Lisa's Journal

December 13th - December 20th

December 13th..Ok so if you're reading this out there.. hold onto your seat reeeeal tight. Matt asked me to marry him. Ok so you're wondering what happend.. well we were talking. He said when he got down here to visit me he wanted to tell me something. And me being the annoying, stuborn and persistant person that I am I just had to know! I didn't want to wait 3 whole months to hear it. So he's like "Lisa, I dont know if this is going ruin things with us or not.. ". When he said that I gripped my chair and thought he was going to dump me. I got myself ready for the blow and then he's like "Will you marry me?" And im like WHAT~?!~?!~! That is so much better then being dumped ( of course!! ) So I was all giddy and that. I told him I had to think about it, after It sunk in and I realized he was serious. Shocked me that he cared for me that much.. but I can't get married. I'm only 13.. and he lives 1000's of miles away.. ( we talk over irc ). At that moment I wished I was 17.. hehe but I always feel that way so it was normal. I told him I no.. and he felt bad for asking because he thought it was stupid of him. So I called beth and told her what was going on and for advice.. she could barely believe it. So I felt like a total ass because I thought I pissed matt off.. so I disconnected and sat in my empy room. See we were moving and the mover guys couldnt move our stuff that day so I got to house sit and sit in this empty house.. and in my empty room with a computer on the rug. Beth called me and had Nigel on the line. Nigel is Matts friend. I had only talked to him a couple times.. and talking to him over the phone I have come to the conclusion that he sounds pretty cool. I think Matt and Nigel when they come down will be fun to hang out with.. also along with beth. Matt and I are hooking Nigel and her up :)

December 14th.. Oh I'm floating on cloud9 again!! Hehe! Ok So I'm in my new house now.. I woke up and my neck hurt so fricken bad :/ Probably because of the position I slept in. I'm so weird in bed I sleep in the srangest positions. If someone sleeps next to me or someone sleeps over.. I usually wake up ontop of them LOL. It isnt my fault! I can't help what I do in my sleep lol.

We moved everything to the new house and I was pretty much down everyones throat for someone to put my desk together, so i could get online, so I could talk to matt. I felt bad for bugging them but I really really had to get on because of what had happend the day before. I wanted to double check he wasent mad at me. Loren and I drove back to the old house to get the lil things.. the last things in the house. My cd player and some of his stuff. It was so sad. I walked into the house very slowly and when I walked past my house into the main living room it was beautiful. I felt so sad for leaving it. The windows were all open and the sun was shining through.. and through the glass doors you can see our swimming pool and in back of that our graden that wraps around the house and a path. And behond that the canal. Oh I felt sad that we were leaving. I took one last look and left. We drove back to the house and began unpacking our stuff again.

I only have 5 minutes to type this so here goes. I have never in my whole life of 13 years been so happy as I am when matt and I started dating. I really do think I'm in love.. and I'm so happy it isnt funny. I was talking with him earlier and I just love everything about him.. He's the sweetest person I'll probably ever know.. sooo.. I LOVE MATTHEW!! heheee!

December 15th.. I justy realized today that I have... 4 more days of school then 2 whole weeks off for winter break!! Wohoo!! But then I think after the first week I'm going to Denver Colarado for a whole week!! And I'll miss 3 days of school, hehee! I'm going with a real good buddy of mine, gracie and her family. My family is going to so its kinda of a Harrington/Singltary outing or something. It will be a blast!

I'm wondering about my position with John. Ok if you didnt know before this guy... ohh I dont even think I should start. Plain and simple is.. I HATE him. Loathe even! He is so cruel to people and it drives me insane, and yet.. he's popular. I can't believe cruelty will get you friends but this non human THING has seem to done it. I do feel strongly about what a jerk he is but my friend jennifer has been telling me about how sweet he is being to her and to others, and hey.. a really good friend once told me its a waste of energy to hate someone. But how does someone stop hating another? I dislike it a lot fighting with someone and all that.. and this last paragraphj sound really worped out so I should probably think about this somemore hehe.. oh and if you're wondering from reading what I typed.. NO.. im NOT high, hehe!

I wanted to get home early so I could cetch matt, so I called my mom and told her to cancel speach therapy. Yes, Igot to speach therapy.. I'm *REALLY* embarissed and about it and don't tell anyone unless they just have to know. So why am I writting it in here? I dont know.. really doubt anyones going to ask me about it from reading from here anyway. I hate going so much.. it's very boring. I have a lisp.. my lovely lisp.. and I'm really sensitive about it *hehe*.

This is weird.. this new house is doing weird things to me. I'm actually getting ALL of my homework done.. I feel more motevated. Now only if I could get some new furniture! We picked some out but they dont really go with the rest of my stuff.. hmm guess we're going to have to look around a little more.

December 16th.. Today was okay.. is hard to type with ym hands they're so cold! Today bonni and I finally are on the same wav link. Boni is my cousin and we have the same classes together. She hangs with these girls that are really into witchcraft and all that. They're