The following is a list of all the people in my life. I might or might not mention them in my journal.. if so you can look up their name on here and find out who they are...

Loren- Loren is my older brother. He's 17, and is a pain in my ass. But sometimes he can be cool.. he dresses like a skator real bad. When I say Skator I mean.. chains on your hip, baggy clothes, listens to techno.. whenever I want to piss him off I call him a skator. He takes it as an insult. Sep 15th.

John- I dislike this guy so much it isnt funny. I dont know if hate is the word but im sure close to it. He's a fat ass, jerk who needs to be kicked in the balls a couple times by myself. Heh, I only wish :). Sep 15th.

Dad- My dad can be ok sometimes. We arent really close, and he's hard to live with. He's hard headed and his opinion is always right and no one else can think other wise. I dont see him much anymore beause he's so busy with his job and being the State Rep of district 72. I like going to the house of reps with him.. I've done it once and want to go back. I see him maybe once every week or so and we go out to a movie and dinner. I sorta miss him.Sep 15th.

#cyberwitch people- This is a channel I hang out in sometimes. This Feb I'll have been in their hair for about a year, hehe. I love all of them, and most of them are some of the greatest people I've ever met. .

Mr.Lester- is my science teacher. All we do in his class is sit and be lectured. He can be all right.. .

Aron- LOl I dont even know if I should start on him.. Seems all the people I dislike the most are more at the top of the page.. ok well anyway.. this guy gets on my nerves.. is VERY touchy feely with all the girls on the 8th grade. This guy is so bad some friends I know got all of his Ex girlfriends together to make a hate group against him lol..

Beth- is my dearest friend! She's the best and is always there for me.. I've known her since 3rd grade and been best friends with her ever sence.. I love her to death ( no not like that ) and always will.

Gracie- is also one of my good friends! Grew up with her and well.. we've been fighting since but are still friends heh. .

Mom- is ok. I love her to death and I think she's a wonderful lady but she can REALLY get on my nervs most of the time. What else are moms for?? :) She's great for advise and is always there for me.. I love her. Sep19.

Patty- is an old friend. I've known her since about 5th grade. She's pretty cool and we always stay in touch, woohoo. Sep20.

Kirstin- I dont see her anymore!! :(( We were friends last year along with Megan and Kelli. We were all tight, Kirstin is very athletic and I've always wished I was as good as her at all the sports she plays!Sep20.

Kelli- I never did figure out if this chick liked me or not. We hanged out together but never were that close. We were in the play "Joe Thud!" together.. that was fun. :)).

Megan- is my little meggie! I love this girl to pieces.. She's great! I wish I could hang with her more this year but I cant :( We dont have the same classes and see each other once in a blue moon :) .

Kim- I haven't seen her in ages! She calls every so often, and it seems everyone is dredding her arival back home to Punta gorda.

The Smith Family- Ok hard subject! I love this family.. they're all great. I've been friends with April all my life. And her brother, Nick, and my brother loren are good friends. My parents used to be friends with their Parents but I think that stopped after State Farm sued the Smiths.

Vennissa- *gRoWL* This girl gets under my skin. Shes the type that goes down the hall in a skirt so high you can spot her ass a mile away. She flales her arms around and is a total DITZ! 100% ditz! But I guess on the brighter side of her.. she is a good friend to those she cares for.

Dannel- This girl that was at beth's party "supervising" us, hehehe, and while she was "supervising" us we managed to throw carrot cake around the room and when we were done it was EVERYWHERE!.

Dana- is pretty cool. I like her.. she lives with Beth's family right now. She should be giving us rides with Matt and Nigel come down.

Sarah- is one of beth's friends. Shes ok from what I've seem. Beth's opinion of her changes everyday.. but it usually stays in the neighborhood of slutish. I personally dont have a prob with her.. she seems ok.

Justin- is my ex boyfriend. I met him over irc and we had it going on for about 7 months I think. One day he just disapered.. when he came back.. 3 months later.. I was in love with matt.

Ryan- this little 13 year old that is like 4 ft high, hehe. He's a cutie.. He'll jump up on everyone and talk like he's about 3. I think he learned to keep his mouth shut the other day when cars are driving bye *WINK*.

The 3 Whores- We were sitting outside the movie theater and this car goes by.. Ryan yells out to them and they come back and start bitching at us. Happened October 4th.

Shannon- I never do know if I like this girl. She's ok when she isnt trying so hard to be a bitch. She's fun to listen to and always has a great story to tell me.

Brandy- I dont know her very well but from what I've seen she is a very cool girl. She has an interest in witchcraft ( as the other 95% population of my school does) so we usually get together and talk.

Randal- This guy I used ( KEYWORD ) to have a crush on. He's now all up in my face and wont leave me alone.. when he isnt being a jerk he's nice and sweet. I want to hook him and Shannon up, woohoo.

Login- He was in "Joe Thud!!" With me. He is a really cool person and is really funny to watch. I saw him the other night at a football game.

Mr.W- is my tutor. He's been for about 7 years now.. hehe and I still can't spell!

Derek- is my Cousin, Bonnis, Ex. They were going out for about a year.. and now Bonni hates his guts.

Jerimiah- Jerimiah is ok. He's in my classes with me and we get along semi good.

KileKile is Beth's little brother.. he LOVES to annoy the hell out of us!

Bobby- Bobby is Kiles little friend.. he's annoying as well.. Kile and bob make a good team.

Liz- is a great girl! I've known her for 3 years and counting! She always manages to make me ROTFL ( roll on the floor laughing )

Nikiii- is my cooooooool irc chat buddie! I love her to pieces and shes wonderful! *HUGGIEZ* girl!!

Dannille- is a friend of mine from band.. I usually hang with her when we skip 7th.

Esmo and gyps- Are two really cool people. They're sooo in love and I'm so happy they're together!

Debbie- is my dads girlfriend. She's ok but I dont love her blah. She reminds me of barbie.. just add 40 years of wrinkles.

Matt- is my babe! We're going out and I couldnt be happier!! Lets see its now.. a month and a half and counting! Love ya babe! *SMOOCH*

Larane- is this girl I know from school. We were friends in 6th but I find her... weird... now.

Void- is a friend of Merina's! I dont see him much anymore which is a pitty :(

Nigel- is Matt's friend. He's going out with beth now, hehe. They make a cute couple.

Nanny- is my grandmother. I love her to death..

Grampa- I love him too.. hehe cant think of much to say but he loves trains!

Tyrone- is a REALLY good friend of mine! I think he's moving to Georgia though :( Pooh on him!

Adam is this jerk in my 1st period. He has a problem with sexual herrasment, and is a person I would love to hit.

Anthony Is Tyrone's pimp.. No comment hehe.

JoeLeeIs this boy who used to live down the street from me. During Halloween we would have amazing fights with flower.. He would always bring his friends and I would bring mine. OF course we would bump into each other and something would start.. hehe not my fault *WINK*








