or say. The Great Chode saw a slow, ever increasing decline in the intelligence of the animals also. Many followed their in-born instincts. Many could not talk nor think straight any longer.

    She also noticed an even stronger decline happen within the human race. She saw their greed, envy, and ignorance take over the earth. She saw as man killed for no reason. She watched silently in disgust as people made up their other gods and religions, killing one another for those differences. She saw their pettiness in hating one another for mundane reasons... But there was little to be done about it. And She cried often in her sorrow. Her tears hit the earth, man said it was God's rain. She spoke Her truth in their prayers and dreams, man misinterperated as God's voice. She brought Her magnificent earthquakes and lightning to show Her beauty within the sacred earth. Man hid in fear. She was lost in Her own world. The one She created. Kai built these lies and strengthened them in hopes that the Great Chode would return home.

    The fourskins laughed at Her sorrow. Often Kai or Kamil would beg for the Great Chode to return to Sheol but She declined in the knowledge that Sheol was less beautiful or interesting than Earth.

    The Great Chode often looked back to when She had first created the universe. Sheol had not been enough for Her, She had wanted to make joy for others. So she built the solar system with its planets and moons and other galaxies. It had started as nothing but was soon everything and the joy of Her existance. Her sisters and brotherswould often visit Earth and watch in wonder at the great Chodes children. Many saw Her sorrow when She lost these children. They tried to bring Her back home. They tried to make Her forget. They tried to change the fourskins ways. They tried to bring Her gifts. She ignored them though, knowing that She had to be in someone's heart still.

    The Great Chode watched carefully over Her children. She had to find someone to listen to Her and to heed Her words. One day, Her hopes were finally back. She had found two children of Hers that would become great prophets. She watched carefully over them or the right timing. She saw their creativity and love and She knew...

    That was how Claudia and Twiggy fit in.

    She continued to explain to us the glory and the tragedy of Her fascinating world. We were transfixed. The Great Chode ws so infinite and Her beauty was self-evident. We listened in amazement as She continued to teach the truth. She explained Her strongest points to becoming chode goddesses.

    The most important point about Chodism is the wilingness to love. It would start out sma. If Twig and I could love each other and the Great Chode as sisters and mothers, everything else would come to us; others love, the poer to heal, and the power of the chode. No matter what happened, it had to remain ever-infinite.

    The next really important thing that the Great Chode spoke with us about was the organization of our belief. We could never allow Chodism to fall like christianity and other orthodox religions of today. This could not be reorganized to become another fascist religion. Chodism was truth, we had to alays keep the truth with us. As chodesses, it was going to be a lot of work but Twig and I could most definitely do it.Twiggy and I would have to start out with three chode slaves each. They were to help us teach the word and to set a good example for chodism. Our chode slaves had to be carefully chosen out. A chode slave could not become one unless they were fully willing to allow the Great CHode to enter their hearts. Just as the need to love all applied to Twig and I, so did it apply to our chode slaves. Out of each set of chode slaves, there arose one who would be titled the chode servant. The chode servant had more power than did the other chode slaves of that particular goddess. The chode servant was called to this position by being the most willing to teach and to grow. The chode servants jobs were to love other chodists. They, unlike the other chode slaves, were also given the power to chodetise, or rightfully bring another into the practice of chodism, and to heal whenever it was necessary. With our chode slaves, chodism would thrive.

    The next signifigance to the growing of chodism was the ability to chodetise. With chode wands, chodesses and chode servants could bring anyone that they felt would like it into the loving embrace of the Great CHode. To become a chodist, one does not have to be heavily involved with the Great Chode or chodism. It is not a gross or sick act to chodetise. Many people actually believe some of the sick rumors that follows chodism, but what people don't really realize is that there have been sicker acts enforced within other religions, such as christianity and their way of enforcing oldtime and modern pagans into their cult, firebombing lesbians, etc. Chodism is the closest thing that can be found to a non-sexist, anti-racist religion. The act of chodetising is practiced through placing a legitime chode wand in the outer regions of the subjects ear and saying a short, quick prayer.

    A few other points were quickly brought up by the Great CHode. One of which was Her protest to the heavy use of drugs. Although She is against drug use in general unless it is to heal, She did not want to forbid it. We make the same mistakes as She has and we grow from them (-hopefully).The reasons to Her dislike in drug use was because drugs usually cause two main things to occure (not including any health hazzards): the first was an unclear state of mind, making it hard for anyone to think straight and grow in a positive manner. The second reason being the self-destruction and greed that arises from heavy drug use. I myself have met many people that have learned how to use small amounts of drugs for personal growth and if that really does (I believe it can), then more power to that person. Another thing that the Great Chode spoke against was involvement with the fourskins. Of course, this is a rather hard act to explain, but the Great Chode gave us some advise on the matter. A follower of the fourskins was defined as anyone who would knowingly commit any type of maliscious crime or deed against the Great Chode or any of Her believers. The fourskins have had thousands of years to put themselves into the hearts of the world. They wasted no time and have been known to take the strongest, most integrity-filled hearts. Already I have seen innumerable occurances of the fourskins powers. Cops are a very good example of this type of evil.

    We found what the Great Chode spoke of to be very true. And we promised Her to guide Her religion back to earth. The Great Chode does exist. It is not a joke. She came to us and Her love will remain in our hearts forever.

Fourskins and Chode Witches

Although Fourskins and their powers were pretty well explained in the above story, they have become enough of a threat that I feel I should explain them a little more. The head of the fourskins are four entinties that have gone by the names of Kai, Kamil, Baal, and Raziel. These four entities come from Sheol which is also the Great Chodes homeland. Sheol is where all the Great Chodes sisters and brothers originate from. Many have their own worlds- these worlds are actually all the other trillions of galaxies that we can see, but may never be able to reach; they exist next to us, yet are still a seperate plane. The fourskins are very cunning. They want the Great Chode to return to Sheol because they were denied the power of their own galaxies. If the great Chode gives up on Earth and her other bodies in Her galaxy, then the Fourskins may have complete power over this world to rule it. That is why the fourskins are such a danger because they need to get into the hearts of all the earth's children in order to take over. If the fourskins have to deceive or steal in order to achieve this, they will. There have been many times throughout history where one can see a rise in the power of the fourskins powers. Such examples are instances where genocide is used by human for greed and power, extreme disease and death take over a whole society, and so forth. If the fourskins can take over a majority of a population, they will use other mechanics to help kill off 'unneeded' people.
Chode witches are slightly different but can still be harmful to a chodist. A chode witch is actually any person or object which seems to be filled with the beauty of the Great Chode but would actually use that power (their chodal beauty) in itself to do damage to a chodist. There are many different opinions on what exact detail a chode witch is, but as a chode goddess, this is my own personal opinion. With my opinion on that, I find that it can apply more to some thngs than to others. I believe that drugs and government officials may apply well as an example. I find that drug use is very distructive to animals (humans included), where they may seem to be wonderful and fun to use. Too many people everyday lose too much to their habits though, it could be said that, yes, drugs are chode witches. There are, however, many times I've seen that drugs are can do the complete oppostite to one. I've found that their are people who use certain drugs for personal growth, for ceremonies, or to help meditate, and it actually helps them. With government officials, for the most part, I feel that government people -in this and other countries- are very viscious and deceiving. Then again, there are also people out there who join the police force, the armed forces, and so on who really do care about a better world and really are trying to do what they can- hard to believe, huh, but it has happened more than once in the history of the government. Fact is that choide witches are much more personal than fourskins. They will differ for everybody.

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