Man With the Dark Eyes

I was walking down some street listening to my Cd player. I look down at it and I remember admiring it sort of. I walked past some people on the road that were going in the opposite direction. There was a man ahead of me walking towards me. I dont really remember what he looked like, but I do remember his eyes. They were dark.. like they could burn a whole into you just from staring at you. At first I thought nothing of it, but the closer we got to each other the more afraid I got. I moved a little bit more onto the grass so not to run into him. He stopped and stared into my eyes. I tried to move out of the way be he stepped over blocking my path. He kept staring at me and I knew something bad was going to happen. We struggled, and the next thing I knew I was in a garage.
one of my biggest fears is being chased, then being in a closed space and expect the person to find me or a way in at any moment.
I was in a garage and looked around franticly. I expected him to come in at any moment, and that thought alone terrified me. I picked up a phone, and dialed 911 with trimbling fingers. I expected each time I dialed one more number that he would find a way in. All of a sudden the garage door started lifting and as it was rising he was soving things under it just to let me know he was there and I was at his murcy. ( or thats how I interpreted it ). I ran over to the door and pressed the garage door button to make it go back down so he couldnt get in. Well me being my " go the fuck away you silly basterd" thinking self, I was so nervous and fightened, that I pressed it twice, so instead of going back down, it went up. He came towards me so I tried running around him but he grabbed me and shook me. I telled at him, cursing, but he didnt let go. A red car went by and I screamed, "Help me please! Please help me!" this old women looked at me then the road, She wound the corner and I kep my eyes locked on hers, screaming. Then I woke up.