October 13th *smile* Im soooo happy my dad isnt mayor of Punta Gorda anymore!!! ( where I live ). You know why?! Because we're going to be studying up on cities and how they're run in History class. The teacher is having the mayor come in and talk about it. Im so happy my dad isnt anymore because I would probably shrivel up and die in my chair if he came to my school and gave a lecture. OHH YES!!!! I KNOW she wont try and have him in now because he's the State Rep... that doesnt have a thing to do with a city. Wohhooo I'm free. All day today I shot pictures at school.. Im going to try and get them scanned and put them on my page :) October 14th.. Not much going on. IRC is totaly driving me up the wall.. its suposed to be a fun thing but its like turning into a responsibilitie because I'm joining all these things. I hope I can handle running it all. I think I can. In History we're going to have a Mock town. WIth a mock mayor and councilmembers. Im trying to get elected as a coucilmemeber. I think it would be fun *shrug*. Jeez these Journal entrys just keep getting more boring.. October 15th.. Hey! My day was cool.. I met two reeeeally cool guys. Both of them are soo cute I felt like running up to them and pinching their cheeks! Anyway.. Im trying to set one of them up with Danille. I think they would make a good couple. Randal is soooo fine! Oh my gawd. OH! Distroyer memoed me today.. He's BACK! Hmm I think. Well its at least good to know he's alive! I think I'm going to be floating on Cloud9 for a while... October 16th.. Hey! Pretty good day today.. as soon as I got to school I was happy. Dont know why just was happy. I nicknamed Shannon today the tail. You know why? Because she follows us around.. so she's the tail. Hehe okay sounds mean, and yeah well it is. Mom and I talked on the way to school ( surprised? hehe I was ) and it was about what I do online. She thinks I just pittle around chatting. Noooo Im involved with a couple channels and Learn things. She thinks im learning to spell better ( that isnt possible with me teehee ). Noo I'm learning things about different religions. I dont know why but I find it soo interesting. I know if she knew I was learning about different religions that one day might be my own, she'd freak! She knows I have an interest in Paganism, and only thinks it goes that far. She thinks next week I'll be into something different. No way. I totaly love learning this stuff... last night I took out this book thats about Wicca and read it. I never noticed before but the wicca is such a beautiful religion! I've been like searching for my 'path' and it made me feel good that I finaly found something that makes sence to me and sounds pretty much like what I believe in. After school I went over to Mr. Wiffofs ( He totors me and has been doing it for... hmmm about 6 years ) and He and his wife FINALLY adopted a baby girl! He showed me pictures of her she is sooo cute. I watched him look at the pictures and I felt like crying. You can tell he loves and adors her. He was looking down at the pcitures and just smiling.. made me happy to know he's so happy. October 17th.. Heya.. I spent almost all day today working on my homepage. I'm puting a LOT of work into it. Other than that not a lot has been going on... October 18th.. Hi.. Beth and I want to the movies tonight. We saw "I saw what you did last summer" Was a really good movie!! Through the whole thing I could hear shrieks coming from different sides of the theater.. hehe I let one out too while it was going. The end is really cool. I wont say what hapend though.. dont wanna ruin it for anyone :) When we got done with that we walked around the parking lot. A lot of teenagers and their cars were all parked together and they were hanging. As beth and I walked along I dont think I've ever felt so younge. I dont know why but I felt like such a little girl walking along with beth while those guys and their bf's were driving around in cars. Was a horrible feeling. I keep hearing "Lisa, enjoy being younge!" Yaa right. Nothing to enjoy about it. All you have to look forawrd to is what.. school? Oh fun. I have a leash around my neck and my mothers holding it. Can't have much fun that way. October 20th.. geez! My brother has become the king of all the 8th grader skaters. My brothers 17 and has a car. He goes to the park every day to hang.. He hangs with all these skator types and my cousin boni. Boni is like the lead skator or something. So these are all the 'bad' kids hangin together.. and all of them just LOVE my brother. I have people coming up to me and like "lisa, lorens your brother? cool!" So what I hear from bonni is like that they all adore him. He's the techno, skator dressing type and they think he's cool. He brings some of the to our house.. drives me nuts! I dont want people from my grade ( my peers ) walking through the house hanging out. I just know one day he'll bring home half the 8th grade! Its driving me nuts.. oh well guess you have to be here to understand. October 21st.. Hey.. Was a depressing day.. Its not far in math. I pay attention.. I try hard... but yet I dont get it! I totaly bombed the quiz totday. Made me so frustrated! I sat there and tried yet I failed. I listen to the lessons.. I dont understand why I'm not getting it!! Errr!! Oh! And I have an F in History! I'm sooo dead. I have to spend the night tonight making up papers so I can at LEAST pass the class! I feel horrible.. I think my mother and I are going to have to have a talk about