Chodemaster2000 - 09/09/00 05:25:04
My URL:http://www.cesspit.com
My Email:chode_denial@yahoo.com

this website is everything we could have asked for and more. An avid Chodist, myself, i found this page very useful and interesting and i will be referring this URL to all the members of my chodeation cult, The Australian Legion Of Chodes..Oh My God Ah Ah, otherwise known as T.A.L.O.C.O.M.G.A.A. and as the head chief chode, i congratulate you on such an excellent site, waving the stumpy flag for chodation rights! well done!

Ana - 05/03/00 18:42:52

this site sux. too boring

The Mator of Chode City - 03/21/00 02:28:40
My URL:http://www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu
My Email:rondonguido@yahoo.com

Chodes are well represented on earth. But join SETI@HOME, and join the Search for Extraterrestrial Chodes. Download setiathome from www.setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu, have it run as a screen saver, and search the skies for space chodes. Make sure to join th group Chode City once you download the program, or some non-chodes get all the credit.

Heather - 03/16/00 22:11:14
My URL:http://www.members.tripod.com/kidrockess/index.htm
My Email:kidrockess@dork.com

Hey I might sound stupid or something but I have this little thing to tell you. Me and my friends (we are all 16) have since we remembered always called each other chodes! What is it? Is it a religion? Well if ya could I would like to know more about it o what is means please feel free to email me! Thanx!!!!

The Chode - 12/15/99 21:29:58
My URL:http://www.chode.net
My Email:TheChode@chode.net

This is the chodiest site I've ever seen. I bow in reverence to your most sacred chode. Please visit my site sometime. I've included a link to your site.

Caphine - 07/04/99 01:31:24
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/caphine/beef.html
My Email:caphine@theglobe.com

Hello little chode sister. I am glad to see that there are chode children like you out there to help our chodey earth... Some day soon all beings will realized the power of the chode! Once we mear humans can grasp the squishy understandings of the chode w well beat donw on all the booches that plague this pitiful planet!

Jethro - 05/06/99 21:10:48
My Email:hugenot7@hotmail.com

I am interested in becoming a chode God, i scrub my chode every day, and i put deoderant on it, and i think piercing it is a good idea, i might when i get some money, i love my chode, and i'm interested in finding out more about being a chode god, i've lo ked for a site like this for a long time, thank you for making it

osiris - 03/22/99 01:47:24
My Email:osiris667@hotmail.com

nice page doll. -- random depressed seattleite

freestyle - 03/01/99 05:03:52
My URL:http://www.linkline.com/personal/freestyle
My Email:freestyle@linkline.com

thanks for signin my book.....

Chan - 01/05/99 16:46:39

nice site. Where did the name come from? I like the pictures of you and your friends and bands you like.

The Bloodfangers - 12/05/98 02:08:57
My URL:http://www.bloodfang.com
My Email:u got it.

{omega) Much love to The "Kill the Scientist" Band emliy you got mad problems girl but i luv ya just the same, i feel ur pain. the cd's in the phuckin mail baybeee! (This is Bathgate all up in tha crack of that ass. Thanks for the luv! The CD will be in your hands shortly! I want to come to L.A.! Take Care. Stay off the Crack. Peace. ( neb here, look, this must be, now that you have this you will go get this on some of college stations on the leftcoast... right? look this is the heart go for the goal and reach for the.. th.. the... fuckit um just um well....

Simar Alain Rousseau - 11/04/98 23:40:47
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~stammtisch/home.html
My Email:simar_rousseau@hotmail.com

Hallo Choddess. Was paßiert? Having not previously been exposed to the chodist current thought; i have found many intriguing aspects to ponder here. Sehr interresant und bedeutungsvoll ! I'm in total agreement with your views towards (other) ani als. Veganismus jetzt! As far as feminism is concerned...hmmm...perhaps, if more females were chodists. As it stands, ii'm more of a misogynist (alas) and a misanthropist. Now if only my gender could be cleansed of our violent, heteropatriarchal nd phallocentric ways. Then Life would be no longer out of balance. Though this mortal coil shall never find the Joy that haunts us. I don't think humankind has the will to accept it. Liebe müßt uns zusammen machen! Anyhow, keep up the good w rk and i shall be adding a link to your page posthaste. Danke und tschüß!

TOASTBOY23 - 10/29/98 17:33:00

this is heresy! lier! blasphemer!

Rose - 10/16/98 07:07:33
My URL:http://www.notyet.com/itsajoke
My Email:friends2099@earthling.net

Not bad at all...acctually better than what i thought......Good luck improving it to be one of the best :)

Stacey Unruh - 10/01/98 14:42:22
My Email:stas.tsp@mailexcite.com

Yes, I definately loved your page. I'm a writer in ALsop Review. I'd like to read some of your poems. E-mail me with one, please. It's stas.tsp @mailexcite.com.

Gigi Blanche - 09/27/98 20:17:56
My Email:GBlanche@aol.com

Is this your webpage, Emile Bonham???? Let me know!!!! GB

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 03:00:11
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

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