September 23rd..
heeeeya. Been a boring couple of days. Beth has pink eye and gets to stay home for a week!!! Im like "hey beth, come over to my house, use my eye liner, then let me use it" I wouldnt mind staying home from school for a whole week! Beth and I called purple yesturday. Was the first time i ever called anyone from IRC and didnt sound like a total moron. This girl named Shannon is totaly driving me up the wlal at school. She's so annoying and keeps following me around. I wanted to laugh out so bad totay during period A ( Language arts ) haha the teacher looked like he was about wanted to laugh out so bad totay during period A ( Language arts ) haha the teacher looked like he was about he jump over the podium and strangle her to death. But, of course, almost all of the teachers look like that when talking with her. Kim is so weird. She was mooing all day today. ( the sound she says comes out of the farmerplay house cow ) Can't ya tell she gets bored? I told her she better stop mooing or the caffateria ladys would come out and try to herd her into the back, put her into the grinder for this fridays hamburgers. We have this barn across the street from our school. My friends and I usally joke about how the field is one cow short on fridays. Well newayz, in Communications today we got graded on our typing skills. So from being on at least 5 hours a day for about 4 months now. You can guess i type pretty fast ( and messy, im the typo queen ) So i had the whole page done while everyone else was on the first paragraph. I hope i got an A on that paper :) I should go and do my homework. I have a lot tonight. Laters!!
September 24th..
rubs eyes and yawns* Im so tired. It's 6:20 and im tired! Weird. I got my report card today. Wanna hear? Heh, well your going to you dont have
any choice! Math, 83.8%. Science, 74. Language Arts, 90%. Communications, 88%. Computer tech, B and Band, A. Not bad i guess. I know i can do better, its more of
a matter to try harder, i think. I'm going to start a file in NotePad and type my science notes in there. When I'm done I'll get them printed out and will have something to
study with. This girl in my class had 100% in EACH and EVERY one! I was in shock. I told her those grades where in human.
I'm totaly dieing here for a good book to read. Anyone got any ideas? ( if ya do email me at: ) I LOVE reading if you hadnt guessed. :) I wish
i could get a ride to the book store. Aahhh this "time's up!" program is working again! It will shut me off in a sec so i better end this and fast. So, um, can't think of
anything else to say so... LATER!
September uhhh 26th??
Yuck what a day. Didnt start out to well either. I woke up and went into the kitchen reading the newspaper. On the front page.. SMACK..
right there, Was a picture of Bruce and his wife jackie. ( BTW, Bruce a his wife have two kids.. April and Nick.. April and I have grown up together and my brother is
good friends with Nick ) So anyways.. to the deal.. A couple of months ago Bruce's office caught on fire, and burnt to the ground. I remember his family watching it go
up in flames and crying. It was a horrible day. Well.. day? No its been hell for them for months because they were brought to court by my moms company. So your
wonder.. "huh? what happend?" Well bruce has insurance with my moms office (State Farm Insurance). He was trying to get money for this computer he says got burnt
in the fire. So for the past couple of months they've been in coutr fighting it out. SFI vs Bruce. Well they won!!! I'm happy about that because they are good people. I
really dont know what to think.. you know if he was lieing or not. My mom is sorta un happy about it. But she says its good for jackie and the kids.
Did you hear about that theory on how the moon formed? It's called the "Big Whack" theory. Lol name fits it well. The idea is that 4.5 billion years ago, an object more
massive than Mars slammed into the infant Earth so hard that object's iron core plunged to the center of our planet. It might have hit twice, with a glancing blow the first
time. Most of this kamikaze rock fused to Earth, the theory goes, but some of it went chattering into orbit as extremely hot vapor and other depris. Eventually the vapor
cooled and condensed into dust, which interspersed with the other debris to form a spinning disk with Earth at its center. So the theory says this disk eventually clumped
up to form the moon. Isnt that cool??
lolol guess what happend at school!!!! Hahaha a cow was walking through the halls. hehe, you may not believe me but its true. This cow from across the street in the
field got lose and made its way to our halls. I was walking to 6th period, turned the corner and there was a cow in the middle of the side walk! I was laughin so hard as i
watched the teachers trying to get us in and some trying to heard it up. Mr. Coffe was chasing it around, hehe. I wouldnt have been surprised to see a caffiteria lady
trying to heard it into the kitchen for next fridays hamburgers.. looks like Kim will just have to wait for next week.
okay so i gotta go LATERS!!
September 27th..
Just got back from Beth's Party!! Wanna hear what happend? Okay but first i wanna tell ya about her LAST party.
