Lisa's Journal
February 2nd - February 9th
Febuary 2nd..
Oh bloody hell ( I picked that up from matt ). I can't stop crying. My friend Jennifer. She was walking along this road going to the store, when this ass pulled over stuck a gun to her head and said, "yo bitch get in the car NOW". She got in, against her will. He took her to a motel. He took her in and he raped her, he beat her in the head with a baseball bat, he stabbed her 40 fucking times, and then he wrapped her in a blanket, and set it on fire, burning her. I dont think I've ever cried so hard in my life. I'm ashamed to be a human being.
February 3rd..
I left yesterday without saying a whole bunch. The monster left jennifer in the woods for 4 days. She layed there, blinded, because she weas beat so bad at the head that her eyes were swelled shut. Someone found her, thank god.
I have such wonderful friends. I sent an email out to some of them about what happend, and I got almost 20 back, saying how sorry they were and that they would be praying for her. I burst into tears everytime someone asked me if I was okay, or if they asked if my friend was okay. When they asked if she was okay I couldnt answer, because I didnt know.
I can't believe there are monsters out there that would actually do this to a 14 year old girl. TO ANYONE for that matter. I feel discussted and dirty that I actually have to share this earth with them. They should be castrated then killed off. I mean this is a tiny little hick town, and some girl ends up left in the woods to die with 40 stab wonds, and scares all over her face that will huant her for the rest of her life. I mean if its so bad here whats going on over in New york city? Crap!
February 4th..Today was okay, but im really getting sick and tired of shannon. She's such a dipshit it isnt even funny. Shes a cruel little bitch and I'm sick and tired of her. She was over yesterday helping me with this project. Michael called me and I called him Matt, thinking I was talking to Matt. So Shannon hears im talking with matt and starts yelling, "you're going to rape her!! you're going to rape her!" I go shannon shut the fuck UP! And she keeps screaming it. She has this VERY VERY stupid idea that I'm going to get raped by him. Matthew is one of the sweetest guys I know.. and shannon is this dipshit little fucked up girl. Crap, I was so mad. Today we went over to her house and just being around her proved just how much a bitch this girl really is. She decided to stop working on the project with heidi and I and she called a friend. We figured "Hey we've been working for 2 straight hours, why dont we go outside and talk".. so we did.. We came back in and Shannon looks me in the eye and says, "Lisa.. I dont get mad, I get even" OhhHhhHh I was close to slapping her so I left the room.. I went up to her room and snooped around. Okay so I usually dont go through peoples stuff but I couldnt help it. I opened a drawer and it was filled with her underwear. I picked up a pair shoved them in my pocket and left. Okay so you're wondering why I took her underwear. Well this little girl made it clear she wants to fuck with me.. so I just gotta screw her over harder, faster, and before she touches me. I figure she'd be pretty embarrised if I stapled them in the 8th grade hall with a sign under it saying they were hers.. heh heh heeeh.
while we were outside, I got to know heidi a bit. She seems like a very cool girl. Doesn't have much self confidence and makes everyone elses opinions hers, but still kinda cool. We're alike in some ways and we get along. i think I'm going to try