1964,was the year when the St.John Ambulance Malaysia of HUA LIAN SECONDARY SCHOOL of
TAIPING,NORTH PERAK,PERAK DARUL RIDZUAN  was established.The three teacher in-cahrge of it were Mr. Hwang Peng Khoon, Mrs. P.J. Weller,and an Indian teacher.


1966--Two teams were registered this year, there are AA 41 & NC 16.
1967--NC 15 was registered and div. AA 41 achieved winner of the collection of donation on Flag
         Day.Two members have curved the following words " THE SUN NEVER SETS ON THE WHITE
         CROOS OF ST JOHN OF JURUSELEM" in Hua Lian 's first aid room.
1968--Mr. Hwang Peng Khoon organised the first Perak trainning course.Div. AA 41 was changed to
         AA 49.
1969--Mr. P.J. Weller organised the first Perak trainning camp.
1970--NC 15 & AC 33 entered first aid competition at the state level at Teluk Anson.
1971--The Hua Lian's first training camp was organised by Mr. Hwang Peng Khoon.This year div.
         AC 33 was champion in the Flag Day collection.
1972--NC 12 & NC 15 had achieved great results in the First Aid & Home Nursing at the state level.
         NC 15 entered the National level Competiton and had succeded in getting second place in
1975--Taiping General Hospital have donated 2 beds to SJAM SMJK HUA LIAN.
1976--The ANNUAL NORTHEN PERAK PARADE was held in the field of SMJK HUA LIAN.
1978--There weree five div. currently registered AA 49, AC 33, NA 16, NC 15, NC 12.
1979--Mrs. P.J. weller had left Hua Lian .she replaced by Mr. Wong Fook.
1980--Mrs. Kuan Toh Cheong replaced the teacher of SJAM Hua Lian.
1981--All of the form.4 members have been  transfered to div. AA 49  & NA. 16.(ex- AA 49 members
         and the form.4 female students transfered to NA 16.Members below form 3 are required to
         entering AC 33, NC 15, NC 12 respectively.
1983--6th Annual Training Camp in Camp Maju Taiping was organised.
1984--7th traning campin the Hua Lian school.
1991--AC 33 entered the  Natinal Level First Aid and Home  Nursing Competition in Kuala Lumpur.
1994--SJAM SMJK HUA LIAN celebrated 30th anniversary.
1995--NC 15 and AC 33 had entered National First Aid and Home Nursing Competiton again in K.L.
1996--The 11st Patrol camp in the Northen Perak headquater.Mrs. Harbajan Kaur was appointed as
         teacher in charge of NA 16.Had organised Flag Day donation in the Northen Perak St. John
1997--The troop managed collect the most donations on Flag Day--RM22000.Celebrated Chinese
         New Year festival with the orphan and handdicapped person.Miss Teoh Lay Khim. Mr.
         Manugaran, Mdm.Ang Poh Heang were appointed as teacher in charge.The 15th trainning
         camp was successfully organised in Northen Perak H.Q.
1998--Mdm. Ang was left and replaced by Mrs.Ong Moo Kean and in charge of NC 15.