Lisa's Journal
December 21st - December 28th
December 22nd..
*sniff* I have a cold.. my throat is soar.. my head is spinning.. and I have a stuffy nose :( But I'm still able to type, hehee. For the last two days I've been pidddling around the house sneezing and all stufy and sick. I talked with matt for 12 whole hours yesturday. Isnt that cool? I think it is. it's weird.. this year I'm not so in the christmas spirit. Usuallly months before christmas im counting it down.. and here I am three days away and I could barely care hehe. So is this what happens as you mature or am I just being a scrooge? I hope this isnt cause I'm getting older.. if so then i really know what purple meant when he said after I was done talking about christmas that he wished he was a kid again. Anyway I should go pump my self with liquids and sleep.. Night :)
Ok so I can't sleep. Jeff ( an IRC buddie of mine ) his friend died over the weekend and we've been talking about it. he was depressed and so very sad.. I wish I could have made him feel better but all I could do was listen. I think thats what he needed anyway.. my heart went out to him. I wish I could have made him feel better.. and I couldnt. I hate feeling helpless and I did.
December 23rd..
Erm.. Beth doesnt like my singing much hehe!! I'm on the phone with her and am singing wooh. hehe she asked me to marry her!! I must be really hot with all these purposals goin on LOL!
I was soo PISSED at ross. Last night him and my friend nicole ( all of this is online ) were talking. And he was all over her. If I was there it would not have been happening! I would have broken his fingers or something. But it pissed me off because he would not take no as an answer from nicole. She told me all about it later. So what I'm pissed about is when she said No.. he didnt hear No! He heard something else or would not take no as an answer. And umm bluntly that isnt to good for him not to know what NO means. So I explained to him that if he didnt take no as answer in real life.. he would find himself in jail sitting next to a big, Harry, gay, pediphile!!! SoOoOoOO I think he got the point *hehe*!
*sigh* Its so hard running this channel. I run #teens_n_stuff on and I find it so hard. Its not fun anymore.. All of the ops are assholes ( well most of them ) and everyone hates me! I swear they do! I've tried and tried to be fair.. but hunny.. no more MISSES nice girl. The only reason I have the channel is because Nicole started it.. then one night she couldnt take the pressure anymore so she dropped it! I registered it again to take it liike.. babysitting.. till she wanted it back because I thought she would change her mind! Its so hard to get them to listen to me.. they all have a problem with my age. They can't take orders 'from a little girl with to much power" which is EXACTLY what I am to them to them! I think some of them are jealous.. yes jealous. Blades said to me today "Lisa you pick favorites.. like _Matt_." I'm like, "What crack are you smoking, SON?? When in the hell have I EVER done something for my boyfriend that I wouldn not do for another op??" And of course he never answered me. SURPRISE! I guess I should take this as a learning experience on how to run a channel. I'm going to do things with #teencyberwitch much differently then I did with #teens_n_stuff. ( Yes, Blades. You may quote me on that paragraph )
Nicole and My Newwww PLAN!!
Ok! So listen.. I was talking to Nicole for some advice on what to do about the channel. We were talking and I said " I wish we both could be founders *SIGH* " and then i came up with this idea.. I tonight am going to drop the channel. Register under the nick "Rubberduckie" and give the password for it to both Nicole and myself. Then put Nichole and me as the co founders! And together we're run #TNS! I think #tns will be a much better channel with us both working on it.. Im really excited about this. :))))
December 24th.. Well its 12:22 AM but I'll put this under the 24th. From the time it took me to type that.. what I had planned for this paragraph has completely changed. I was going to talk about my mom and her boyfriend, charlie, and how they got drunk tonight. And how much that bothered me. but I sat here and was talking to nicole trying to make myself feel better and I hear a nock at my door. They came in to say goodnight.. seems to me they planned to talk about more then that cause they stayed. Charlie came over to me and I couldnt look him in the face and he put a hand on my shoulder asking what was wrong. I tried to keep the tears in but I just couldnt and they all came out at once. I put my head down wishing I could stop. I was all choked up I couldnt answer him. I tried to stop and I told him and my mom that I hate it when they drink. And I really hate it when they are drunk and how they act. It bothers me so much.. I dont like seeing them like that. Earlier they were sitting on the porch with the Taylors talking. And I made a comment that they were all drunk. My taylor started yelling at me telling me why it was ok and why I shouldnt harp on my mother. Ok so maybe I shouldnt harp on my mother about it.. but she does now know it bothers me and that we need to work something out. She came in here hugging me and kissing me like she needed to be forgiving or like she thought I was mad at her or something. I dont know maybe im being a huge baby over this.. I'm crying my eyes out. Maybe I'm being over sensitive? I dont know.. I'm confused. We talked.. and I do feel better. Much better. I can understand drinking every once in a while.. I just dont like seeing them drunk. ok here the tears are starting all over again.. I feel so stupid.. What a merry christmas it is.. I hope tomorrow will be better..
December 25th.. Christmas.. I was soo upset last night. I'm really on the verg of deleting what I typed, but I wont. It's not like they get drunk everynight.. they dont.. its just.. they did.. and it scared me. I dont like seeing my parents all tired and "spacey". It freaks me out.. and my mom felt so bad.. and she still does. We're gonna talk about it later I'm sure.. that's what charlie says. Ok other then that.. so you're wondering how my morning was? It was GREAT!! I woke up at 7am and thought it was to early to went back to sleep.. I woek up and and my cat was sleeping on my chest again. I smiled and pet her some then got out of bed and went into the hallway. Charlie came up to me and told me to go back to bed. They werent done wrapping yet hehe. So I went back to my room and waited.. then they said it was ok to go out. I looked around the back of the tree to find this CD rack that I REALLY wanted.. I screamed and hugged it lol. Then I looked more behind the tree and found my printer WOOHOO!!! I sat on top of it and petted it hahaha. I wanted one sooo bad. I wasent surprised I didnt get my telescope that I wanted so. Maybe I'll ask for it for my brithday :) ANyway I started opening some sutff and I got these phat ( cool ) black jeans, that are kakki. They have this green and white stripe going down the side... they're so cool. I got this black sweater with a green stripe going down the shoulders and.. hehehe I got this OTHER shirt thats a dark blue with a green and white stripe going down the shoulders and across the chest. BBl I'll wirte more when i get back
I'm back. Had to go to my dads for christmas as well.. Aunt Linda was there. She was like, "Oh lisa you're so beautiful.. you sure have blossemed" I didnt say anything rude after she said that I promise! See I KNOW I'm not very pretty so people say that.. well.. I dont know why. Maybe to make me feel better.. but that is the second time I've heard something like that within 24 hours.. last night Gracies mom said the same thing, "Oh lisa you're so tall, and those rosey cheeks... ect ect ect" I took gracie ( her daughter ) aside and asked if she had to much to drink. Lol little did I know she would be getting all her drinks from our house later in the night.
Font size=+1>December 28th..
blah.. hehehehehhehe. WOOHOOO.. no.. I'm not trippen on anything..
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