{ L i s a ' s - J o u r n a l }

October 28th - November 11th

October 29th.. Heya all. I didnt go to school for the past two days. Hehe, pitty huh? I think I pulled my knee from running around universal, yesturday. I think I already said that in another journal entery. So im staying home!! Of course i can't go to school.. Not with a bad knee. Hehe, I milk this sort of stuff out till its dry. ( in other words.. I take little things make them big and stay home :) ) I mean who REALLY wants to go to school? Its good for you and all but Its not fun, I dont enjoy it. Well sometimes I do.. depends on what their teaching.

October 31th.. Halloween My night was... Good and Bad I guess. I'll explain. First I went to school did the normal thing. Went home got online said hello to a couple people first. Maybe I should tell you about my guy troubles lately? hehe probably dont want to hear about it but oh well. I've been going out with justin over the internet for about.... hmm maybe 6 or 7 months. In the past 2 months or so I havent seen im what so ever! So I've been wondering *duh duh is it off?*. I talked with Nikiii and she beat some commen sence into me. Theres this really, really, really, really, really, sweet guy on IRC I know. I asked Nikiii to find out what he thought of me and bingo. He likes me.. so Im sitten there in my chair smiling ear to ear going insane. ( a good insane ) I was so totaly happy for the rest of the night.. and hey even hooked up with him. After tearing myself away from the tv wannabe ( aka my computer ) I got ready for halloween. I went as depressed/gothic this year. Not sure what i wore was gothic so I guessed. I stole one of my moms blouses and I put it on. I'm like "WOW! I have a body!!!" I usally wear big shirts and jeans.. and wearing something tighter im like.. hey this isnt so bad. So i was totaly giddy over what I was wearing which was.. Black jeans, a tight black blouse that has a V shaped neck, Black nails, HEAVY eye make up ( I really poured it on.. hey its halloween! You can only look freaky once a year and get away with it so hey ), and a sh*t load of neclaces. My friend Nick came over and we dressed him up as a drag queen. He wore a skirt, my high heels, stockings, nail polish, pink hair the WORKS!! We even gave him something to stuff his shirt so it looked like he had breats. He walked like a girl does in high heels.. I was laughing so hard. Wish I had a camera, hehehe. When Liz and I left gracies party we came back to my house and called some friends up to come over, Megan and danille could only make it. Guess we should have given them more notice before hand. lol. We walked around the streets. Danille REALLY wanted to go nicker nocking. Its PGI, I'm like theres no way she'll get away with it. ( PGI=nice part of town.. rich old people live there and most only have to press a button to have cop cars driving up their drive way.) So we talked her out of it after a while. When everyone left it was just Megan and I. Thats when the bad news struck. Megans sister is dying of brain cancer. She has about 4 to 6 months to live. I was totaly shocked and Megan was bawling. We sat and talked about it for a long time.. she cried on my shoulder and I just sat there looking stupid. I felt so bad for her.. and I was just totaly struck. I've only met her sister once.. in that time she seemed like a very sweet little girl. Shes about 10. Waaaay to younge to be going through something as horrible as this if you ask me. Not saying I know how old you have to be to have cancer.. but I wish at least it wouldnt hit ppl that are so younge.. and havent even had time to do anything in their lives. But not like that will happen.

November 1st..Heya! What a wonderful I had. I can't remember the last time I went through a day totaly happy. Did I say anything about this guy I got hooked up with? He's in the UK.. one of the sweetest guys I have ever met. ( He's probably reading this.. if so *blush* I mean everyword ). I spent almost the whole day talking with Matt. I dont remember the last time someone made me so happy. I was totaly giddy just sitting there in the dcc with him saying a couple words every minute or so! I've talked with both Gyps and Esmo ( two very good friends of mine who are really in love ) and I watch them how they talk about each other. They're both so in love with the other! I really never knew what it would feel like what they're going through.. heh I know now :). Dad called today. I finaly made it clear that I do not believe in God or Satan. We sat on the phone forever. He was telling me about the bible and how God is real and all this stuff I should believe in. He wants me to go to church with him then a youth group. I'm like "HELL NO!". I really dont want to waste my time. I understand he wants me to believe in it all but I just dont. Would be a huge waste of mine, his, and the ppl that go theres time.

