Lisa's Journal
January 13th - January 17th
January 13th..
Ohhh.. Jeez I'm soo tired, but I still have to study for my test tomorrow, and do my 3 Current Events. *pounds head on desk* I wish there were more hours in a day!!
Ok.. Today was... interesting. We had shortend periods because of the Fcat, I think it's called. You have 45 minutes to write an essay on a topic they pick for you. Mine was "If you had a time machine, would you visit the Future or Past, and why?" Was soo easy. I picked the Future, and my Bing, Bang, and Bongo was ( stupid thing we call an EGS ) to see how the human race had devolped in space travel.. what things they had done, to see how I turned out, and to visit my grandchildren.
Heidi, Shannon, and I, skipped Band again. I hate it so much.. would probably like it more, heh, if I knew the music :) Anyway, we were studying in mrs.Smiths room and Randel came into the in. Of COURSE he just walked on over and looked over my shoulder so far I thought he was going to drool on me. Ok Want the 411 on Randle? He has sort of a little crush on me ( so I found out today ) and it didn't help any that Heidi sat there looking at us both and saying "Oh you two would be such a cute couple" Over and over. She's like "Oh you wouldnt be cheating on matt, heavens, no, matt wouldnt mind at all!" I about fell out of my chair. See I'm going out with matt right? Over the internet that is.. and I love him to death, and the little girl can't get that through her queer head. Grr I was so pissed off.. I walked away and heidi exchanged some words with randel and pulled Shannon and I into this little room so she could talk with me. For the next 30 minutes she talked over and over and OVER about Randel. Aparently he talks about me all the time on the bus and studies me or something. That down right scares the shit out of me! YUCK!! I told Danille about what heidi said and I swear the girl was rolling around on the ground laughing,.. I sure hope heidi gets over this, and picks someone else to set up with randle.
I'm soo tired. My mom and I cooked some food and brought it to my grandparents on my fathers side. It is soo sad, they can't cook for themselfs very well. I love them both to death.. we went over there and made them dinner and sat down and talked with them. I hope I dont grow old and am not able to provide for myself. I got home and I'm so swamped, I feel so overwelmed, and I HATE that feeling.
On the way home on the bus I sat in the back with some of my friends. This one kid points at me and goes "heeeey arent you the Senator of punta gordas daughter??" I'm like HUH? think about that dear.. senator?. He meant Mayor, and the answer was no. He stepped down from the job to run for State rep and won ( of course :) ). then he's like, "Ohh and you're the girl who is friends with that gay boy!" AARRRGGG!! My friend Tyrone, is one of those guys.. who is sort of.. well you know.. most likely to be a cross dresser when he gets over. He sort of acts like a girl.. crosses his legs, has a very light, soft, voice, when he walks his arms always fling and stuff.. well I just guess you have to know him. He's a great friend, probably the only guy I feel most comfortable around heh. Anyway everyday at lunch when we walk over to get our food we have to walk bye the 7th graders. These annoying couples always yell out at Tyrone, trying to annoy him, LOL it works!! Tyrone pounces on them every freaking time and I always have to drag him away while he curses at them saying, "you queer little white boy!! Come back and I'll beat the living fuck out of ya". Always puts a smile on my face, lol.
January 15th..
Was a boring day pretty much.. I wanna talk about some stuff. Always talking about it or typing about it always seems to get things straightend out in my head. So this kid named Aron is a total jerk right? The boy drives me INSANE. If I truely wanted to I could sue his ass with at least 4 sexual harrasment charges... as could half the girls at my school!! Seriously! He'll walk down the halls and I'll watch him and he'll praticly jump on girls and bother them, then chase them down the hall, till they usually hit him to get him off. Hmmm.... can you say... Fucknut?
January 17th.. Guess what!! We're leaving in.. 5 hours to go to colorado!! I can't wait.. just wish I could take a computer with me, lol. I'll explain it all when i get back. I'll be gone for a week, and I'll write everything down that happens and put it on here when i get back! Bye!!
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