So Many People to Thank ...

So little time!


There are so many people who have helped me with the creation of my homepage, I don't know where to start!  I guess I'll start at the very beginning.  That's usually a logical place to start, right?

First and foremost, I have to thank AOLpress, because without their program, I would be totally lost and have no idea what I'm doing!  I still don't really know what I'm doing, but they're at least keeping me in line, so to speak.

Okay, I'm just going to list everyone:

Roddy, who sent me a great list of SFII sites, and has edited and shrunken so many pics for me in the past.

Mike, who also sent me an Evangelion and El Hazard site, and also scanned the photo of me that's up in my index page

Rei, Chun hon, Jed, Meggo, Ems, and Kathy, who were all kind enough to let me connect their webpages in my Links Page.

Alfred, who made was nice enough to trade, one drawing of mine for one of his (I love that drawing.  Thanks so much hon!)

Kerry, who gave me that awesome drawing of his, which I adore almost as much as him.  ^_^

Carrie, who's letting me use her great oil paint swirly design as a background for some of my pages.

Suzie, who's been so wonderful to scan everyone's stuff for me, and has taken such good care of my stuff when scanning it, and also sending it back to me!

Thanks to all the great people who have helped me so much in taking the time to critique my poetry, and made me a better writer in the process.

Also, everyone who's bothered to come here, read my incoherent babble, and sign my Guestbook.  Thanks so much y'all, you have no idea how much I appreciate it!

That's all I can think of for now!  But if I've left anyone off who's deserving recognition, just yell at me, and I'll put y'on.  ^_^


Hey look Ma! I'm the person to visit Jules' cool page!

That's nice dearie, why don't you celebrate and sign her Guestbook?

You can view her Guestbook too, just sign it first!!!

Did you love my homepage, do you feel apathetic, or do you think it really bites?  Either way, feel free to mail me and give me a piece of your mind!


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