November 2nd.. Heya. My day was ok. I got up around 8 to meet my father for breakfast. He picked my brother and I up and we went to IHOP. I was laughing becaude I'm now taller than both of them. ( I'm 5'11" and a half ). Debbie ( my dads girl ) got all up in my face about going to church with her. I held back many groans and rolling my eyes. Its not that I dont like church its just... okay yes it is I just dont like church. I'm not crazy about her but shes ok. She reminds me of Barbie just add 40 years of wrinkles. I got back home and plopped myself in my chair ready to get online so i could talk with Matt. I love talking with him.. heheh if you wanna call it talking.. I just hope Im not coming on to strong. Me?? Coming on to strong?? Yes its possible!! When Im not being my shy self that is, hehe. I left my puter on and went shopping with mom. I'm rather very picky about what I wear, even though its only jeans and a t-shirt most of the time. I love my clothes. Mom is always nagging me about how you could fit two people in them, lol. I dont see how some girls can go to school everyday with dresses on. Blah. Ya sure a blouse and some shorts but a dress? gag me. I'm sorta mad at gracie for what happend on Halloween. We were in her back yard and all of a sudden she says, "Ashlie humes doesnt believe in god.. Shes going to hell *gasp*, I'm not going to hang around her much anymore.. shes freaky.". I almost dropped my pepsi. I'm like "gracie where the hell do you get off saying that? Just because she choses to not believe in something you do doesnt mean you shouldnt be around her because of that." I didnt have the heart to tell her what I believe in.

November 3rd.. School was O'tay. I'm sorta happy about friday.. I was picked to go on this field trip along with 17 other of the 8th graders. We're going to the county office of something to meet our towns mayor and city council members. I already know some of them from the time my dad was in office there. I hope I dont run into Mr. Peoples. Mr.Peoples is the dude my dad won against who was sitrict 72's rep for about 11 years in a row. I think he's on the board now. WIll be a rocky day. I screwed my friendship with purple last night. He told me I was being cold to him lately. What annoys me so much is how he always knows if I'm upset or happy or pissed at him. I'll act perfectly normal to him if I was mad at him or something and he would go, "this doesnt feel right." He gets it right everytime. I'm not like a friend of mine. I can't hold my feelings back. If somethings bothering me either IRL or on IRC it effects my day and the people around me. *sigh* I talked with Tina today. Shes a sister of megans and doesnt know her sister is dying of cancer. Shes knows shes has it and has had it for many years... but doesnt know she only has 4 months to live. I couldnt stand it. Tina was so happy and she was going on about how healthy her sister is and is going to be ok. And I just sat there knowing the truth. I think they should tell tina.. I think she has a right to know. but yet maybe they shouldnt.. its horrible news and Im sitting here myself wishing Megan never ever told me........

November 4th.. Hiya. Its about 9 in the morning and I have nothing else better to do. Im not going to school today ( whats the point? ) because i have a doctors apoinment and... well... just didnt go. I miss Matt so much. I wish he would get online, soon. I dont really have much to talk about. Just sitting here bored. I've been surfing the web for ideas for my webpage. I dont like it right now its so.... empty.

Grr!! My mother is such a PAIN. She was freaking out just because I thought I wasnt going to school after the Doc's apointment. She bit my head off. Either its her going through menopause or me and PMS. Well umm i think its her, uh huh. She was freaking out because I didnt put my landry away.. and she threatend to take my modem away. So we screamed for the next hour.. but later in the day we made up.. like we always do. I went to school and did the normal. Aran is driving me nuts. He was the guy who felt it was a good idea to grab me last month. He did the same to sarah and we both kicked him in the balls. Im sure he had to go home that night and pack it in ice. *BIG GRIN*.

