Astrological Correspondances

These are just a small sampling of various correspondances as related to Astrological (Sun) signs. This is by no means a total listing. Click on the Astrological Sign for more information on it.

Astrological Sign & Dates Angel Planet Element Stone Flower/Herb Color Day o.t. Week
ARIES March 21 - April 19SamaelMars FireRuby, Garnet, Bloodstone, DiamondThistle, Wild Rose, GroseRed, bright colorsTuesday
TAURUS April 20 - May 21AnaelVenus EarthSapphire, Emerald, Jade, OpalViolet, Wild & Red Roses, ColtsfootBlues, GreensFriday
GEMINI May 22 - June 20RaphaelMercury AirDiamond, Jade, Topaz, AquamarineParsley, Dill, Snapdragons, IrisWhite, Spr. Green, Silver,YellowWednesday
CANCER June 21 - July 22GabrielMoon WaterEmerald, Cat's Eye, Pearl, MoonstonePoppy, Water Lily, White Rose, MoonwortPale Blue, Silver, Pearl, WhiteMonday
LEO July 23 - August 22MichaelSun FireAmber, Topaz, Ruby, Diamond Marigold, Sunflower, Hops, CowslipGold, Red, Yellow, Orange Sunday
VIRGO August 23 - Sept 22RaphaelMercury EarthDiamond, Jade, Jasper, AquamarineRosemary, Cornflower, ValerianPastel Blue, Gold, PeachWednesday
LIBRA Sept 23 - Oct 22AnaelVenus AirOpal, Lapis Lazuli, Emerald, JadeViolet, White Rose, Love-in-the-MistCerulean Blue, Royal Blue, AmethystFriday
SCORPIO Oct 23 - Nov 21Samael, AzraelMars, Pluto WaterRuby, Garnet, Bloodstone, TopazBasil, Heather, ChrysanthemumDark Red, Brown, Black, GrayTuesday
SAGITTARIUS Nov 22 - Dec 21SachielJupiter FireSapphire, Amethyst, DiamondCarnation, Wallflower, Clovepink, SageLilac, Mauve, Purple, AmethystThursday
CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 19CassielSaturn EarthOnyx, Obsidian, Jet, GarnetNightshade, Snowdrop, Rue Black, Grey, Violet, Dk BrownSaturday
AQUARIUS Jan 20 - Feb 18Uriel, CassielSaturn, Uranus AirZircon, Amber Amethyst, GarnetSnowdrop, Foxglove, Gr. Valerian All ColorsSaturday
PISCES Feb 19 - Mar 20Sachiel, AsarielJupiter, Neptune WaterSapphire, Amethyst, CoralHeliotrope, Carnation, Opium PoppyPurple, Violet, Sea GreenThursday

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