February 26th.. TOdays my birthday. I'm finally 14!~ Yay me! I've been threatend all week by my friends that they were going to make everyone in the cafeteria to sing Happy birthday to me. Okay for those of you who don't know.. that would be very embarrising. So, Instead, my friends and I all skipped 6th period.. We snuck into the teachers lounge and got some food from the vending machines ( punishable by death if you're cought ) and spent the period having a party in one of the abandoned rooms. Was pretty fun. I dont feel like having a party this year.. I donno why.. I just.. dont feel like it. I'd rather go out to dinner with my parents ( dont laugh at me!! I'm serious!! ). |
February 27th.. Today was ok. I skipped 6th period again.. I think my teacher is starting to cetch on, *shrug*. We went to dinner tonight. My mother, Charlie, Loren, Suzzy ( my brother lorens girlfriend ) and I. We went to red lobster heh. I hate See food *yuck*. On the way up my mom handed me this box, and I opened it. It was this beautifull silver locket that opened. I love it so much it's just what I wanted. I put it on and we made our way inside. The waiter was nice.. really friendly ( I had chicken fingers if anyone c cares, hehehehe ). We came home and I was WAY to tired to cut the cake. So I just opened my presents. I got a lava lamp.. blue hehe. it's really cool.. its.. retro. :) I'm also getting a telescope!! I'll give daily reports on the nights sky if anyone wants em hehe. I dont have it just yet though.. we're ordering a cataloge and we'll order one from that. I can't wait!!! |
February 28th.. Last night dad called telling me to be ready today around 12 for a surprise and to dress nice. I'm like, "WTF? what could it be?". Well it turns out he took me to a play!! Oh I love going to plays, they're awesome. We saw West Side Story. It was this national tour group who put it on. That is something I would love to do when I'm older. Be an actress and go on tour with a group *long wishful sigh*. I love drama.. and acting. That would be so much fun. |
Guess what! Today is Matt and my 4 month anniversary! Isnt that wonderful!!?! It seems longer.. like just about forever. Things feel so right being with him, It's a shame most of my friends don't like him. I dont see why.. They're my friends right? When I mummble about how inlove I am they shouldnt be snickering and calling names, right? Wonderful |
March 1st..I talked with my good IRC friend, Nikiii today. We haven't talked in just about forever.. felt good to talk with her again. We've been friends for over a year now.. gone through 2 boyfriends together and we both helped each other get the other boyfriend back, teehee. She's having problems with her boyfriend Ian. They're going out over IRC.. they've been together for 2 months and out of that time she's only seen him 3 weeks out of that. She's tired of it.. she told me as soon as she sees him again she's going to dump him. I told her I wish I could have been that strong when I was with Justin. I went out with justin and he disappeared for 4 months.. and I sat.. and waited.. and hurt, a lot. She told me it takes a stronger person to wait as long.. and hurt as much as I did. But she helped me through it.. and I hate justin with a passion, and I have matt now. So baby.. when its all good.. then baby it MUST be all good! |
Shannon never sesis to amaze me. Theres this rumor about her helping this little 7th grader to jack off. I about died! I mean this girl has serious problems. I don't know if its true.. and frankly I don't give a shit if its true. What upsets me is that she feels she has to lie about this crap, ( and trust me its lies ). She says she's slept with 13 men. THe girl is 13 years old! That's SICK! I wonder if she is telling the truh.. if not.. why does she feel she has to do that for attention? friends don't you think? |
March 3rd..We saw this video today in class. REALLY made me think. It was called, "A class divided". It took place around the 1960's that this third grade teacher decided to teach her children a lesson on discrimination. It was right after dr.Martin Luther King was shot, and the kids were wondering why. She set ip a lesson plan that would last for three days and teacher her children that it is not right to judge a person by their skin, color or anything else that makes them different. You judge them by what they are on the inside. She started off by telling her class that the children with Blue eyes were better then the children with Brown eyes. Blue eyes were smarter, cleaner, nicer. Brown eyes were stupid, discusting, meaner. She told the class that the brown eyes had to wear collars.. so from a distance.. you could tell they were brown eyed. She told them they couldn't drink from the water fountain, they couldnt play on the playground equpment, and they couldn't get a second helping at lunch. She told the blue eyed children that they could get second helping at lunch, play on the playground and drink from the water fountain. All through the class the kids were mean the ones with brown eyes really believing that they were less then themselfs. The teacher told them that the blue eyes couldnt play or talk with the brown eyed children. The teacher put them into groups.. to the left the browned eyes and to the right the blue eyed children. She gave them tests and it tested as a group the browned eyes did very poorly as the blue eyed kids did very well. The next day... the teacher told the class that she had lied to them. It comes to truth that the brown eyed children were smarter.. cleaner.. better, and that the blue eyed kids were stupid, discusting, and less of humans beans. The blue eyed children werent allowed to use the water fountain, play on the playground, ect. The brown eyed kids teased the blue eyed kids.. calling them names. She gave them tests.. the brown eyed kids tested MUCH better then the blue eyed children. But just yesterday they had tested very poorly. The next day the teacher told them the truth. it doesn't matter your skin, eye color. You couldnt think less of a person because they may be different then you.. doesn't mean they're less of human beans. You shouldnt judge them because of that.. you should judge them because of what they are on the inside. The kids told the teacher that after they had gone home they had hated the teacher for puting them through that. But it tought them a valueable lesson.. Don't discriminate because someone is different then you.. |
Gracie pisses me off so much. She's my long time "friend" of 8 years.. we grew up together. But she's SUCH a bitch. I was talking with her on the bus and of course she totally ignores me the rest of the time. I was talking then she started making fun of my lisp. She knows god damn well how sensitive I am about that. One of my good friends.. making fun of me. She goes, "oh hhahahaa yeah I forgot you're sensitive about that." I donno.. just the way she said it made me want to slap her so bad. Of course I didn't.. she's a little girl who can't take of herself I shouldnt hit her. But she's changed so much.. she only cares about being "popular". She makes me sick. She only befriends people who can make her more popular.. *barf*. She changed from a nice sweet person to this little bitch who I want to slap. She was crying on the bus because her mom was going to be mad at her for getting another detintion. Well I felt like crying myself.. my friend.. is this BITCH! *ugg*. I always feel like her goal in life is to be better then me or something. Is that being paranoid? But its like it really is.. she rubs in my face that she's, "Oh so good at softball and made the advanced team" which she knows very well I was dying to be on. Oh and she's just, "Oh so great at horse back riding hah hah.. oh I cantered the other day.. have you ever done that before lisa? Oh no of course not I forgot you're a beginner hah hah hah HAH.". " Oh yeah I went jet skiing with my father the other day *nuck* *nuck*.. ever gone out with your dad before lisa? Oh yeah I forgot your dad is a mean, strict, fucknut. *UGG* BITCH ALERT!! Oh well.. people change. |
March 4th.. I'm really afraid of highschool.. ok so it may sound silly, but I really am! I mean I feel so lost.. I don't know where I'm going or where I'll be in the next year. There is a local highschool near by but I'm not going to it.. We might move to naples, florida, but I don't know about that either! Theres a highschool in orlando where you go to live and a couple months ago I was dying to go there. I'm so confused. Where am I going? I don't even know what town I'll be in!! I want to graduate with my friends! doesn't really look like a posibility though. And what if I dont know anyone? What if I don't make friends? Oh my god that would be so scary.. hehe i'm such a wimp, but that really would freak me out. |
We saw the other half of the video I talked about yesterday. This time the lady did the test on adults, and they even beleieved it very much. They were pretty harsh to one another.. just tells you what descrimination does to people. |