Curriculam Vitae

Mr. Rajesh Pathak obtained his Three Years Diploma in Computer Science & Engineering from Birla Technical Training Institute (GDBMP) Pilani in 1993. Then he joined HARTRON (A Haryana Government Undertaking) and Worked on   a on  a project for  Computerization of Treasury in Haryana  for two years and then he joined Tropical Agrosystem (I) Ltd, New Delhi and worked on Networking and handle data processing projects, he has  developed  data  processing   projects  for company in Foxpro environment.

Presently, he is working as Junior Technical Assistant in National Information System for Science & Technology (NISSAT), Department of Scientific & Industrial Research (DSIR), Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of India. In NISSAT, he looks after Maintenance & upkeep of Computers, peripherals, DTP, Internet, E-mail Services, UUCP and maintaining databases, Promotion of NISSAT Activities.

He has intensive knowledge of MS-DOS, UNIX & Windows 9x OS and   also familiar with programming languages like Pascal, Cobol, C, C++, Visual Basic and variety of software’s like database Management system, word processor, DTP & Graphics, Hardware of Computer and Networking.  He   also    has indepth experience to INTERNET, WWW, HTML, etc.