Alphabet Poem.

Zephyrean azure sky
Yields playfully
Xanthic buds of flowers
Writhing and resisting while a tree
Vacillates clumsily and
Ustulation of the aureate sun
Timelessly continues into eternity but
Syzgetic moon embraces the sky
Rendering a black velvet curtain above earth
Quixotical creatures muse on the quintessence of stars
People out like a light, unaware until
Orb of the sanguine sun, dripping blood
Nearly soaks the earth
Morning dew covers all like a heavy coat
Lovers curl in bed avoiding the cruel reality of dawn
Kaleidoscopic sunrise greets the day
Jubilantly waking all from their slumber
Inception of another day
Helios drives his chariot across the sky
Gods of Mount Olympus are relieved, no
Fear since Zeus chastised Phaėthon
Effulgent heliotrope efflorescing
During the dawn, such
Change from the night when its
Bloom drooped sadly to the earth
Awaiting its friend the sun.

07 April 1998

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