{ L i s a ' s - J o u r n a l }

November 12th - November 19th

November 12th.. Hi!! Hehe, last night I felt like SUCH an ass!! I have Void's number ( a friend from IRC ) and I felt like I should.. JUST CALL, and I was thinking, "ohh he wont be home I'll leave a little msg on the answering machine and thats it!". But NOOO hehe he had to pick up the phone! So I'm like "hiisandrewthere?' He's like "Who?? WHat???". I calmed down.. "Hiiiii is andrew there?". He said "ya your talking to him.". I felt like hitting myself over the head with a brick. So i just sat there muttering things trying to get a converdation going. Lol didnt work. So like 20 seconds later im like, "uhh I gotta go now, bye" *CLICK*. OhHHHHhhhHhHh I was blushing so bad in my house. So after feeling like an ass for the rest of the night I just got over it. hehe, doesnt sound like much but I get embarrised rather easy. Anyway, today was ok. Made more plans for matts visit. Oh! Randel asked me out! I was totaly shocked. Randal is a friend of mine.. probably only person in our grade thats taller than me. He usally comes up and bugs me, and is usally a pain in my ass. But a nice pain in my ass. I told him as sweetly as I could, no. I feel that would sorta be like cheeting because I'm with Matt.. oh well I donno *shrug*. I have to write a story in science like its my future and its the year 2097. I'm thinking maybe a nuclear war happend and I and some dorm mates go outside to try to grow something, and we only get one hot meal a day, eh stupid idea. Well its a 100 years from now so I should be dead.. maybe something that happens around my grave and I'm a spirit watching people. hehe, oh well I'll worry about that later. Beth and I called Matt and Nigel today!! ( Nigel is the dude that will be traveling with matt when they come ). We're going to hook Beth and Nigel up. They're both really perverted so they should be great together, hahaha. I felt bad because I was talking to them and had to go and never got to say bye to matt :(. I wrote him an email about why I had to go and I was sorry. So WHERE was I? At my dads 'surprise' B-day party. Half my family members are all smart asses, I always laugh so hard at their conversation topics. Usally politics.. but always something where my brother can put his smart ass opinion in. Dad and I went over to pick up Nanny and grampa. They're both around 80, and arent very healthy. I was so happy to see them.. I thought when I was in virginia over the summer that might just be the last time. Nanny is so frail and I felt like crying as we walked her to the car and helped her in. She's the sweetest lady I know and I love her with all my heart. It made me sad as we walked to the car taking 5 minutes to do so and having to talk really loud for grampa to hear. I started thinking about how I'll be like that one day. Makes ya think that when you start out in life your helpless, then you get older and arent, and as you grow much older you die almost as helpless as you entered the world. Nanny has parkinsins and I'm not going to think about it, I'm going to think about the time we have now together and the time we will have in the near future together. I wanted to end with that sentence and make you think, but I think I'll keep going. I'm such a nervous reck about Matts visit. I mean I'm such a rag lol He's going to get off the plane go.."OH DAMN lisa sure is an ugly bitch!!" *turn around and get back on the plane pulling Nigel along* LOL! watch me have a nightmare of that now!! Ok, ANYWAYS. Tyrone and I were talking. Tyrone is a friend of mine and he's in all my classes. We were talking and brian came up to him ( brians like 6'2" and jumped on him and gave him a big hug and wouldnt let go ) Tyrone was pretty much running from him and I was laughing my ass off watching. I told tyrone to stay still cause he knows he likes it. OHH THAT WAS A BIG NO NO. he straightend up, looked at me, and he chased me around the room till I stoped. He was pinching me and im like "TYRONE!! it was a joke!! lay off hun!" Oh my gawd he looked freaky. His eyes were huge and he was like "what did you say?!?!?". So the entire class was watching us and the teacher had to tell us to sit down after we stoped yelling. We're friends but sometimes we get rough like that. So now the class has been taunting us saying we're hooked up. I'm like "OH please *rolling eyes*". So now everyone excpects me to know where he is like 24 hours a day and wanting to be invited to the wedding.. lol I shruged it off muddering "ya whatever". Anyway I told you that for a reason to show Tyrone and I are tight ( good friends ). He wrote me a note.. heres what it said: " Lisa, He girl whats up?? just chillin n-e-ways they said that I was the one saying everything. I think that they are on his side but that is not going to stop me from fighting him. That bitch has better watch his back because I am on the lose. He better not say anything to me or I'm going to hit him right in the face. And also Jared Davis no matter what heidi says. Jared said, that I need my brother to fight but that is not true, And if anybody decides to jump in it I will kick their ass well cya gotta go. Love tyrone. ". Tyrone and I have been getting in a bit of trouble. These guys.. Adam, Nait, and jared and really testing our patience. They're all asses. I dont have a problem with Jared, just Adam and Nait. Why? Well why dont I tell you. Nait and Adam have a SERIOUS problem and if they dont straighten it I'm going to have to help them along ( is that the harmones talking?? ) anyway they sit in class.. my first period.. and totaly torcher this one girl. Its rather bovious they like her.. Adam is the worse. He treats her like a moron and grabs her butt, kicks her over and just makes her look and im sure feel quite dumb. And she isnt dumb, I hope she realizes that. Today they kicked her stuff off the desk on aciddent and while she bent over they put their hands infront of her ass. I was so fucking close to blowing up.. didnt quite reach it though. I yelled "ADAM the the fuck do you think you doing?!?!" He turned around and gave me shit for the next 5 minutes. All I got to say is I'm by tyrone a 100% if he ever needs help dealing with them. Going back and reading that I can tell I've changed in the past couple months. Sure I would never even think about going to physical violence. But now.. hey if I need to I need to. I will try to avoid it but im not afraid to fight someone. And my mother wonders what happend to her sweet little girl. If you ask me I'm nice to you if your nice back. I'm one of those people who can either be your best friend or your worst enemy... literally. I hate to write that but its the truth. If they lay one more hand on her I swear they will be hearing it from me. I cant sit by and watch that like I have been for the past week. I dont understand why she takes it. She just sits there through it and looks like shes on the verdge of tears. I would never let someone treat me that way.. never, and they wont treat her like that way if I have a say in it.

