Chodes in general folks

What Is A Chode?

The chode is a sacred space on your body. It exists on every living being. Yes, that is correct, ladies and gentlemen, you have a chode, your dog has a chode, your cat has a chode, every living animal you see in the zoo has a chode. It is a necessity to living a good and happy life. That is why so many creatures have one. What the hell is a chode then? Well the chode is the sacred area located ever so conveniently between ones genitalia and ones anal region. IT IS NOTHING ELSE OTHERWISE IN ANY PHYSICAL FASHION. PLEASE DO NOT CONFUSE THE CHODE WITH GENITALIA OR INTERIOR BODY PARTS OR BODY FUNCTIONS. Some believe that the chode is the first chakra in the Hindu beliefs. This makes a lot of sense in the point that the first chakra is the chakra that is supposed to connect the entire human body to the energy of the earth. The first chakra is also one of the main vital areas of the human body.

The Ideal Chode

Any chode is ideal. It can be black, white, green, or purple. Chodes should most definitely be kept clean. They should show that their guardian takes proper care of it (please refer to PROPER CHODAL CARE). The chode will vary for each owner according to sex, age, species, and so forth. All that I can really say for sure is that the chode should be treaeted as the sacred object that it is.

Proper Chodal Care

Any chode should show that it is always taken good care of by its keeper. It is essential to living a better life. Your chode should be scrubbed and cleaned on a daily basis - no less than fortnightly. Unless it is a must, underwear should not be worn, it will only restrain your chode. If you feel like showing your chode to an especially good time, shave that area, your chode loves it! Another treat for ones chode is chodal decorations such as piercings. Piercings are great because they make any chode feel even more special. Chode exercises also real important. Females can practice by queefing. Other ways to exercise ones chode is through intercourse or passing gas. Any movements that stimulate the chodal region will do. Just remember this: the more you take care of your chode, the more your chode takes care of you.

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