There were about 6 girls at it. It was such a LONG night! We rented this hotel room and as soon as we got there.. Beth, me, and Vanissa were left alone in the hotel
while the rest of the adults went and got the rest of the other people. So we were left alone and all of a sudden these two men were walking up in front of are door and
banging on it. They were drunk ( you could tell ) and were like "HEEEEY you girls old enough to drink!?". I tell you i have never been more scared. Venissa started
crying when the man kept banging on the door and pasing back and forth infront of it. Beth and I were on the verdge of tears when we called the main office. We told
them about the man and how we were afraid to leave the room. So this little old lady came down and waved her finger at him saying "you leave this young ladys alone!"
Beth and i were like ohhh please *in a snoty voice*. We could have done better than that. We had to call her about 3 times to come back down to our room! So when
beth's mom finally got back we told her what happend and she had a lil talk with the guy. We stayed up til about 5 swimming in the pool till this old man came by and told us to get out. It was closed for a reason and boy was he mad. I dont think i've ever gone through such a long night in my life. So at this party we went to harpoon harrys and hanged there till 1:30. This one guy was following us around like a lost dog. He was one of the guys that was Carding
everyone. You need to be 21 or over to come in without an Adult. So he kept asking us where our parents were.. and we pointed beth's dad out. Heh, he didnt believe
us.. he went up to Mr. wright.. pointed at us.. and asked if we were his daughters. So after the guy gave up.. Jenn and beth pulled me out to the dance floor. They were
making me dance! I'm SUCH the shy type and almost died. lol after a while i gave up protesting and started dancing with them. After that we went to the hotel and
Beth's mom left.. so it was me, beth, jenn, dana ( 20, friend of beth's )and Danell ( 20 also ). So none of us could get to sleep and you know what they did?! start
throwing carrot cake at each other! I was sitting on the bed staring at them with wide eyes. I made a POINT of not throwing anything at anyone because i really didnt
want to get carrot cake on me. Well they stopped.. noticed i was laughing.. and ganged up on me! I was so not in the mood.. it was like 4 AM! So dana felt that a good
way to get the cream cheese off would be to jump into the pool.. with all her clothes on. hehehe. So when she finally got out we thought it would be good to get some
sleep ( that was around 6 AM ) So when the lights were off and everyone was saying night.. a minute later a bird outside started chirping. You know the kind of chirp a
bird would do in the morning.. so we're like saying good night and this loud ass bird outside just wouldnt shut up. I found this very funny. Beth started laughin along with
me and Dana got a little mad. So we woke up at 9. I got 2 hours of sleep!! I'm still awake too.. its 7:41 PM. I'm proud of myself.
September 28th..
Well.. the whole point of having an online journal was for ppl to get to know me.. and its also a good way to take up space. Well its not going how i planned it would. I sure do hold back a lot from my entrys. You know I dont want to sound stupid or whatever. But i think im gonna just type whatever is in my heart. Which is mostly confusion. I didnt want to type some things because i didnt want it coming off like i was depressed or anything. And who would read this if it was all depressing? Oh well im not going to worry about it.
Theres this great organization called the CyberSeals.. I've been reading their website over and over for the past day. I really would like to join but im afraid i wouldnt be very good at what they do. I'm still thinking it over, though. Newayz.. lately I've been thinking a LOT about my future. Is that normal for a 13 year old? I mean im just totaly getting paranoid about it. I really really wanna be on broadway.. or be an astronaut. But the whole broadway and astronaut dream is like what EVERY kid almost dreams about doing. But most of them never do it. So am i like just sitting here wishing for something that is total impossible? i see these movies and shows of people who go to Hollywood or Newyork.. with a dream of being on broadway and never make it. So am i kidding myself or what? I think though if i want it bad enough and try hard enough i can do it. So maybe i just have to work hard and not expect it to fall in my lap. With the astronaut thing.. wouldnt that be so fun? Going into space and seeing things not many human eyes have.. and if some have from a farther distance? I wanna discover a supernova or a black hole.. or figure out whats outside the universe. Okay so am i dreaming once again?
September 29th..
Heeey. SAT's are tomorrow!!!! *running around, pulling hair, screaming!!!!!!* I HATE the SAT's.. two day's of testing. Gives me a head ache just thinking about it. But even though i do hate it... i think im gonna try and do my best. I wouldnt mind finding out my IQ and all that stuff. *big sigh* I'm so swamped at school.. i have who knows how many tests and quizes to study for.. things due.. projects to make. Its all impossible to finish!
September 30th..
This morning was horrible.. My mom made me so mad i was shaking. I really dont know how to take my anger out in agood way i gues you could put it. I always feel like breaking something or yelling and screaming. This case.. i called my mom a dumbass.. i screamed it pretty much. I feel so bad about it because she told me that i think that after we fight she goes off and doesnt think about it. But it really affects her whole day and everyone around her. I need to find some way to control my anger. I mean i looked real pathetic.. screaming, yelling, crying. Uck. The things she says to do like go for a swim or go out running or count to 10. Those things just dont work for me.. i always feel better after screaming. That doesnt sound too healthy.
