flirting & fishing on Kelly's Island

l e g s     d
          l                off the edge
         n               of a worn wooden pier

his legs were so very golden brown and tan --
baked outside, in the earthen oven, beneath the sun

my legs were so very very pallid and pale --
delicate china slathered in sunscreen

our legs loosely intertwined together
and he scooted over closer to me

offering to bait my fishing line
with his sweet seductive smile

I smirked and brushed his hair out of his eyes
he leaned closer, planning to steal a kiss,

but I grabbed the writhing worm
he had reserved for my fish hook,

snapped the slithering thing in half.
I tried to hide my shudder, as I wrapped

it around with my disgusted grin
and placed it back in the crystal jade water

that Kelly's Island is known for.
I never knew, however, how friendly their natives were.

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