Lisa's Journal

December 5th - December 12th

December 5th.. Arg!! Rechid cramps! They were killing me all day so I called my mom to ask if I could come home. Her being her sweet self she picked me up and brought me home. But before that this new girl joined the classes I'm in. The teacher picked me to show her around so we got to skip science and I showed her around. Her name is Sarah and she seems pretty cool. Ok so I spent the rest of the day adding webrings to my page. They REALLY do help with getting hitz!

December 6th..HMmMmMMM Saturday!! My favorite day of the week! I woke up round 8:30 and started packing my room up. See, we're moving next saturday.. so my mom wanted me to start now. I'm sitting in my room and it is so bare. April called and asked me if I wanted to play in the softball game tonight because they were short a player. I said no not really.. I hate playing with her team most of the women are 40 and have been playing for.. like 20 YEARS!! I always feel presussred when I play with them.. so she got on the phone with my mom and she said, " Ya ok she'll be over there by 6" I'm like.. I cleary remember saying no. My mom was going to MAKE me go.. I know that doesnt sound like a huge big deal but it is. I said no and they both went behind my back setting up what fricken time I should be there! That pissed me off.. a little. heh.. and so I was all in a bad mood for the rest of the evening till april called saying the game was cancelled. So after that im like, "Mom why did you do that when you knew I didnt want to??" Shes like "I dont need a reason to do things". Well I WISH i could do things and not need a reason,jeez!

December 7th.. I miss matt soooOoOOoooOO much! I wont see him till friday! arrg! I miss him already.. beth and I are talking about his visit this march. Its going to be great.

December 8th Through tears im typing this.. is kinda hard. My day was ok during the begining.. I've been on edge all day. I've been also thinking about matt NON STOP all day to.. which is getting annoying because I would like to be able to consentrate hehe. Ok so I got online and nigel was on. Nigel is matts friend.. and nigel was on matts comp. He told me that matt *might* not be able to come in march. I burst into tears when I read that.. I know its hopeless now and they're isnt a chance of him coming. I turned my music up high, cryed, and rocked in my chair with my head between my knees. All of a sudden beth calls and shes crying.. "Lisa your mom just called here saying I charged 200 phone bill on you guys" Im like WHaT?!~ Ok so heres the deal.. beth and I three way with people I know off of irc and usually charge it to my bill. My mom got the bill and called them.. so now i'm all histerical and I called my mom.. I was still crying from matt not coming and knowing this just made me cry harder. I talked with her and she couldnt understand me because I was talking to fast and was hard to calm down with these tears pooring down my face. She was PiSsEd. Ya! I'd be to if my daughter charged up 200$ in long distance. Oh I felt horrible.. i didnt mind paying the bill, but just the thought of my mom being disappointed in me.. that just makes me break down and cry. I love my mother very much even though she can be a bitch most of the times. I just can't handle her being mad.

December 9th.. Oh I dont feel so hot. I have cramps.. and have been a total bitch for the past two days. I wonder why..( PMS maybe?? Naaah!! )

I miss matt so much its starting to hurt.. he's all I can think about.. he's pretty much all I dream about too! I guess this is love right? I'm only happy when im talking with him.. and that I dont do much since he isnt ever able to get on anymore :(

seems some kids at school want to fuck with me lately. During my period ( as you will soon know ) is NOT the time to fuck around with me. I get annoyed faster and am ready to pounce quicker.. I guess this is their baaad timing kicking in....

Ok so heres the story: I was walking down the hall and this lil 5 foot boy seems to have a problem with me. So I glared at him all during lunch and pointed him out to tyrone. Tyrone was like, "Hey girl.. want me to pounce on his ass?" I giggled and am like no. Tyrone and sarah and I were walking down the hall talking about Nate and his gang when I turn and this kid is right behind me, staring. I ignore it at first untill I heard him talking about having his sister comeing to jump my ass. I turned again and asked if he had a problem, and why if he wanted my ass kicked so bad why he just didnt do it himself. He's like, "Im going to punch you" OhhHHhHH wrong thing to say hellLLlllo!! Tyrone turned and is like "WHAT did you say little boy?? huh?? huh??" He turned to me.. "lisa? Want me to kick his ass?" I told him no but tyrone is.. well... he likes getting into fights. He's always dying to fight someone if they get on his nerves.. and I guess this kid was getting on his nerves along with mine. So I stopped in front of him and told him to hit me. He looked at me up and down and walked past me. Well I say if your going to say your going to do something.. why not do it? I hate empy threats

i got home.. and.. guess what!! Matt can coming!! He's going to come isnt that great? I'll be floating on cloud 9 for the next 48 hours now, heehee!!

December 10th.. I didn't go to school today.. ( bad cramps ) I just sort of piddled around and begged my mom for pain killers. She was really understanding and got me a hot pad. I surfed the web all day and waited for matt to come online. Hehehe, I love talking with him.. if you hadnt noticed.

December 11th.. I didn't go to school today either, heheee. I surfed and been lazy all daaaay looong. I *really* hope matt comes on today.. he can't I know he can't but I can hope, right? Geez he's starting to be all I talk about when I type about my day.. : )

December 12th.. Ahh the weekend. About time if you ask me. Tomorrow we're suposed to start moving. What a waste of a perfectly good weekend, I tell you. Tonight My mom and I went out to the observatory at the college. but because of the weather it was canceled. I'm really proud of myself.. Want to know why? Well of course you do. You see I hang out in this Pagan channel called #cyberwitch. I love going there.. the people are great. And well I also have this fasination with paganism and well I finally told my mother that tonight, and also about the channel. She knew I like reading about it and learning but didnt know how serious I was. She went to the #cw homepage and checked it out and all that.. her being the protective mother she is. Hehe only took me a year but I finally did it!
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