October 1st..
Today i took the SAT's the last time. Woohoo! I think i did prety good. I have this channel on IRC.. and well i always feel like im babysitting them. Most of the ops are older than me and act like their 11. Drives me nuts. They should start callin me momma soon. Isnt this background cool? I think it is. I dreamnt last night.. AGAIN. THe past 4 nights I've been having this horrible dream over and over again. Well last night it was different. Wanna hear it? k. I was walking up to this big house. I've seen this house before in other dreams. We walked up to it and started swimming.. the pool was on like this hill and you had to slide down to get to the pool. Well these two girsl slide down ahead of me and i fell. I dont know what happend after that but i remember falling. After that i had a dream about John. ( John's this kid i hate.. i dont use the word hate much.. in this case. I will. ) I dreamnt we got in a fight. hehehe wasnt a nightmare cause i was having fun. This guy totaly makes me mad. I dont like him or his friends because of what they do. Today he was lecturing the back end of the bus on something. Was amazing how everyone was listening to him like he was giving out money or something. Theres this really cute kid in my class that i like. Ops gotta go. I'll tell ya about him tomorrow!!
October 2nd..
err what a frustrating day. I've been.. kicked, jumped on, scratched, slapped and my pinky toe got smashed on the side of a desk. So gracie walked up to me on the bus ramp and jumped on my back. I whirled around.. which made her fall off and i slaped her. I felt sooooo bad! But i was so mad as was slapping at anything really. We both apologized but i still feel bad about it. Aron grabbed Sara's boob today. I never laughed so hard when she turned around and kicked him in the balls. He did the same to me. he needs to get a life. I felt so sad the other day after a conversation between me and my mom. We were remembering back to when we lived with my dad in the same house. and I told her i remember the day she told me they were getting a divorce. I was like 8 and we were at chilis. And we were talking and the day we were at chilis my brother and dad went to a concert. I asked her why she didnt go and not my brother. she said i didnt want to go because i was leaving him. I dont know why that made me so sad. I was sad that night at chilis but never there after. I think this is the only other day i wished my parents were back together. but thats just a selfesh thought.
October 3rd..
This has been such a horrible day. Well the school part was ok. Except for science. I'm really starting to think Mr.Lester needs some medical help. He was saying the stupidest things! Like, " They're testing this new ray gun.. isnt that great! ".. Hey it will only hurt people.. yeah great. Justin is missing. Nikiii and ninaa called his office and talked to his dad. He's gone!! I miss him so much and i hope he's okay. Nikiii says I'm worring over nothing and he's fine. I know he can take care of himself.. but i wish he would at least email someone or talk to his dad or SOMETHING!
October 4th..
Lesson of the day.. if you see 3, 20 year olds driving by in a car.. or anyone else for that matter.. DONT yell out to them. I had a WEIRD night! Beth, Ryan, Dana, and I went to the movies. Saw "Kiss the Girl" Was a good movie. We walked around the parking lot for a bit.,.. and saw this man hitting his wife. I wanted to yell out so bad. Beth told me to put my head down and keep walking. But i just stopped and stared. Lol beth had to come back and pull me across.
The trouble begins... We walked back over to the movies and waited to be picked up. When this car with 3 girls in it drove by. Ryan yelled out "What a classic" ABout the car. They stoped.. put the car in revers and asked him what he said. He said it again and she said thanks. I dont really remember how it started. I think they said something smart ass and drove off. Beth yelled "fuck you". Me and my mouth i yelled it louder i was so mad. They stoped their car once again and came bacl. Then The girl from the back seat got out of the car and got in our faces. We started yelling shit back and forth they were saying how imature we are and we were saying it back. Dana just sat there and didnt say a word. Beth's eyes were shooting daggers at them and her mouth was flappin. I well truthfuly.. was scared. These girls said it out straight they wouldnt get arrested for woopin a couple of 15 year olds asses. After gettin bitched at they said there litttle *im older than you so i can be rude to you* good byes to us. Was the topic of conversation all the way home. And im sure it was for them too.
Beth's view
To be honest with you, I think it's all Ryan's fault, because he was the one that was yelling at first, but of course when they came to confront him about his smartass remarks, he starts haulin ass. Of course Dana and I are the only ones that were actually talking, actually the only time Ryan was talking was when they were going by, but when they pull up, he seem to have shut up, but I talked to them for the four of us. Just as they would be gettin in their car to leave, they would have something smartass to say, and I would have to talk right back, I was trying to stick up for my friends.