November 13th.. hey. Nothin much went on today. I am trying to cool off from yesturyday. Going back and reading that I sound like such a bitch, but hey it IS the truth and how i feel. I'm really upset about beth. Shes totally into pot and weed. no matter what I say she wont stop. I keep trying and trying but she wont. She is getting it from sarah. I wish she would stop so bad.. her eyes were blood shot last time I saw her and I care for her a lot and hate to sit here and watch her go through it. I've been having long talks with her about it and I just hope it sinks in sooner or later. I went to mr.wikoffs ( tutor ) today. Got home and jumped on the computer looking for matt. thank god he was on! I was going to have a total beak down if he wasent. I love talking with him.. its the best. I called him a couple hours ago. Was fun talking with him and we ACUTALLY talked!! I thought we were going to sit there and be quiet but we werent :) I was really proud of myself hehe. I wanted to say to him "I love you" to his face but couldnt get the nerv. Told ya I was shy! I have so many books on my shelf. i need to start reading them lol. I think I'm going to start with "Until the sun dies by Robert Jastrow". Its about "the riddle of life and the riddle of creation". I love books like these... When I'm done reading the rest of my books I want to either get some books on Greek Mythology or Celtic, then some stuff on Amerinas History. Oh god I'm such a nerd. lol all I need is a pocket protector and I'm all set.

November 14th.. Hey! its the weekend!!!! yess!!! I have tons of homework but that doesnt really bother me. Oh god.. I got picked up from school early. Had an apointment at the doctors. I go there now every wednesday and mond ay and today for once too. I really dont want to get into why I o there, so anyways. Was there for an hour and came home. Plopped my lazy ass in this chair and got online looking for matt, hehe. Beth and I called him and Nigel today. Matt and I are trying to hook Nigel and beth up when they both come to visit beth and I in florida. Its going to be a bitch keeping this from my mom.. hehe but I love the challenge! It was great talking to them on the phone even though I was shaking the whole time. I love matts laugh. Was great to listen to. So it was a normal day.. nothings really exciting happend. I'm starting this project in computer tech with this girl stacey. Shes amazingly shy. Is hard to work with her but im at the moment trying to break her out of her shell. I looked up at my book shelf and was totaly amazed. I have like 9, 400 page books on space. I was like "Oh man I'm obsessed". lol and I think I am. I went outside and stared up at the moon for what seemed like forever. I couldnt stop staring at it.. its so beautiful. I remember being in the car with my mom and staring up at it when we were driving back around 9 to the house. I pointed up at it and told her I was going to walk on it one day. I'm such a sap and dreamer, hehe jeeez. I'm like on the 5th book for this series. I started them on monday and I promised myself I wouldnt read them all and have them done by sunday. Lol looks like I'll be done around saturday. I love these books, they're by Christopher Pike. He's a really good writer. I usally find some of his stories boring and drawn out but these arent really. Its about a 5 thousand year old vampire, named Alisa. I love her shes such a smart ass and has a very quick witt. I love characters like that, lol.

November 15.. OH!! I'm so happy!! At edison community college they're put in an observatory!! You know where you can look through the teloscopes at the stars! I can't wait to go check it out.. I have a feeling I've found myself a new home. Nothin much has been going on today! Been talking with matt and planning to go to midnight madness tonight!! 11 till 3 AM should be fun!! later

November 17th.. I am so sad. Im involved with this one channel, and everyhing is breaking to pieces. People are resigning and getting all pissed and storming off, some friendships are breaking apart as well. It breaks my heart to watch this all happen. I hope it ends soon.