this so I can for worn her so she doesnt get real pissed when she see's my report card. In band Mr.Kiston pisses me off so much. I wanted to try out for the PGMS softball team and I had to go to the office to call my mom so she could bring my gear over. He yells at me saying, "Why does everyone always have to go everywhere!?!?! Why can't they just sit down and shut up!?". Gee I wonder.. maybe they're trying to get away from you? Naah couldnt be that. October 23rd.. I've really been thinkinf about if I should keep my journal open or not. I like writting in it and dont really mind people reading it, but when they tell me I get all embarrissed. Oh well, I'll keep it open a while longer till I figure out what to do. Today was an okay day. I was elected city council memeber for our mock city called the Spotted. Myself, John and shannon were in the front of the class interviewing our class mates. We had to appoint them to jobs. Was rather amusing because most of them would get up there and be all shy. On the way out of class and into the hall, John and I were yelling about excepting monay for jobs. Like bribeing. Haha, we got some offers too. Mr.Lester pissed me off so bad today. He was giving the class a horrible lecture on how we do everything wrong. Like 2 people out of the class turned their paper in wrong so the whole class got a lecture on it. I've changed so much because before I would never do what I did today. Derek ( my cousins bf ) had his head on the table while Mr lester was talking. Mr lester took a long stick and slammed it on Dereks desk real hard.. it made a loud sound and derek jumped. Then he started bitching in his face about how it isnt nap time... He's like "Why were you resting in the middle of my lecture!?!" Derek said "Because I'm tired." Mr Lester said "well this ISNT nap time.. you do NOT lay your head down in my classroom. That is very rude". I muddered something about how well who couldnt be tired when your being lectured rather harshly for something you arent a part off. He looked at me and he made me told him what I said. He red carded me!!!! ( red carded means to be sent out of class ). I guess I should have excpected it.. Next time I wont run my mouth. October 25th.. Hey. 3 day weekend!! WOhoooo!!! Yesturday I went to Mr Wikoffs for tutor. He said some things on the way out to my mom and they were I've matured a lot. He feels like he's talking to someone who's maturing. I'm like "Well thanks!". Makes me happy to hear that, hehe. Today was ok. Boring and normal stuff went on. Theres a dance at the school tonight.. but I dont really want to go. Would rather go out some were else. I should get going.. later! October 27th.. Hi! Just got back from Universal Studios.. Went with beth and her family. I had a great time! We got there and piddled around Universal with Dana. Dana, Beth, and I went off alone.. while Beths mom, Kile, Bobby, and jinell went off to the kiddy rides. We rode Back to the future about 8 times!! My neck was hurting so bad around the 5th time because I sat in the back of the little car.. which is more bumpier. The ride was fun you would sit in a little car which holds 8 people.. and the car will start going up and you inter a room with a HUGE screen. If you are tall enough you can look over the edges of the car to see other cars to your left and right and under you. I guess thats why the line went fast is because they show the ride to tons of cars at once. Theres this part were you are going through a cave and you get right infront of this huge T-rex. You like bump around infront of it and go by its eyes and it keeps opeing its mouth trying to eat you.. hahahahaha, beth was pushing on dana and my backs.. pushing us forward going "Take dana and Lisa!! We can spare em!!" When finaly you go down the t rexes throat.. the car wabbles around like you're really inside. Later when the park was closing we left to piddle around Orlando for 2 hours. Later beths mom dropped us back off around 8 at Universal.. time for Halloween horror night!! I was so happy I love haunted houses and getting the crap scared out of me. Beth and dana didnt want to go around the haunted houses and stay on the safe side of the park because we had heard that a lot of the monsters would be hiding in bushes trying to scare people. When I FINALY got dana and beth to go around the other side the monsters were so funny to watch. They had fake knifes and they were running up to people and scaring them.. you could hear tons of shrieks from different sides of the street. I got dana to go into a haunted house with me.. but beth wouldnt. She went to a gift shop while we went inside. It was so scary!! I was thinking While I was going through the first 2 rooms "I will not chicken out I will go through with this..". When we got to the first room this chick came up to me and put a knife to my neck.. we were scared to go through the black curtain and then finaly the girl was like "JUST GO!".. hehe I guess she got sick of us sitting there trying to get the nervs to go through. When we got to the second we screamed are way through and ran. When we got to this hallway Dana was pretty much clinging to me. I knew she had her hands on my back back and was clinging for dear life. Then I felt another hand on me I was like "Dana has three hands?!?!" I turned and this guy was pushing us through.. ( he was part of the scene ). After I stoped screaming I figured out he wasnt trying to scare us and helping us through. When we got to the 3rd room h |