Star Filled Night

"In the field I layed my blanket on the ground, Layed back and stared off into the star filled night....."

"We choose to go to the moon... not because they are easy but because they are hard," President Kennedy said over the deafening applause from the croud.

That's my dream, pretty much. I want to walk on the moon, and more then that, I want to explore the universe and see things not many men have seen before. This has been a dream of mine for years, now certainly a dream I plan on making a reality. Space has been one of my obsessions for as long as I can remember. I can always remmember on times when I looked up at the stars and wondered who might be staring back at me. It may just be a childish fantasy of mine but thats probably what Jim Lovals parents thought about his obsession for space when he was a child. Its really difficult to write about this. Why? Well.. I fony know. My obsession for it just embarrises me. I swear I feel like I'm so alone sometimes, like I'm the only person who feels this way. Its hard to get my feelings out on paper.. errr.. computer. All I can say is that I love it and I'm not one of those geeky kids who dreams of going to the stars but never does it.. see the difference with me is I KNOW I'm going up there. :)

Astronomy Links

Mike Boschat's Astronomy Page
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