{ L i s a ' s - J o u r n a l }

October 6th -October 12th

Ocotber 6th..At school when im sitting there and bored my mind rases with tons of things to type about... but then when I get home.. sit infront of the computer ready to type it out. I forget it! I wish I had something to read. I really need to go to the book store. Im starting to have to read things I've already read like 4 times. My bookshelf is huge. I need to get rid of some so I can get some room for my newer ones. I want a cat.. I got on my knees and begged my mom the other day. She says if I dont get a cat she will buy me a 17" moniter. HELL YA! Lol I joke with my friends who know im addicted to this darn computer that im going to name the cat Modem. If I even get a cat. Donno yet. *sighin* I need to work on my webpage more.. its so small.. has barely anything on it. Today in Language Arts we had to write a sentence with a verb ( really hard.. heh ) in it. So I wrote "Shannon vexes Mr. Arbour ALL the time!" Which is true. He picked it up looked at it and muddered "How true". I like this backgroud.. its.... different. I had a weird dream last night. Bonnie, my mom, foster parents who i dont know, my computer ( YES, I'm so addicted I even had a dream where I got online and ctarted chatting with one of my IRC friends ). I dont rememeber much fo it anymore but it was like my mom had to give me up for addoption and these two people took me and my brother in. We started living there and I remember drying a lot because for some odd reason my mom gave me and my brother up to these people. Bonnie was also up for addoption. ( Bonnie's my cousin ) and so one day i came home from school to this new house and got on the computer and started chating with one of my IRC friends. I told him how I got sent away to live with these people.. I got up from the computer went to my room for a sec.. came back and saw him talking to my foster mother. ( yes I was talking to him over to computer dont ask me why he's in my living room ) I couldnt hear what they were saying but they were talking about something. When I got back to the computer he said he didnt beleive me and that I was lieing about being up for addoption and being with new parents. Im like.. you talked to my foster mother about this didnt you? What do you know? do you know something I dont? Was so weird. And thats where it ended.

October 7th.. Hiya. So So day. I feel sorta bad about what happend in Language Arts though. ( the more interestng things in my day always seem to end up happening in there ) We had to write down 3 wishes we wanted done. SO i did that. Then the teacher told us the 2nd wish is what you write about.. write about why u want it done. I looked at my paper and go "uh oh". My 2nd wish was for Shannon to shut up for a day so we could have some peace and quiet. I'm like "Mr Arboue im not to sure you want me writing on this subject cause i could get awful mean.". He looked at it and is like.. "lisa write about it," *glance at shannon* "I'll even help ya out on writting it if you'd like." I laughed at that. Throughout the period the teacher kept asking if i needed help writting and that he could give you a couple dozen reason to put on it. I know shannon knew what my wish was. So for her to sit there and know what the teacher was making fun of, i felt bad for her. If a teacher was doing that to me I sure would be mad. But no she sat there and ignord it. Heidi also had the same wish as me. So later we went up to her and apologized.. she looked at heidi who was standing next me and goes "good thing heidi doesnt know what my wish was about". Hedid rolled her eyes looked at me and said "You want to apologize to THAT!?". So I just gave it up.

I'm thinking of going to Mount Vern ( its this high school I'm dieing to go to!! ) You get to live there during the weeks and go home on the weekends. Its SUCH a nice school. But I have to pick either that or Charlotte High which is this really ugly run down school. All my friends are going there and most of them are bickering at me for even thinking about going to Orlando ( which is where Mount vern is ). I'd get a MUCH better education at mount vern. What to do what to do.

October 8th.. Stayed home today. It's about 10:45 in the morning. I woke up about 5:30 wiht horrible stomach pains ( cramps ). I've never had cramps this bad I dont know why in the past 2 months they've been so bad. Eck. So i guess I'll spend todays journal entry moaning about the pain. *thinks about that* yep I will. I think I'll write a story today. I havent written one in a long time and if its good enough... I'll post it on my page :) BBL!

October 9th Okay gotta make this fast. I went over to aprils today because i couldnt stay home.. the paint guys were in the shouse painting. so i went over there and hanged out with her for the day ( didnt feel weel enough to go to school ) we were talking and it got onto the subject of my mom. And she was telling me how she told her that she knows that i dont really wanna be around her as much as i used to. When i was younger i was so clingy. And now im not at all. I felt bad because i thought she had hurt feelings about that. Im not gonna wanna be around her night and day for the rest of my life ya know? April reminded me that i do have a cool mom. I can tell her anything and i know that. Not like my dad.. if i told him certain things he would go crazy. Anyway was a boring day and i gotta go before my brother cetches my on his puter.. bye!

October 10th.. WOOHOO ITS THE WEEKEND!! Yahoo! School was okay today.. I have soo much make up work it isnt even funny! I guess I'll be hitten the books this weekend. At lunch today Brandy came over and sat with us then burst into tears. It was so depressing.. her sister is in the hospital :( We sat all through lunch trying to calm her down and lift her spirits. I dont think it helped much. I hope her sister gets through this. I think if brandy keeps a positive attitude about it, it might help.

October 11th.. Last night was a blast!! I went to the homecoming game at Charlotte high with Liz. The place was packed! We walked in and we found heidi and tagged along with her for the night. We saw someone we knew just about around every corner. We saw Randal, Heather, Brandy ( she's doing much better ), Kim, Jessica, Login, ( was great seeing him again. He was in the play "Joe Thudd" with me last summer )Danille, hmmm who else. oh! And sherry. Was so great going to the game and being around everyone. The band, the flag girls, the cheerleaders, and the football team all kicked ass. I think I'll go to them more often. This morning i woke up and mom and i went shopping for like 4 hours. Spent probably 150 on books and 200 on Halloween stuff. I told her i wasent spoiled and she just laughed at me. So I guess I am a little spoiled.. well what amaxed me was that I had a good time with her. I think we should do it more often

October 12th.. What a boring day!! I woke up earlier and read all morning. Mom told me there wasent school tomorrow and im like "No school? ALL RIGHT!" I asked a little later if she was sure and she looked at the calendar and there is school. I shouldnt have opened up my mouth. I really wanna stay home tomorrow. I have so much make up work to do it isnt even funny..