{ L i s a ' s - J o u r n a l }

April 6th

I know it's been forever, and I'm sorry. I just got in this stuper.. and didn't feel like touching my page. I was close to just deleting it because of some stupid things I had done. Well I figure for now on I'll only write in my journal when I have to get things off my chest, you know just somewhere to let my thoughts out.

Lots of things have happend. First I'd like to say that on my report card I recieved 5 A's and 2 B's. I was so proud of myself because I worked so so so so so SO hard!

Matt didn't come to visit me like we planned. His ride to and from my house to the airport bailed and he didn't come. He went to SouthWales or somewhere instead and lost about a $1000 in the difference. I got a letter from him today. He says he isnt mad but I think he's lying through his caps. I mean would you still be in love with some 3rd grader if she made you lost a 1000 dollars!! ?? I think not. I sat around the whole time and got so depressed, thinking about how much fun it would have been just to hug him... just once. His mother thinks Beth and I were playing some kind of cruel joke on him and his friend. I don't think so.. I wouldnt have the heart to do something like that..

While we're talking about being nice, I'd just like to say that all of my friends are rude snobs. They are.. I swear they are. I don't like being rude to people if I don't have to, and I'm nice to people who are nice to others. I mean every person I hate ( 2 people ) is because they're absolutly cruel to others. I can't STAND being around rude people. I don't know why.. maybe because the way some people treat others is wrong. I know how it feels to be picked on, or embarrised totaly. That's why I don't pick on or taunt others!!! But other people get picked on and hurt deaply so they want to make others hurt like they do. So they're cruel.. and they make fun.. and I sit back and loathe them.
Why would someone want to make someone else hurt like that? I don't understand it. Maybe because they're shallow, lack self asteem so make themself feel better by making others feel like shit. No, no one did anything to me lately, I'm just saying.. WHY!?!~?!~?!~?!~?!~?!~?!~?!~?! Uggg.