November 19th..
Hey! I went to the fair earlier tonight, with Liz. It was great! We got there and ran away from her father, lol. After the 5th ride I wasn’t feeling to great so skipped the rest. We ran into Joe, Matt, and ryan. And Matts sister was there. We ran off with her and her friend. We came to this one clown named bobo in a dunking bothe, who was pestering this one woman. She was so close to running in and dunking him herself without throwing a ball to do so, hehe. We went on the ring of fire which is sorta like a roller coaster but goes around in one big lope then stops at the top so your upside down for like 20 seconds. I was so scared of falling out I screamed my ass off. After that on the way out I ran into debie. Debie is my dads girlfriend. She led me to my dad and where else was he but around the tracters and farm animals that were being judged lol. He was one of the judges.. why? I dont really want to know. So I hugged him and kissed him and ran off. Never really see him anymore. Him and my mother are divorced.. and I live with my mother.. Just reminding you all J. When Liz and I got on the apples that swing around really hard and make you want to puke, the dude that was controling the ride was staring at us. Maybe I was paranoid I don’t know but I pointed it out to liz and she thought so to. So nah :P
November 20st..
Its the weekend!! Oh yes!! Thank god!! Woohoo!! Tomorrow im getting my new computer! I can’t wait. My day was okay I guess. Anthony made me so mad I was shaking. In my first period him and adam are so fucking cruel to this one girl that sits near them. I wish I knew why.. maybe its some perverted way of flirting. You can tell they like her but they treat her so horrible. They usually grab her ass and call her names or try to touch her.. but today they totally ( in my eyes ) crossed the line. Anthony took his pencil and put it between her legs.. and im sure you can figure the rest. I lost it and stood up and screamed "What the fuck do you think your doing you perverted basterd!?". What made me more angry is that he just looked at me and grinned. I was so disgusted. In the hall I ran up to the girl and I’m like "Dont you ever notice what they do to you? Why do you take that crap from them!?" She had no clue what I was talking about and walked away. I just stood there with my mouth hanging open. She has to notice this stuff.. I cant believe she would take it from two peices of shit like adam and anthony. So I was upset and I ran into Tyrone. He was like "girl what happened? What’s wrong?" So I told him what has been happening for the last month.. he already hated Anthony so his hate only grew stronger. I told him if he ever needed help in whooping both of their asses I was there for him. I’m sorry I usually don’t resort to violence ( yea right ) but they really deserve it . I know telling Tyrone that was a stupid move and I’d only get myself in a lot of shit.. but I do strongly believe they deserve it. I doubt it will come to that.. I’d go to a teacher before ever doing that. After talking with some friends on what to do.. which is don’t say anything but sit back and watch and try to draw either the girls or a teachers attention to it. If they don’t stop I’m going to the teacher.. simple as that. I was sitting in 5 period thinking about what I should do my Current Event on. I was considering sexual harassment in the schools and how classes should be taught because some of these young men just don’t get it., wouldn’t that make one of my teachers joke on their coffe : )
November 22rd..
I got my new computer!! Wohoo!! I love it, it’s so great! It has speakers, a bigger screan, EI, Netscape, ICQ, and a whole shit load of programs I’ve never seen before. It’s so great, hehe im giddy. I just lounged around the whole day and talked with Matt, you know the normal J My mom and I cleaned out my room and moved the furniture around.. looks SO much better and I have a shit load more room.
November 23th..
I'm so tired!! My day was okay.. I sat around on my lazy but and putered.. talked to matt.. : ) He's starting a journal.. hehe I feel noisey by wanting to go read every entery. Im going to try and stay away from it for a bit. So umm I'll write more tomorrow.. I Promise!!
November 24th..
Today was okay. I found out how much Joice Harrington hates me though.. I dont understand how someone can hate a person who has never done anything to them. I already had a clue she did.. she always stares at me and goes quiet when I walk up. Knowing she hated me only made me giddy about it heh and make me wonder why. So.. my day was okay.. nothing exciting happend. Ross was in a car aciddent :( He broke a couple ribs.. and it still complaining about it. he brought a picture of the car after the reck and showed it to everyone.. I'm glad he's okay.
November 25th
I woke up this morning with my mom tapping on my shoulder telling me to wake up. I opened an eye and got a nice view of my cats ass.. heh. Last night she took up the whole bed I couldnt get comfortable. I wanted to move her but she looked so sweet laying there sleeping i didnt have the heart to. I went to school and did the normal.. Jennifer is in my group now. Shes really annoying.. the girl was driving me nuts all first period. Hmm I ran into Megan in the halls. Was great to see her even though it was like for 3 minutes. I came home and Matt sent me something through the mail!! I was totally shaking as I opened it. Its a silver dolphin neclace. Hehe, its really nice.. im going to wear it when we meet, I think. Tyrone is moving!! Ack the horror!! He says he cant handle the people in our sschool. I was so mad at him I ignored him for a couple hours till he convienced me he wasent going. See im a stuborn mule and I always have to get my way.. hhehe. I'm writing this and also online in a channel called #cyberwitch. They're a wonderful group of people.. I love them all to death. They're also entertaining.. just sitting back and watching gets me rotfl. Hehe, ok anyway.. I need to make my enterys longer.. scrolling up they look so small.
Im going to sometime this weekend make a video tape for Matt.
Im afraid of blinding him though, heh.
November 26th
Hi! My day was ok! a little agrevatng though.. I got online for a bit to look for matt and say bye bye to him. I'm going over to my grandmothers for the next couple of days. She lives in palm beach ( 3 hours away ) and I love having thanksgiving there. The whole family gets together and does.. reminds me of old times when we also would go there for christmas. Anyway! Thats a whole other story. Boring but true hehe! I'll be back in two days .. bye!!