November 5th.. Hello. I went to school today feeling horrible. I have retched cramps and they're making me roll around on the floor in pain. I'm learning very fast that no pain killer is strong enough. I walked into homeroom today and shannon was doing the normal.. which is staring at me. I looked at her and she looked back.. she was the first to look away. I dont see her problem. I shrugged it off and went into the back room to see brandy crying. She had a couple people around, she was mummbling about shannon. SO i found out and shannon or something is umm 'trying' to steal brandys guy. I really wouldnt put it past shannon at all. I dont understand why she does these things.. for attention? Shes sure as hell getting it. The field trip is tomorrow. I have NO IDEA what im going to wear. A skirt? Oh my gawd a couple people will drop dead from shock. Hehe, me in a skirt is not something you see everyday. Yes sure I dont mind wearing them and I dont think I look that bad in one either ( teehee ) its just not at school! Like around my peers? Blah no way. I only wear them if I had some dinner to go to.. but anyway.. I would want to walk down the hallway and see corpses so.. no im not wearing one. and that is that. I went home early because of the cramps and got on to talk with Matt. No offense to all my other IRC buddies but I really dont care about the other channels anymore.. would rather just sit down and talk with him. hehe, beth and I called him! Was sooo great to hear his voice. He has the CUTEST accent!! I just love it. Anyway I logged off later.. got in bed and tried to forget the cramps.. thinking of matt and dreaming of his voice. ( reader, Im becoming a sap right before your eyes.. hehe cool huh? )

November 6th.. I stayed home today. Baaaad cramps, hehe. I wasent going to but since Matt was going to be on I went ahead and stayed home. Lately I've been having major thoughts about wether or not i should still have #tns. For those of you dont know, Im founder of #teens_n_stuff on Anothernet. Nikiii was the orignal one but after she dumped it i went ahead and registered it so no one could get ahold of the name. I'm trying my best to be founder of it and be fair. Thats all i really care about its making sure everyone makes out on it fair and im not really paying attention to what I want

November 7th.. Mom and I went shopping yesturday for something to wear on the field trip we had today. I looked like a prick!!! I wore a cream colored sweater with kaki slacks, a silver watch and this silver neclace with a taddy bear on it. Yes it sounds bad looking but it wasent THAT bad. But i did look like a prick, lol. I walked into school with my head down hoping no one would notice me. I heard someone scream "LISA!!" I turned and there was kim gocking at me. I made a pose and im like "what!?!". She ran up to me wondering if I felt ok lol. I turned on my heal from her and kept walking till I ran into tina and Liz. They couldnt get over what i was wearing and they're like "Oh lisa you look great!! You should wear stuff like that all the time!". I was in shock and sarah came over smiling at me. Bonni and her gang came over too and im like "god damn people dont you have better things to be doing than staring at what I choise to wear today!". I kept insisting that I looked like a prick but everyone was nice saying I looked fine. Hiedi was grinning ear to ear at me calling me a natural prep, ROTFL! Shes like " you were made for it hun!". Blah I ignored that comment. So we got in the bus and I was nervous. We got to city hall and went in and introduced ourselfs to the board and the rest of the people. They asked if my father was Linsay harrington, I said yes. They all knew him pretty well... we got matched up with the board members to fallow them. I forgot the name of who i got shadowed with. She was the Director of Human Resources. Was very fun being with her she talked about the period when my dad was mayor and some stuff that happend. ( my dad can be an ass but if you hadent noticed I'm very proud of him hehe ). When we were done shadowing our people we all met at the holiday in for dinner. I hooked up with Heidi and we spilled what have been happening so far. Over all it was a cool day.

November 10th.. BORING WEEKEND!! I'm dying over here! didnt do much over the weekend except be online heheh.. me and my addicted self.

November 11th.. Heya! My day was ok! Not much went on but I am totaly SWAMPED with homework!! This is horrible.. I swear I'm going to spend about 4 hours tonight on homework. Nothin much has been going on lately except the normal boring stuff. OH! Matt is coming to florida to see me!! I can't get over that! Its going to be great if im not overly nervous.. lol fat chance. The other night I was in bed trying to go to sleep when I got a great idea for a story. I couldnt get to sleep because of it.. was afraid I would forget it in the morning. I'm thinking of adding a story page to my main page. I donno *shrug*. Geona invited me to her party.. eh I really dont want to go. Larane will be there LOL.. shes an old old friend who hates me because I hate her and I dont even hate her! Ya well I'm not even going to TRY to explain that one. I dont know what to write about! I think I'll just end this here and go work on my homework or maybe update something.. later!!